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Title: Enforcement rules for law governing veterianrian Ch
Date: 2002.07.31
Legislative: 1.Promulgated by the Executive Yuan on February 16, 1960
2.Amended on January 22, 1982
3.Amended on August 26,1983
4.Amended on December 13,1995
5.Amended on February 29,2000
6.Amended on July 31, 2002
Content: Article 1
These enforcement rules shall be formulated in accordance with
stipulations provided under Article 55 of Law governing veterinarian
(hereinafter referred to as the "Law").

Article 2
In accordance with stipulations provided under Article 4 of the
Law, application for veterinarian certificate or veterinary aide
certificate shall be submitted to the central competent authority
for approval. The following document shall be filed together with
the application:
1. One copy of application for veterinarian certificate or
   veterinary aide certificate.
2. Original copy of qualification for veterinarian or veterinary
3. Three 2" x 2" passport-size photos, indicating name at the
   back of photos.
The document mentioned in the subparagraph 2 of the preceding
paragraph shall be returned after verification.

Article 3
The central competent authority shall keep a register each for
veterinarian certificate and veterinary aide certificate. The
register shall record the following information:
1. Certificate number and date of issue.
2. Name, ID number, sex/gender, birth date, domicile and contact
   address of veterinarian or veterinary aide.
3. Examination or qualification materials for veterinarian or
   veterinary aide.
4. Reasons and date of replacement and reissuance of
   veterinarian or veterinary aide certificate.
5. Reasons and date for cancellation of veterinarian or
   veterinary aide certificate.

Article 4
In accordance with stipulations provided under Paragraph 1 of
Article 5 of the Law, those applying for practice license shall
file the following documents together with the appropriate license
fee to respective competent municipal or county (city) authority
for approval:
1. One copy of application for veterinarian practice license.
2. Original and Xerox copy of veterinarian certificate; original
   certificate shall be returned after verification.
3. Two copies of recent 2" x 2" passport-size photos indicate
   name at the back of photo.
4. Documents certifying membership at local veterinarian
5. Certification documents of practice organization. This
   requirement is not needed for those who are applying at the
   same time for opening a veterinary medical institution/clinic.
Veterinary aide applying for a practice license shall observe
regulations provided above and shall be required to include
practice qualification documents of a veterinary aide.
In issuing practice license, the notation "Practice license issued
number _____county (city), _____date) shall be stamped (3 cm long
2 cm width) at the back of the veterinarian or veterinary aide
Those who have already obtained veterinarian or veterinary aide
certificate prior to the modification of the enforcement rule
shall be required to apply for practice license within two years
from the date of amendment of this enforcement rule.

Article 5
The municipal or county (city) competent authority shall keep a
register for practice license containing the following information:
1. License number and date of issue.
2. Name, ID number, sex/gender and birth date of applying veterinarian
   or veterinary aide.
3. Certificate number of applying veterinarian or veterinary aide.
4. Name and address of practice organization.
5. Reason and date for replacement or reissuance of practice license.
6. Reason and date for cancellation of practice license.
7. Other matters which should be registered.

Article 6
In accordance with stipulations provided under Article 7 of the
Law, veterinary practice organizations include:
1. Public veterinary clinic/ institution
2. Private veterinary clinic/institution
3. Animal breeding farm recruiting full-time veterinarian or
   veterinary aide.
4. Animal health, inspection and research institutions
5. Animal quarantine agencies
6. Animal health agencies
7. Biological drug firm for animals.
8. Farmers associations
9. Slaughter houses.
10.Other animal or veterinary organization recognized by the
   central competent authority.

Article 7
When the practice is closed, suspended, or resumed or the address
for practice is changed, the veterinarian shall be reported, approved
and filed in accordance with stipulations provided under Paragraph 1
of Article 8 of the Law. An application shall be submitted to the
original issuing authority, together with the practice license and
relevant documents and shall be handled in accordance with following:
1. Close: cancel practice license.
2. Suspension: indicate date of suspension on practice license
   and return it to its holder.
3. Resumption: indicate date of resumption on practice license
   before returning it to its holder.
4. Changes in the address for practice: makes necessary registration
   on changes. However, when the address for practice is moved to
   a different administrative area, the practice license shall be
   submitted for cancellation. In accordance with stipulations
   provide under Paragraph 1 of Article 5 of this Law, a new
   application for practice license shall be filed.

Article 8

Article 9
The term "notifiable diseases" pursuant to Article 13 of this Law
refers to infectious animals diseases pursuant to Article 6 of
Statue for Prevention and Control of Infectious Animal Disease.

Article 10
The term "experiences" referred to under Paragraph 2 of Article
16 of the Law denotes experience obtained after the veterinary
aide has been certified. The term "assist in executing veterinarian
business” provided under Subparagraph 1 and 2 of the same paragraph
refers to those who engage in professional veterinary work under
the guidance of a full-time veterinarian.

Article 11
In accordance with stipulations provided under Paragraph 2 of
Article 16 of the Law, a veterinary aide applying for a practice
license shall provide an application to the municipal or county
(city) competent authority, which will submit this to the central
competent authority for approval of certification.

Article 12
In accordance with stipulations provided under Paragraph 1 of
Article 17 of the Law, the following documents and appropriate
license fee shall be submitted together with the application for
opening permit of a veterinary medical institution/clinic to the
municipal or county (city) competent authority for approval:
1. Application for opening permit.
2. Original copy and Xerox copy of the responsible
   veterinarian or veterinary aide practice license; original copy
   shall be returned after verification. This requirement is not
   necessary for those who are also applying for opening permit.
3. Copy of ID of the applicant.

Article 13
The municipal or county (city) competent authority shall keep a
register for opening permit, and record the following:
1. Opening permit number and date of issue.
2. Name, ID number, sex/gender, birth date of the responsible
   veterinarian or veterinary aide.
3. Name and number of the certificate and practice license permit
   of veterinarian or veterinary aide working inside the veterinary
   medical institution/clinic.
4. Name and address of the veterinary medical institution/clinic.
5. Name, ID number, sex/gender, birth date of representatives of
   the public veterinary medical institution.
6. Reasons and date for replaced license.
7. Reasons and date for cancellation of license.
8. Other matters which must be registered.

Article 14
In accordance with stipulations provided under Paragraph 1 of
Article 19 of the Law, the name of a veterinary medical
institution/clinic shall be limited as follows:
1. "The-Name" animal hospital
2. "The-Name" livestock hospital
3. " The-Name " veterinary hospital
4. " The-Name " (kind of animal) special hospital
5. " The-Name " animal clinic
6. " The-Name " livestock clinic
7. " The-Name " (kind of animal) special clinic
8. " The-Name School" auxiliary animal hospital
9. " The-Name School" auxiliary livestock hospital
10. " The-Name University" auxiliary animal hospital
11. " The-Name University" auxiliary livestock hospital
12. " The-Name School" veterinary education hospital
13. The other names recognized by the central competent authority

Article 15
When a veterinary medical institution/clinic is closed, suspended
or resumed or changes its registered item, the responsible veterinarian
or veterinary aide shall report and approved in accordance with
stipulations provided under Article 12 of the Law. An application
form shall be duly filled out and submitted to the original issuing
authority together with the opening permit and relevant documents.
And it shall be handled in accordance with the following regulation:
1. Close: cancellation of its opening permit.
2. Suspension: indicate date of suspension of opening permit before
   returning to applicant
3. Resumption: indicate date of resumption of opening permit before
   returning to applicant.
4. Changes in registered item: conduct amendment in registration.
   However, if business practice is moved to other administrative
   area, opening permit shall be submitted for cancellation. In
   accordance with stipulations provided under Article 17, Item 1
   of the Law, a new application for opening permit shall be filed.

Article 16
Replacement and reissuance of a damaged or lost veterinarian or
veterinary aide certificate, practice license or opening permit
shall be conducted in accordance with stipulations provided under
Article 2, Article 4 or Article 12 of the Law.
Where the certificate, license or permit has been replaced or
re-issued due to damage, the original copy of the certificate
license or permit shall be submitted for cancellation. In the
event which the certificate, license or permit has been lost,
reasons shall be stated.

Article 17
Duration of keeping of diagnostic records and inspection records
of veterinary medical institution/clinic shall be set at five
years in accordance with stipulations provided under Paragraph 3
of Article 22 of the Law.

Article 18

Article 19
Election of directors and supervisors of superior veterinarian
associations shall not be restricted to the directors and supervisors
of subordinate veterinarian associations.

Article 20
Members of a subordinate veterinarian association selected to attend
the supervisor veterinarian association shall not be restricted to
its directors or supervisors.

Article 21
The number of representatives in the subordinate veterinarian
association selected to attend the superior veterinarian association
shall be determined by the ratio of the numbers of members of
various subordinate associations, or by the ratio of regular annual
fees paid by the associations.
The number of representatives mentioned above shall be prescribed
in the charter of the superior veterinarian association.

Article 22
A subordinate veterinarian association shall pay a regular annual
fee to the superior veterinarian association. Amount and deadline
for payment shall be prescribed in the charter of the superior
veterinarian association.

Article 23
The central competent authority shall prescribe formats of certificate,
license, application forms, records and certification documents
mentioned in the Law and the enforcement rules.

Article 24

Article 25
These enforcement rules shall become effective on the date of