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Title: The Standards Rates of the Fees Concerning Plant Variety and Plant Seed Administration Ch
Date: 2022.02.08
Legislative: 1.Full text of 11 articles enacted and promulgated on June 29, 2005 by Council

of Agriculture, Executive Yuan Order Nung-Shou-Liang-Tzu No. 0941057961
2.The amendment to Article 3 and 11 promulgated on February 8, 2022 by
Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan Order Nung-Liang-Tzu No. 1101066
321, entering into effect upon promulgation.
Content: Article 1
These Standards are enacted in accordance with Article 52, 
Paragraph 3 and Article 61, Paragraph 5 of the Plant Variety and
Plant Seed Act and Article 10 of the Charges and Fees Act.

Article 2
The plant variety right application fee, certificate fee, and 
annual fees are as follows:
1. The application fee of plant variety right shall be 
   NT$2,000 for each variety.
2. The certificate fee of plant variety right shall be 
   NT$1,000 for each variety.
3. Annual fees of plant variety right:
(1) The first to the third year: NT$600 per year.
(2) The fourth to the sixth year: NT$1,200 per year.
(3) The seventh to the ninth year: NT$2,400 per year.
(4) The 10th to the 12th year: NT$4,800 per year.
(5) The 13th to the 16th year: NT$9,600 per year.
(6) The 17th year and after: NT$19,200 per year.

Article 3   
The characteristics examination fee of plant variety shall be 
NT$12,000 for each variety.
The characteristics follow-up testing fee of plant variety shall
be NT$6,000 for each variety.
The translation fee for the characteristics examination reports
shall be charged for each variety as prescribed in the
applicable international agreement.

Article 4
The application fee for licensing a plant variety right to a 
third party or creating a pledge on a plant variety right, and
the fee for canceling a registration shall be NT$500 for each 
The application fee for registration of inheritance or 
assignment of plant variety right shall be NT$1,000 for each 

Article 5
The application fee for a plant variety right compulsory license
shall be NT$30,000 for each variety for non-profit users and 
NT$60,000 for each variety for for-profit users.

Article 6
The application fee for nullification or cancellation of a third 
party's plant variety right shall be NT$3,000 for each variety.
The additional fees specified in Article 3 must also be paid if 
characteristics examination or characteristics follow-up testing
is required.

Article 7
The application fee for approval of a transgenic plant field test
institution shall be NT$12,000 per case.

Article 8
The application fee of genetic characteristics investigation or 
biosafety assessment permit for a transgenic strain shall be 
NT$8,000 per case; the application fee for the two tests 
combined shall be NT$12,000 per case.

Article 9
The application fee for issuance of a registration certificate 
for plant seed enterprise shall be NT$800 per certificate.

Article 10
The application fee for replacement or re-issue of a registration 
certificate for plant seed enterprise or plant variety right 
certificate shall be NT$500 per certificate.

Article 11
These Standards shall take effect on the day this Act is enforced.
The amended articles of the Standards Rates shall come into effect
upon promulgation.