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Title: Quarantine Inspection Procedures for The Importation of Pear Scions Ch
Date: 2005.06.27
Legislative: 1.Promulgated on March 26, 1990.
2.Amendment to all Articles promulgated on November 1, 2000.
3.Amendment to all Articles promulgated on August 30, 2002.
4.Amendment to Article 4 promulgated on June 27, 2005.

Article 1
The procedures are established pursuant to Article 21-1, Plant Protection and Quarantine Act.


Article 2
Applicants for importing pear scions and countries for supplying such scions shall be limited to those approved by the central competent authority.
Applicants for importing pear scions as specified in the preceding paragraph shall submit annually an application with the following information:
1. A list of orchards supplying scions;
2. A plan for importing pear scions; and
3. A report on the result of the importation in the previous year.


Article 3
Applicant who applies for importing pear scions from unauthorized countries shall submit the following information to the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine (BAPHIQ) of the Republic of China for approval. Only after the approval of that authority, the said scions are authorized for importation. The information submitted shall include, but not be limited to:
1. Varietal names, horticultural characteristics, distribution of
   production areas, geographical locations and climatic
   conditions of the pear trees from which the said scions are
2. Names, occurrence and control status of the diseases and
   pests found in the areas where the said scions are originated;
3. The disease and pest control systems and the plant protection
   and quarantine measures against the diseases and pests found
   in the pear producing areas implemented by the plant
   protection and quarantine authority of the countries where
   the said scions are originated.


Article 4
The quarantine requirements are as follows:
1. The requirements for the establishment of pear orchards from
   which the said scions are supplied:
(1)The pear orchards from which the said scions are
     supplied shall locate in the areas free from the pear
     decline phytoplasma, pear fire blight disease (pathogen:
     Erwinia amylovora), or pear disease caused by Erwinia
(2)The pear orchards from which the said scions are
     supplied shall conduct integrated control measures
     against the diseases and pests of pear under the direction
     of the agricultural disease and pest control authority of
     the exporting countries and shall maintain complete
     records on the control of such diseases and pests; and
(3)The growth of pear trees in the orchards from which the
     said scions are supplied is in good conditions and the
     mother trees of the said scions have never been grafted
     with other varieties (strains) of plants.
2. If the pear vein yellows disease (pathogen: Apple stem
   pitting virus, including its synonyms Pear necrotic spot virus
   and Pear vein yellow virus) or pear chlorotic leaf spot disease
   (pathogen: Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus) is known to occur
   in the countries where the said scions are originated, the pear
   orchards from which the said scions are supplied shall be
   subject to monitoring and inspection as prescribed by the
   BAPHIQ to confirm that they are not infected with such
   diseases as listed in this subparagraph. Results of the
   monitoring and inspection shall be submitted in a written
3. The pear orchards from which the said scions are supplied
   shall conduct integrated control measures against the diseases
   and pests under the direction of the plant protection and
   quarantine authority of the exporting countries to confirm that
   the mother trees of the said scions are not infested with
   western flower thrips (scientific name: Frankliniella
   occidentalis), or infected with pear canker disease (pathogen:
   Nectria galligena), pear rot disease (pathogen: Valsa ambiens)
   or other dangerous diseases and pests.


Article 5
The procedures and requirements for the on-site inspections are as follows:
1. The plant quarantine authority shall dispatch annually its
   officer to the countries where the said scions are originated to
   conduct on-site inspections together with the designated
   officer of the plant protection and quarantine authority of the
   exporting countries and to jointly verify whether or not the
   scion-supplying orchards meet the conditions as required in
   Article 4;
2. The plant protection and quarantine authority of the
   exporting countries shall make available to the BAPHIQ a list
   of the approved scion-supplying orchards verified by the joint
   plant protection and quarantine officers in accordance with
   the preceding subparagraph; and
3. During the annual scion-harvesting period, the BAPHIQ may
   dispatch its officer to conduct on-site inspections at the sites
   of pear scions’ harvesting, assembling, packing and cold
   storage or other related areas as deemed necessary.
The travel expenses, relating to the on-site quarantine inspections conducted in the exporting countries by the designated officer as required under the preceding subparagraphs 1 and 3, shall be borne by the importer.


Article 6
The pear scions, which are deemed to meet the requirements by on-site inspections, shall be subject to pre-export inspections by the plant quarantine authority of the exporting countries and receive a phytosanitary certificate for export issued by that authority.
The aforementioned certificate shall not only certify with additional declaration in accordance with the Quarantine Requirements for the Importation of Plants or Plant Products into the Republic of China, but also clearly state the production areaes, varieties, quantity and the assigned code numbers of the scion-supplying orchards for the shipment of the said scions.


Article 7
The procedures and requirements for the import inspection are as follows:
1. The phytosanitary certificate for export issued by the
   exporting countries shall be checked and the pear scions
   shall be inspected for compliance with the import
   requirements by the plant quarantine authority. After the
   certificate and the pear scions are deemed to meet the
   requirements, the scions imported may be immediately
   released and may not be subject to post-entry quarantine.
2. The imported scions shall not be released if one of the
   following situations is found by the quarantine inspection:
(1)The package is opened or ripped off.
(2)The pear scions are found to be infected or infested with
     dangerous diseases and pests.
(3)The pear scions need to be transshipped through a
     country (countries) where the diseases and pests listed
     under Article 4 or other dangerous diseases and pests are
     known to occur, shall be prohibited to import unless prior
     approval is obtained from the BAPHIQ for means of
     transshipment which shall be in compliance with relevant


Article 8
The Regualtons become effective on the date of promulgation.