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Title: Regulations Governing Fees for Animal and Plant Quarantine Ch
Date: 2008.02.13
Legislative: 1.Promulgated on August 31, 1999.
2.Amendment to all Articles promulgated on April 24, 2007.
3.Amendment to Articles 4, 18 promulgated on February 13, 2008.

Chapter 1 General Principles
Article 1   
These regulations are pursuant to Article 39 of Statute for Prevention and Control of Infectious Animal Disease and Article 21 of Plant Protection and Quarantine Act.

Article 2   
The fees include quarantine fees, operation fees and handling fees:
1.Quarantine fees: charges for inspection of animal and plant
  diseases and pests.
2.Operation fees :
 1) On-site inspection fees;
 2) Animal holding fees, including facility fee and testing fee;
 3) Carcass burning fees;
 4) Extended operation fees;
 5) Quarantine treatment fees: fumigation, sterilization, sea
    burial, raising, cultivation, transportation and destruction,
3.Handling fees:
 1) Quarantine label fees;
 2) Fees for splitting, reissuing, replacing and copying of the
    phytosanitary / veterinary certificates.

Article 3   
The quarantine service fees shall be charged for New Taiwan Dollars (NT$). If the sum of fees charged for each batch of the articles does not exceed NT$10, the fees may be waived.

Chapter 2 Quarantine fees
Article 4   
Quarantine fees shall be charged at the rate of 0.1% of the Free on Board (FOB) value of the export articles or the import duty value for the imported articles. Quarantine fees shall be charged at the rate of 0.05% of the import duty value of the imported articles which are wheal, barley, corn or soy bean.

Article 5   
Exporters,importers (hereinafter referred to as "the applicants") or the agents, when applying for inspection , shall submit the foreign currency exchange documents or other sales documents in order to calculate the quarantine fees. If such documents are not available along with the inspection application, it is required to submit those documents within two weeks after having issued the phytosanitary/veterinary certificates. For those merchant groups or associations, where approval is granted by the competent authority to calculate the fees based on uniform values, submission of the aforementioned documents will be exempt.

Article 6   
For those articles exempt from acquiring import or export permits, quarantine fees are charged as follows:
1.Fees for the import articles are charged for the import customs
  declaration form signed by the declarant, or foreign exchange
  documents such as the trade invoice from overseas exporters,
  submitted by the applicants or the agents while applying for
2.Fees for the export articles are charged for the letter of credit
  or export customs declaration form signed by the declarant
  submitted by the applicants or the agents while applying for
  inspection. However, the fees shall be charged as per local
  sales invoices, commercial invoices or other sales proof
  documents, when application is submitted at local

Article 7   
The quarantine fees exempt for the following articles:
1.The articles are used for aid or relief purpose and
  accompanied with proof from government authorities.
2.The articles are used for military purpose and accompanied
  with proof from military authorities.
3.The articles of imported food are used for military or official
  purpose and accompanied with proof from food administrative
4.The animals, plants or their products carried by passenger or
  crew serving on vehicles, ships or aircrafts or sent via mail not
  exceeding the quantity allowed by the Bureau of Animal and
  Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine.
5.Unprocessed raw, cold-stored or frozen livestock or poultry
  meat for export, which has been paid for meat inspection fee.

Article 8   
For the export articles paid with foreign currencies, the quarantine fees shall be charged as per the payment which should be converted into NT$, based on the exchange rates applicable for custom declaration as stipulated by the directorate general of customs for every ten-day periods.

Chapter 3 Operation fees
Article 9   
The on-site inspection fees shall be charged for the actions which dispatched inspectors by the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, including on-site inspection, quarantine treatments, escort, and audit of facilities or sites, etc;
1.A fee of NT$ 500 will be charged for on-site inspection
  within the territory by each inspector every time. If the
  inspector cannot travel to the site and back within the same
  day, the fees shall be charged as per the "Regulations for
  Applying the Domestic Trip Allowance;"
2.For each batch of the articles, the on-site inspection fee shall
  be charged as the articles being inspected by one inspector.
3.On-site inspection fee shall be charged only once for the
  same applicant if several batches of the articles are inspected
  at the same place and the same time.
If large quantities of the articles are to be inspected and one inspector cannot complete the task in one day, the on-sites inspection fees shall be charged for the number of inspectors dispatched by the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine and the number of days.
No on-site inspection fee will be charged for inspection conducted at warehouses, container terminals or other locations where the offices of the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine are located.

Article 10   
For import or export animals to be quarantined at the facilities owned by the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine or at other facilities approved by the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, the animal holding fees will be charged in accordance with Table 1 Animal Holding Fees Schedule.
If the time for quarantine of an animal exceeds the time limit as per relevant regulation, the animal holding fee will include the facility fee and extended operation fee based on the extended days.
For on-site inspection of animals quarantined at other approved facilities by the inspectors dispatched by the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, the on-site inspection fee shall be charged but the facility fee shall be exempt in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of the preceeding Article.
Table1 Animal Holding Fees Schedule.doc

Article 11   
If animal dies during quarantine and the carcass is treated by burning, a animal carcass burning fee shall be charged in accordance with Table 2 Fee Standard for Animal Carcass Burning.
Table 2 Fee Standard for Animal Carcass Burning.doc

Article 12   
When applying for extended operation, the applicants or the agents shall follow the rules as described below :
1.The applicants or the agents shall apply for the extended
  operation in office hours.
2.The extended operation hours are as follows:
 1) The extended operation hours during weekdays are from
    6:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. or from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. or
    from 5:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
 2) The extended operation hours during weekends and national
    holidays are from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
 3) The special extended operation hours are from 10 p.m. to
    6:00 a.m. of next day.
3.The extended operation fees shall be charged as follows :
 1) A fee of NT$ 200 for each batch of the articles shall be
    charged during weekdays.
 2) A fee of NT$ 1,000 for each batch of the articles shall be
    charged during weekends and national holidays.
 3) A fee of NT$ 2,000 for each batch of the articles shall be
    charged for the special extended operation hours.
4.If the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and
  Quarantine approves withdrawal of applications for extended
  operation made by an applicant, the extended operation fee
  will be refunded, or be deducted in the next application for
  inspection with the deduction to be noted in the application
5.If an applicant applies for inspection of several batches of the
  articles and the inspection can be conducted at the same place
  and the same time, the extended operation fee shall be
  charged as for one batch of the articles as described in point 3.
6.The extended operation fee shall not be charged when the
  animals, plants or their products are carried by the passenger
  or crew serving on vehicles, ships or aircrafts.

Article 13   
For the import or export articles which are inspected and require further quarantine treatments, the treatment fee shall be charged as follows:
1.The fees required for fumigation and sterilization are in
  accordance with Table 3 Fumigation and Sterilization Fees
2.Sea burial, raising, cultivation, transportation and destruction:   the fees will be charged depending on the actual expenses.
When private business is authoried to handle fumigation and
sterilization, the fees charged shall follow the contracts; however, its maximum profits shall not exceed 15% of the return before tax.
Table 3 Fumigation and Sterilization Fees Standard.doc

Chapter 4 Handling fees
Article 14   
The handling fees for quarantine label used on export articles shall be charged as follows:
1.Quarantine label for general use: one label for one package,
  NT$ 1 for one label.
2.Quarantine label for one container: one label for one
  container, NT$80 for one container.
No handling fee for quarantine label is required when the animals, plants or their products are carried by passenger and crew serving on the vehicles, ships or aircrafts or sent via mail, and are within the quantity limits as set by the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine.

Article 15   
For separation, reissuance,replacemant or copy of the phytosanitary/veterinary certificate,a fee of NT$50 shall be charged for each new certificate.

Chapter 5 Supplementary Provisions
Article 16   
Charge of the fees as scheduled in these regulations shall follow budget procedures.

Article 17   
The holding fee for the animal which was arranged to be quarantined at the facility before revision of these regulations shall be charged as per the existing regulations before revision.

Article 18   
The regulations become effective from May 1, 2007.
The amended Article 4 becomes effective from February 13, 2008.
