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Title: Regulations on the Management and Guidance of the Equipment for Vessel Position Reporting, Catch Reporting, Navigational Chart, and Monitoring Center Ch
Date: 2019.03.14
Legislative: The full text of seven articles promulgated on 19 January 2017
by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan under Order No.
Nung-Yu-Tzu 1061332055.

Article 7, appendix 1 of Article 2, and appendix 2 of Article 3
amended and promulgated on 3 January 2018 by the Council of
Agriculture, Executive Yuan under Order No. Nung-Yu-Tzu

Appendix 2 of Article 3 amended and promulgated on 28 September
2018 by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan under Order
No. Nung-Yu-Tzu 1071337256.

Article 2 and 3 amended and promulgated on 14 March 2019 by the
Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan under Order No. Nung-Yu-Tzu
Content: Article 1
These Regulations are established pursuant to Article 9, paragraph 
2 of the Act for Distant Water Fisheries. 

Article 2
The automatic location communicator (ALC) installed onboard any 
fishing vessel of distant water fisheries shall meet the following 
(1)The ALC shall have a built-in global positioning system 
(GPS), be tampered proof, and be proof against any attempt of manual 
entry of position data.
(2)The ALC shall have a single antenna used for both GPS and ALC. In 
case that the antenna is mounted outside the housing of the ALC, the 
antenna shall be connected by a single, unbroken and undamaged cable 
to the ALC.
(3)The ALC shall be able to operate continuously and automatically at 
all time under any weather condition, and transmit accurate data within 
the area between 70°N and 70°S. 
(4)The ALC shall be able to transmit data, including catch data, 
identification number of the ALC, date, time, longitude and latitude, 
speed and course. 
(5)The GPS in the ALC shall be able to provide positions with a margin 
of error lower than 100 meters, with a confidence of 98%.
(6)The ALC which has the function of two-way communications between the 
vessel and the monitoring center shall be able to accept remote change 
of reporting frequency set by the competent authority or the commissioned 
professional institution, and shall have the function of reporting vessel 
position(s) in real time. The ALC without the function of two-way 
communications shall automatically report vessel position(s) at least every 
hour, and the time lag of the transmission of position data shall not exceed 
90 minutes. 

The manufacturers and types that meet the requirements stipulated in the 
preceding paragraph shall be announced by the competent authority.

Article 3
The electronic logbook (E-logbook) system installed onboard any fishing 
vessel of distant water fisheries shall meet the specifications of software 
and hardware as designated by the competent authority; and such specifications 
shall be announced by the competent authority.

Article 4
The coordinate system of any electronic navigational chart installed onboard 
any fishing vessel of distant water fisheries shall be the World Geodetic 
System, WGS84.   

Article 5
The competent authority shall maintain and update the equipment of the 
monitoring center so as to keep the monitoring center functional and 
operational 24 hours a day.  

Article 6
The competent authority shall guide distant water fisheries operators to 
update the ALC and E-logbook system.  

Article 7
These Regulations shall become effective on January 20, 2017.

Amendments to these Regulations shall become effective upon promulgation.
