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Title: Regulations for Quarantine of Plant Regulated Articles Export and Import by Mail Ch
Date: 2019.05.30
Legislative: 1.Promulgated on May 30, 2019

Article 1
These regulations are established in accordance with Article 21-1,
Plant Protection and Quarantine Act (hereinafter referred to as
“the Act”).

Article 2
The export and import of plant regulated articles listed below
delivered by mail shall be conducted in accordance with these
1.For export: The importing country requests a phytosanitary
  certificate in accordance with the first paragraph of Article
  20 of the Act and the mailing commodities are seeds less than 1
  kilogram, bulbs less than 3 kilograms, or plants and other plant
  products less than 10 kilograms.
2.For import: Meeting the requirements under the provision of the
  third paragraph of Article 17 of the Act.
The exporting plant regulated articles exceeding the weight
specified by the subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph, its
export quarantine procedure shall follow that of the general

Article 3
To apply for an export phytosanitary certificate in accordance
with the first paragraph of Article 20 of the Act, the sender
shall complete an application form, enclose identification
documents, and prepare plant regulated articles to file a quarantine
application with the plant quarantine authority with jurisdiction
over the recipient's location before export.
If the quarantine result of the plant regulated articles by the
plant quarantine authority with jurisdiction over the recipient's
location under the preceding paragraph does not show any pest
infestation and if the requirements of the importing country are
satisfied, the plant quarantine authority with jurisdiction over
the recipient's location will issue a quarantine tag. However,
if any of the following conditions applies, an export phytosanitary
certificate for export may be issued:
1.The importing country requests the issuance of a phytosanitary
2.The importing country requests a declaration of quarantine 
3.The importing country requests a declaration about quarantine
If the information in the application form of the first paragraph
is incomplete, the plant quarantine authority with jurisdiction
over the recipient's location shall notify the sender to make
supplemental submission before the deadline.  If the supplemental
submission is not made before the deadline, or if the information
remains incomplete after supplemental submission, the application
will not be processed.

Article 4
For importing plant regulated articles by mail in accordance with
the proviso of the subparagraph 2 of the third paragraph of Article
17 of the Act, the recipient shall complete an application form and
submit the application for approval of import with the plant
quarantine authority with jurisdiction over the recipient's location.
If the information in the application form of the preceding paragraph
is incomplete, the plant quarantine authority with jurisdiction over
the recipient's location shall notify the recipient to make
supplemental submission before the deadline.  If the supplemental
submission is not made before the deadline, or if the information
remains incomplete after supplemental submission, the application
will not be processed.
Only after the plant quarantine authority with jurisdiction over
the recipient's location reviews, approves, and issues an import
permit for the plant regulated articles mentioned in the first
paragraph to be imported may the recipient import or notify the
sender to export the plant regulated articles by mail in accordance
with the approval details.
Within the validity period of one year of the import permit from
the date of issuance, the recipient may import or notify the sender
to export the plant regulated articles by mail in accordance with
the approval details multiple times during the validity period.
After the validity period expires, the recipient shall file a new
application in accordance with the first paragraph.

Article 5
For plant regulated articles imported by mail in accordance with
the provisos of the third paragraph of Article 17 of the Act, the
names of the contents shall be clearly specified on the packaging.
When an import permit is acquired in accordance with the preceding
article, the import permit document must be attached to the package.

Article 6
Plant regulated articles imported by mail can only be imported
after an on-site quarantine inspection by the plant quarantine
authority with jurisdiction over the recipient's location in
compliance with the requirements of the provisos of the third
paragraph of Article 17 of the Act.  If the requirements are not
satisfied, the plant regulated articles will be reshipped or
destroyed, and the plant quarantine authority with jurisdiction
over the recipient's location will complete a notification and
notify the recipient.
For plant regulated articles that may be imported by mail in
accordance with the preceding paragraph, the postal authority will
cooperate with the plant quarantine authority with jurisdiction
over the recipient's location and notify the recipient to file
a quarantine application with the authority.  The recipient shall
complete an application form on a batch by batch basis and enclose
identification documents to file a quarantine application with
the plant quarantine authority with jurisdiction over the recipient's
location.  If the plant quarantine authority with jurisdiction over
the recipient's location deems it necessary, the recipient shall
be at the inspection site and participate in the quarantine inspection.
Importation is allowed only if the result of quarantine inspection
of the preceding paragraph complies with the quarantine requirements
of the Republic of China.  If the requirements are not satisfied,
quarantine measures will be undertaken such as post-entry quarantine,
requesting the submission of properly corrected phytosanitary
certificates within a specified time limit, quarantine treatment,
reshipment, or destruction in accordance with Articles 14, 16 and 19
of the Act.  The plant quarantine authority with jurisdiction over
the recipient's location shall notify the recipient with an official
form before the above-mentioned measures are undertaken.

Article 7
These regulations become effective on June 20, 2019.