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Title: Enforcement Rules of Food Management Act Ch
Date: 2002.06.14
Legislative: 1.Promulgated on June 10, 1998.
2.Amendment to Articles 3~5, 10, 14, 16, 18, 19 promulgated on December 30,
3.Amendment to all Articles promulgated on June 14, 2002

Article I
These Enforcement Rules are duly enacted in accordance with Article XXIII of the Food Management Act (hereinafter "This Act").

Article II
The term “Government Food” as set forth in Article IV, Paragraph II of this Act, means the food obtained by the competent authorities of the government.

Article III
The food production and marketing plan established by the competent authorities of the government pursuant to the Principal Law shall include the following:
I. Amount of food required
II. Target food outputs
III. Amount of government food expropriated & appropriated
IV. Amount of input, output food
V. Safe inventory of food
VI. Relevant supporting measures

Article IV
The term “Major Food” as set forth in Article VI, Paragraph I of this Act, means the rice and other grains as designated by the competent authorities of the government. The term “farmland” means the farmland for growing food as defined under Article III, Paragraph I, Subparagraph III of the Agricultural Development Statute.

Article V
The major food survey, statistics required under Article VI, Paragraph I of this Act shall include the following:
I. Dimension of food planting and harvesting
II. Harvested crop volume
The survey, statistics of dimension of food planting and harvesting set forth in Subparagraph I of the preceding paragraph may be conducted by remote aeronautic technology and on-the-spot survey. The survey, statistics of harvested crop volume set forth in Subparagraph II may be conducted by means of on-the-spot survey in line with sample farm division method.

Article VI
The major food survey, statistics conducted by the competent authorities of the government in accordance with Article VI, Paragraph I of this Act shall include the consumption volume, calories, protein and fat intake of the major food.

Article VII
The survey, statistics of the production costs of the major food conducted by the competent authorities of the government in accordance with Article VI, Paragraph I of this Act shall include the following items:
I. Various expenses required for production
II. Quantities of products produced
III. General information of the surveyed farmers

Article VIII
The survey, statistics of the prices of the major food conducted by the competent authorities of the government in accordance with Article VI, Paragraph I of this Act shall include wholesale or retail prices of paddy, brown rice, white rice.

Article IX
The term “food subject to export, import restriction” as set forth in Article VII, Paragraph I of this Act refers to food subject to export/import restriction as proclaimed by the competent authorities of the government in-charge of trade.

Article X
The competent authorities of the government shall, while consigning warehouses to handle, take custody of, process and appropriate government food, execute the consignment contract , and the consigned warehouse shall provide collateral.
The fundamental requirements of the consigned warehouses, the contents of the consignment contract and other management matters shall be enacted by the competent authorities of the government.

Article XI
The warehouses consigned to handle, take custody of, process and appropriate government food, shall conduct such duties in accordance with the contract and laws concerned and shall accept superintendence and audit from the competent authorities of the government.

Article XII
The rates of handling fee, wastage rate of the warehouses consigned to handle, take custody of, process and appropriate government food, shall be determined by the competent authorities of the government.

Article XIII
The term “daily inventory below the specified volume for concurrent small-
scale food retailers” as set forth in Article X, Paragraph II of this Act, means 300 kg maximum in case of rice (including paddy) and 150 kg maximum in case of flour (including wheat).

Article XIV
Governmental support provided by the competent authorities to quality rice in its production and marketing under Article XIII of this Act shall be conducted as follows:
I. Planning of the areas optimal to quality rice farming.
II. Recommendation of quality rice species.
III. Instruction for rice farming technology.
IV. Instruction for post-harvesting drying, inspection, warehousing, processing, quality
    control and logistic management of grains.

Article XV
The rice grading and inspection system established by the competent authorities of the government under Article XIII of this Act shall be conducted as follows:
I. Survey into the quality of rice produced and marketed.
II. Procurement, storage, polishing and sales management of graded rice.
III. Instruction for technology and methods in rice inspection.
IV. Inspection over quality specification graded or labeled according to national
    standards, quality specification, packaging, labeling of rice sold in market.

Article XVI
Inspectors enforcing inspection under Article XV, Paragraph I shall show food inspection certificate issued by the competent authorities of the government. The products sampled for inspection shall be duly recorded.
The norms of the food inspection certificates in the preceding paragraph, record and sampling method shall be determined by the competent authorities of the government.

Article XVII
These Enforcement Rules shall be in force upon promulgation