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Title: Operation Directions for the Importation of Day-old Poultry and Fertilized Eggs from the Designated Establishments Ch
Date: 2023.07.26
Legislative: 1.Promulgated on March 15, 2023
2.Amended on July 26, 2023
Content: 1.The Operation Directions are enacted to add, suspend and regain
  the designation of the designated establishments (hereinafter
  referred to as DE(s)) by the Ministry of Agriculture (hereinafter
  referred to as the MOA), and pursuant to the Subparagraph 2 of
  Paragraph 2 of Article 4 of the “Regulations for the Importation
  of Objects Subject to Animal Quarantine”.

2.The government of the exporting country, the domestic associations
  or the importers apply to the MOA for adding and regaining the
  designation according to the Operation Directions. For the
  application of the DE(s) which is conducted assessment and
  approved by the MOA to ensure the DE(s) is able to prevent the
  risk of highly pathogenic avian influenza (hereinafter refer to
  as HPAI) from being introduced to this country, the DE(s) will
  be listed as qualified establishments or observed establishments
  according to Article 3 of the Operation Directions, and will be
  added to the list of the DE(s) for day-old poultry and fertilized
  eggs published on the website of the Animal and Plant Health
  Inspection Agency (hereinafter referred to as APHIA).

3.1 The DE(s) will be added to the list after the MOA’s review,
    which comply with all of the following requirements:
3.1.1 No cases of HPAI have been occurred in the past 6 months in
      the DE(s).
3.1.2 The Department of Animal Industry of the MOA assesses that
      it is required by the domestic industry.
3.1.3 The previous qualified importing record is confirmed by APHIA.
3.2 The DE(s) that have exported day-old poultry and fertilized
    eggs to this country with qualified importing records will be
    listed as qualified establishments. The DE(s) that has no
    importing records will be listed as observed establishments.

4. The MOA will immediately suspend the designation of the DE(s)
   from exporting day-old poultry or fertilized eggs when one of
   the following conditions are met:
4.1 The information from the World Animal Health Information System
    (WAHIS) of the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH),
    the website of the exporting country or other countries shows
    that there is an HPAI outbreak in the DE(s).
4.2 This country received notification of HPAI outbreak in the
    DE(s) from the competent authority of the exporting country.
4.3 Any non-compliance of the import quarantine requirements is
    found by APHIA.
4.4 The exporting country does not cooperate in conducting the
    on-site audit for the DE(s).

5. The DE(s) will be regained their designation by complying with
   one of the following requirements:
5.1 The suspension of the DE(s) information of WAHIS, of the website
    of the exporting country, or the application of the exporting
    country has been reviewed and confirmed by APHIA demonstrating
    that after completing the culling, cleaning and disinfection
    for the last case, the DE(s) has been free from HPAI for at
    least 28 days (wild bird cases are not applicable).
5.2 The on-site audit of the DE(s) has been completed and the
    result(s) demonstrates that the DE(s) complies with the
    relevant import quarantine requirements.

6. This country may conduct on-site audit of the DE(s) when one
   of the following conditions are met:
6.1 There is suspicion about the HPAI outbreak or the biosecurity
    management in the DE(s).
6.2 Due to the HPAI outbreak in the DE(s), the DE(s) has been
    suspended for exporting day-old poultry or fertilized eggs to
    this country in accordance with Article 4 of the Operation
    Directions, but intend to apply for regaining the designation.
6.3 The DE(s) does not meet the relevant import quarantine
    requirements and has been suspended for exporting day-old
    poultry or fertilized eggs to this country in accordance with
    Article 4 of the Operation Directions, but intend to apply
    for regaining the designation.
6.4 The DE(s) applies for listing as qualified establishments or
    observed establishments.

7. During the period from the application for the quarantine
   inspection of importation of day-old poultry and fertilized
   eggs to the completion of post-entry quarantine, if HPAI outbreak
   is suspected in the DE(s), the sampling of 15 individuals for
   HPAI testing as enhanced quarantine measure shall be conducted.