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Title: Regulations for the Importation of Objects Subject to Animal Quarantine Ch
Date: 2022.06.17
Legislative: 1.Promulgated on March 29, 2022
2.Amended by Council of Agriculture on June 17, 2022
Content: Article 1
The Regulations for the Importation of Objects Subject to Animal 
Quarantine (hereinafter "the Regulation") is enacted pursuant to 
Paragraph 3 of Article 33 of the Statute for Prevention and Control 
of Infectious Animal Diseases (hereinafter "the Statute").

Article 2
The scope of the objects subject to animal quarantine (hereinafter 
"quarantine objects") under the Regulation refers to items as 
defined in Paragraph 2 of Article 5 of the Statute.

Article 3
For the importation of quarantine objects, unless otherwise 
stipulated in the Regulation, importers or their agents shall 
submit the following documents to the import/export animal 
quarantine authority of the Republic of China (hereinafter the 
import/export animal quarantine "authority") to apply for 
quarantine inspection:
1.Original veterinary certificate.
2.Bill of lading or sea waybill/air waybill.
3.Photocopies of import declaration or customs declaration.
4.Other relevant documents designated by the import/export animal 
  quarantine authority of the importing country.

Article 4
The following quarantine objects of live animals and their semen, 
oocytes, embryos and fertilized eggs are prohibited from being 
imported unless those fall into Paragraph 2.
2.Aves class originating from countries or zones not recognized 
  as being free from highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).
3.Equidae family of Perissodactyla of Mammalia originating from
  countries or zones not recognized as being free from African 
  horse sickness (AHS) and glanders.
4.Susceptible cloven-hoofed animals of Artiodactyla of Mammalia
  originating from countries or zones not recognized as being 
  free from foot and mouth disease (FMD), contagious bovine 
  pleuropneumonia (CBPP), peste des petits ruminants (PPR), 
  classical swine fever (CSF), and African swine fever (ASF).
5.Cattle originating from countries or zones that are recognized 
  with reported case(s) of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE
6.Animal species mentioned in the above Subparagraphs 2 to 4 and
  their fertilized eggs originating from countries or zones 
  recognized as being free from regulated diseases are transferred 
  from one transportation tool to another in countries or zones 
  not recognized as being free from regulated diseases.
The aforementioned live animals are exempt from the import prohibition 
if they meet either one of the following categories:
1.Quarantine objects that are for research purposes or to supply 
  domestic emergency needs with import approval of the central 
  competent authority of the importing country.
2.Bovine semen, oocytes and embryos that are imported from countries 
  (zones) with reported case(s) of BSE.
3.Quarantine objects mentioned in Subparagraph 6 of Paragraph 1 
  of this Article that meet either one of the following requirements:
(1) If the quarantine conditions specified in the Regulation 
    encompass risk control measures: The import/export animal 
  quarantine authority confirms that the risk control measures 
  adopted are in compliance with the regulations.
(2) If the quarantine conditions specified in the Regulation does 
  not encompass risk control measures: Appropriate risk control 
  measures are taken and the importation is approved by the 
  import/export animal quarantine authority.

Article 5
The importation of the following Aves class and their fertilized 
eggs shall comply with the relevant quarantine requirements:
1.Poultry and birds: Refer to Attachment 1-1.
2.Day-old poultry and birds and fertilized eggs: Refer to Attachment
3.Fertilized chicken eggs for research purposes or vaccine production: 
 Refer to Attachment 1-3.
The importation of the following Aves class and their fertilized 
eggs from the United States shall comply with the relevant quarantine 
requirements and is exempt from the restrictions set forth in the 
preceding Paragraph:
1.Poultry and birds imported from the United States: Refer to 
 Attachment  2-1.
2.Day-old poultry and birds and fertilized eggs imported from the 
 United States: Refer to Attachment 2-2.
3.Fertilized chicken eggs for research purposes or vaccine production 
 imported from the United States: Refer to Attachment 2-3.

Article 6
The importation of quarantine objects that are Equidae family of 
Perissodactyla of Mammalia shall comply with the “Quarantine 
Requirements for the importation of Horses” set forth in Attachment 

Article 7
The importation of the following quarantine objects which are 
cloven-hoofed animals of Artiodactyla of Mammalia shall comply 
with the relevant quarantine requirements:
1.Cattle: Refer to attachment 4-1.
2.Pigs: Refer to attachment 4-2.
3.Sheep and Goats: Refer to attachment 4-3.
4.Deer: Refer to attachment 4-4.
5.Camelidae animals imported from Australia: Refer to attachment 
The importation of cattle from Australia shall comply with the
"Quarantine Requirements for the importation of Cattle from 
Australia" set forth in Attachment and is exempt from Subparagraph 
1 of the preceding Paragraph restrictions.

Article 8
For the importation of dogs and cats of Mammalia, prior to import, 
importers or their agents shall apply for the issuance of import 
quarantine permits from the import/export animal quarantine 
authority and comply with the "Quarantine Requirements for the 
Importation of Dogs and Cats" set forth in Attachment 6.

Article 9
The importation of quarantine objects of mammals listed in Articles 
6 to 8 shall comply with the relevant quarantine requirements:
1.Order Lagomorpha: Refer to Attachment 7-1.
2.Order Primates (non-human): Refer to Attachment 7-2.
3.Marsupials: Refer to Attachment 7-3.
4.Giant Pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca): Refer to Attachment 7-4.
5.Hedgehogs: Refer to Attachment 7-5.
6.Meerkats (Suricata suricatta): Refer to Attachment 7-6.
7.Other mammals: Refer to Attachment 7-7.

Article 10
The importation of the following live animals of other classes 
shall comply with the relevant quarantine requirements:
1.Tortoises: Refer to Attachment 8-1.
2.Bees: Refer to Attachment 8-2.
3.Live fishes and their gametes and fertilized eggs: Refer to 
 Attachment 8-3.
4.Live crustaceans and molluscs: Refer to Attachment 8-4.
The importation of live eels and abalones for human consumption 
from Australia shall comply with the "Quarantine Requirements 
for the Importation of Live Eels and Abalones from Australia" 
set forth in Attachment 9 and is exempt from the restrictions 
set forth in Subparagraphs 3 to 4 of the preceding Paragraph.

Article 11
The importation of laboratory animals shall comply with the 
"Quarantine Requirements for the Importation of Animals for 
Research Purposes" set forth in Attachment 10 and is exempt from 
the restrictions set forth in Articles 5 to 10.

Article 12
The importation of the following animal semen shall comply with 
the relevant quarantine requirements.
1.Bovine semen: Refer to Attachment 11-1.
2.Swine semen: Refer to Attachment 11-2.
3.Caprine and ovine semen: Refer to Attachment 11-3.
4.Deer semen: Refer to Attachment 11-4.
5.Equine semen: Refer to Attachment 11-5.
6.Canine semen: Refer to Attachment 11-6.

Article 13
The importation of the following animal embryos shall comply with 
the relevant quarantine requirements.
1.Bovine embryos: Refer to Attachment 12-1.
2.Swine embryos: Refer to Attachment 12-2.
3.Caprine and ovine embryos from the United States: Refer to Attachment
4.Caprine embryos from France: Refer to Attachment 12-4.

Article 14
Prior to importing animals referred in Articles 5 to 10, importers 
or their agents shall apply for designated animal quarantine 
facilities or other designated places for post entry quarantine 
Unless otherwise stipulated in the quarantine requirements, after 
importation, the animals referred in Articles 5 to 10 shall be 
accordingly quarantined in compliance with the following respective 
quarantine periods:
1.Aves: 10 days; fertilized eggs of Aves shall be quarantined for 
 10 days after being hatched.
2.Equidae of Perissodactyla of Mammalia: 10 days.
3.Cloven-hoofed animals of Artiodactyla of Mammalia: 15 days.
4.Carnivores of Mammalia: 21 days.
5.Other animals: 7 days.

Article 15
The following animal products are prohibited from being imported.
1.Animal products with disease-transmission potential derived from 
 Aves animals originating from countries (zones) not recognized 
 as being free from HPAI or ND.
2.Animal products with disease-transmission potential derived from 
 Equidae animals of Perissodactyla of Mammalia originating from 
 countries (zones) not recognized as being free from glanders.
3.Animal products with disease-transmission potential derived from 
 susceptible Artiodactyla animals of Mammalia originating from 
 countries (zones) not recognized as being free from FMD, CBPP, 
 PPR, CSF, or ASF.
4.Animal products with potential to transmit BSE originating from 
 countries (zones) with reported case(s) of BSE.
5.Animal products listed in Subparagraphs 1 to 3 of this Paragraph, 
 except bovine serum, originating from countries (zones) recognized 
 as being free from regulated infectious animal diseases, which 
 change their transportation vehicle in countries (zones) not 
 recognized as being free from the corresponding regulated 
 infectious animal diseases during the transit.
The animal products listed in the preceding Paragraph may be 
imported if any of the following conditions are met:
1.Quarantine objects that are specifically for research trial use 
 which have been granted by the central competent authority or 
 are in compliance with Article 20.
2.Animal products that comply with the conditions of the 
 high-temperature sterilization canning procedure, excluding the 
 products intended for feed use containing ruminate ingredients 
 originating from countries (zones) with reported case(s) of BSE.
3.Animal products which its manufacturing processes and other risk 
 control measures have been assessed and approved that can effectively 
 prevent the transmission of regulated infectious animal diseases 
 and has been approved by the central competent authority prior 
 to the importation.
4.Animal products listed in Subparagraph 5 of the preceding Paragraph 
 that comply with the "Regulations of Import Quarantine Operation 
 for Animal Products Transported by Closed Container".
The conditions of the high-temperature sterilization canning 
procedure mentioned in the preceding Paragraph refers to low-acid 
canned food or acid canned food that are in compliance with the 
"Regulations on Good Hygiene Practice for Food" of the importing 

Article 16
The importation of the following meat products shall comply with
the relevant quarantine requirements:
1.Game meat: Refer to attachment 13-1.
2.Poultry meat: Refer to attachment 13-2.
3.Meat derived from Artiodactyla animals: Refer to attachment 13-3.
The importation of chilled or frozen beef from Paraguay for human 
consumption shall comply with the "Quarantine Requirements for 
the Importation of Deboned (Chilled or Frozen) Beef from Paraguay 
into the Republic of China" set forth in Attachment 14 and is 
exempt from the restrictions set forth in the preceding Paragraph.

Article 17
The importation of the following animal feed shall comply with 
the relevant quarantine requirements:
1.Dog and cat food: Refer to Attachment 15-1.
2.Animal feed: Refer to Attachment 15-2.
3.Straw and forage for animal feed: Refer to Attachment 15-3.

Article 18
The importation of bovine serum and animal vaccine shall comply 
with the relevant quarantine requirements:
1.Bovine serum: Refer to Attachment 16-1.
2.Animal vaccine: Refer to Attachment 16-2.
The importation of bovine serum from the following designated 
countries shall comply with the relevant quarantine requirements 
and is exempt from the restrictions set forth in Subparagraph 1 
of the preceding Paragraph:
1.Bovine serum from the United States: Refer to Attachment 17-1.
2.Fetal bovine serum from Canada: Refer to Attachment 17-2.
3.Fetal bovine serum from Paraguay: Refer to Attachment 17-3.

Article 19
The importation of the following animal products, which are not 
listed in Articles 16 to 18 of the Regulation, shall comply with 
the relevant quarantine requirements:
1.Processed products containing meat: Refer to Attachment 18-1.
2.Dried animal products: Refer to Attachment 18-2.
3.Frozen/chilled uneviscerated fish products: Refer to Attachment
4.Products of animal origin: Refer to Attachment 18-4.

Article 20
The importation of biological materials for research purposes 
shall comply with the "Quarantine Requirements for the Importation 
of Biological Materials for Research Purposes" set forth in 
Attachment 19.

Article 21
For quarantine objects which their quarantine requirements are 
not yet designated, importers or their agents shall complete the 
application form and provide the following documents to apply for 
the issuance of individual quarantine requirements:
1.The animal's scientific name, including genus and species, or 
 names and ingredients statement of animal products.
2.The animal's health records, or the source of the raw materials 
 and manufacturing process of the animal products.
3.Other relevant documents designated by the import/export animal 
 quarantine authority.
The central competent authority shall notify the importers or 
their agents who fail to provide the required documents/information 
accordingly to resubmit within a prescribed time limit. Any 
applications that fail to provide complete required documents or 
those submitted exceeding the due date set by the central competent 
authority will not be accepted.
If applications submitted in accordance with Paragraph 1 are 
evaluated by risk assessment and in compliance of the following 
requirements, individual quarantine requirements may be issued by 
the central competent authority:
1.There is no risk of introducing regulated infectious animal 
 diseases after assessment.
2.The risk of introducing regulated infectious animal diseases 
 can be controlled.

Article 22
The Regulation shall enter into force on April 29, 2022.