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Title: Regulations for Quarantine of Animal/Plant Carried by Passengers and Service Personnel on Vehicles Ch
Date: 2019.07.03
Legislative: 1. Adopted and promulgated on January 30, 2003
2. Amendment to Articles 2, 3 and promulgated on September 12, 2007
3. Amendment to Articles 4, 8 and promulgated on February 16, 2011
4. Amendment to Article 3 and promulgated on September 8, 2011
5. Amendment to the Annex of Article 2 and promulgated on April 8, 2015
6. Amended and promulgated on 3 July, 2019

Article 1
The Regulations are pursuant to Paragraph 1, Article 39 of the
Statute for Prevention and Control of Infectious Animal Disease
and Article 21-1 of the Plant Protection and Quarantine Act.

Article 2
These regulations are applicable to animal and plant regulated
articles carried by passenger(s) or crew of vehicles, vessels,
and aircrafts (inbound/outbound personnel hereinafter) as specified
by the category and quantity of the Annex.
For regulated articles that do not conform to the provisions of
the preceding paragraph, these are then subject to the application
procedure for general goods for import/export quarantine.

Article 3
Charges for quarantine inspection, attending service, overtime
service, computer processing and quarantine labeling are exempted
for regulated articles specified in Paragraph 1 of Article 2;
other operational fees and costs are collected in accordance with
relevant regulations.

Article 4
Outbound personnel carrying regulated articles which quarantine
inspection is required by the importing country shall complete
the application form and apply for export quarantine inspection
to the animal and plant quarantine authority with the presence
of passport, ticket and other relevant documents.

Article 5
Quarantine tags are issued by the animal and plant quarantine
authority for outbound regulated articles after inspection with
no evidence of infection with diseases/pests. Alternatively, animal
health/phytosanitary certificates may be issued when importing
country requires one or more of the following:
1.Animal health/Phytosanitary certificates,
2.Additional declarations, and/or
3.Statement of quarantine treatment.

Article 6
Inbound personnel carrying regulated articles shall complete the
application form and apply for import quarantine inspection to
the animal and plant quarantine authority with the presence of
passport, customs declaration form, original of animal health/
phytosanitary certificates and other relevant documents.
The inbound personnel or their agents shall be present during the
inspection process.

Article 7

Article 8

Article 9
The animal and plant quarantine authority shall issue animal health/
phytosanitary certificates for the inbound regulated articles that
meet quarantine regulations.
When treatment, post-entry quarantine, bonding at the customs for
reshipment or destruction is required, the animal and plant quarantine
authority shall issue the "Notification of Non-Compliance of Imported
Animals/Plants or Products."

Article 10
Personnel with diplomatic privilege carrying regulated articles
(including those in their unaccompanied baggage) shall apply for
inspection in accordance with the Regulation.

Article 11

Article 12
The Regulations should come into effect on the date of promulgation.
