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Title: Regulations Governing the Awarding of the “Professional Medal for Agriculture” by the Council of Agriculture Ch
Date: 2016.12.02
Legislative: 1. July 21, 1988: Complete set of regulations, with nine articles, completed and published via Council of Agriculture Order (77) Nong Ren Zi No.713 1057A.
2. September 30, 2002: Amended version of Article 7 published via Council of Agriculture Order Nong Ren Zi No.0910153659.
3. January 16, 2008: Amended version of Article 8, to take effect on the day of publication, published via Council of Agriculture Order Nong Ren Zi No. 0970080043.
4. January 19, 2016: Amended version of Articles 1 through 3 published via Council of Agriculture Order Nong Ren Zi No. 1040113276.
5. December 2, 2016: Amended version of Article 3 published via Council of Agriculture Order Nong Ren Zi No. 1050244860.

Article 1
These Regulations have been established in accordance with Article 9 Paragraph 1 of the “Medal Award Act.”

Article 2
Where any citizen of the Republic of China, or any foreigner, meets any of the following criteria, with tangible accomplishments, he or she may be awarded the “Professional Medal for Agriculture” (hereafter “this Medal”):
1. A person who has made major innovations or shown outstanding effectiveness in policy planning, policy promotion, education, extension, or operational management in the field of agriculture.
2. A person who has had major discoveries, inventions, or writings resulting from research or experimental work in the field of agriculture, and whose work has been of very significant benefit in terms of the improvement of agriculture.
3. A person who, in a time of extreme emergency or under high-risk circumstances, has responded effectively, appropriately, and in a timely manner, or has undertaken rescue or disaster-response work under high-risk conditions, thereby protecting major interests of farmers, the public, agencies, or groups.
4. A person engaged in agricultural work of an international nature who has advanced the national interest in important ways, has earned international approbation, or has promoted friendly relations with other nations.
5. Any other person who has made major contributions to the cause of agriculture deserving official recognition.

Article 3
In addition to the Council of Agriculture (hereafter COA) taking the initiative to award this Medal, in cases where an application is made for this Medal to be presented to the personnel of the Council or its affiliated agencies, there shall be a recommendation from the head of the agency or director of the unit in which the person serves, or the head of the next higher-ranking agency. In cases of not the personnel of the Council or its affiliated agencies, or of foreigners, there shall be a recommendation from the competent agency or group related to the matter for which the application is being made.
The “recommendation” mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be made out using the “Recommendation Form for the Professional Medal for Agriculture,” with supporting documents attached; the application shall be presented to the COA to be processed. For the specific format of the recommendation, see Attachment 1.

Article 4
This Medal shall only be awarded after the application is reviewed and approved by the COA.

Article 5
This Medal comes in three grades, Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3. All are hung from a ribbon that is attached to the lapel or other clothing over the chest. Except where there are exceptional circumstances or extraordinary conditions, the Grade 3 medal is presented to first-time recipients. Thereafter the grade rises as further accomplishments are compiled. It is not permitted for two or more medals to be presented for the same matter.
Restrictions as to the grade of this Medal need not apply when it is presented to a foreigner.
Examples of this Medal and the smaller-sized medal presented concomitant with this Medal are shown in Attachment 2, along with explanatory remarks.

Article 6
A certificate of authenticity shall be issued along with this Medal, in the form indicated in Attachment 3. Appropriate alternate measures may be taken, depending on circumstances, in cases where this Medal is awarded to a foreigner.

Article 7
The presentation of this Medal shall take place at a public ceremony.
In cases where the recipient is deceased, the award may be given within one year of the time of decease. It may be received by his or her surviving spouse, by a relative (in order of precedence as stipulated in Article 1138 of the Civil Code), or by an individual designated by the COA.

Article 8
These Regulations shall take effect on the day they are published.