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Title: Act Governing the Investment and Operation of Non-Republic of China (ROC) Flagged Fishing Vessels Ch
Date: 2016.07.20
Legislative: 1.The full text of 19 Articles promulgated on December 17, 2008
by Presidential Order Hua-Tsung (1) Yi-Tzu No. 09700271591 and
become effective upon the date of enactment.
2.The full text of 13 Articles amended and promulgated on July
20, 2016 by Presidential Order Hua-Tsung (1) Yi-Tzu No.
10500078591 and became effective after six months of its

The mandates that belong to the “Council of Agriculture,
Executive Yuan” as stipulated in Article 2; Article 3,
paragraph 2; Article 4; Article 5; Article 6, paragraph 1;
Article 7, paragraph 1, 2, 3; Article 8, paragraph 1,
subparagraph (14); Article 8, paragraph 2; Article 9,
paragraph 4; Article 10, paragraph 1 and 3; and Article 11,
subparagraph (2) and (3) shall be under the mandates of the
“Ministry of Agriculture” from August 1, 2023, as
promulgated by the announcement Yuan-Tai-Guei-Tzu No.
1125014346 made by the Executive Yuan on July 27, 2023.
Content: Article 1 
The Act Governing the Investment and Operation of Non-Republic
of China (ROC) Flagged Fishing Vessels (hereinafter referred to 
as “the Act”) is enacted to regulate persons with the 
nationality of the Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as 
“the ROC") who engage in fishery by investing in and operating 
non-ROC flagged fishing vessels, for the purpose of conserving 
marine fisheries resources, whereby contributing to good 
governance of international fisheries.

Article 2 
The competent authority of the Act is the Council of 
Agriculture, Executive Yuan.

Article 3 
Terms used in the Act shall be defined as follows: 
(1) “overseas” means maritime areas beyond the territorial sea 
     and the exclusive economic zone of the ROC. 
(2) “invest/investment” means using a certain amount of money 
     or sharing, such as funding, fishing equipment or 
     facilities, and rights, solely or jointly in the operation 
     of fishery. 
(3) “operate/operation” means operating businesses of fishing, 
     trading, transporting, import, and export of catch or 
     fisheries products, using one’s own or chartered fishing 
(4) “engage in fishery” means the conducting activities of 
     fishing, trading, transporting, import, and export of catch 
     or fisheries products, using one’s own or chartered 
     fishing vessel(s).
(5) “fish laundering” means activities that constitute any of 
     the following behaviors: 
     i.selling or transacting in, under the name of a national 
       fishing vessel, catch or fisheries products of species 
       regulated by international fisheries organizations and 
       caught by any non-ROC flagged fishing vessel. 
     ii.selling or transacting in, under the name of a non-ROC 
       flagged fishing vessel that is invested and operated by a 
       person with the nationality of the ROC, catch or 
       fisheries products of species regulated by international 
       fisheries organizations and caught by any other fishing 
(6) “interested party” means any person who holds or maintains 
     information relating to catch amount, fishing periods, 
     fishing gears, fishing methods, and investment and 
     operation of fishing vessels. 
The certain amount of money or sharing as referred to in 
subparagraph (2) of the preceding paragraph shall be announced 
by the competent authority.

Article 4 
Any person with the nationality of the ROC is not permitted to 
engage in fishery overseas by investing in and operating any 
non-ROC flagged fishing vessel, without prior authorization of 
the competent authority. 
In case of any of the following circumstances, the competent 
authority shall not authorize the investment and operation of 
any non-ROC flagged fishing vessel as referred to in the 
preceding paragraph, and the competent authority shall revoke 
the authorization that has already been granted: 
(1) The flag State of the non-ROC flagged fishing vessel 
    concerned lacks mechanism in controlling and managing its 
    fishing vessels.
(2) The flag State of the non-ROC flagged fishing vessel 
    concerned is identified as illegal, unreported, and 
    unregulated (IUU) fishing non-cooperating country or is 
    subject to a letter of identification for more than 2 years 
    by other States, international fisheries organizations, or 
    other economic integrated organizations. 
(3) The fishery type and fishing area of the non-ROC flagged 
    fishing vessel concerned are under the management of an 
    international fisheries organization and the flag State of 
    the non-ROC flagged fishing vessel concerned is not a party 
    or cooperating non-party to that international fisheries 
(4) The non-ROC flagged fishing vessel concerned is listed on a 
    IUU fishing vessel list of an international fisheries 
Conditions for the authorization as referred to in paragraph 1, application procedures, review, conditions for revocation of the
authorization, and other requirements shall be prescribed by the 
competent authority. 

Article 5 
Any person who obtains the authorization in accordance with 
Article 4 shall make regular reports of data relating to fishing 
operations to the competent authority. 
The period, types, content, manner, and other matters relating 
to the reporting of data as referred to in the preceding 
paragraph shall be prescribed by the competent authority.

Article 6 
Any person with the nationality of the ROC who engages in 
fishery overseas by investing in and operating any non-ROC 
flagged fishing vessel shall comply with regulations prescribed 
by the competent authority which take into consideration 
conservation measures adopted by international fisheries 
organizations as well as relevant regulations as prescribed by 
the concerned flag or coastal State(s). 
The regulations as referred to in the preceding paragraph 
include management measures relating to authorization to fish, 
permitted fishing areas, fishing periods, vessel position 
reporting, fishing gears, fishing methods, catch quota, and 
other requirements.

Article 7 
For the purpose of fisheries management, the competent authority 
may require any interested party to submit reports on catch 
amount, fishing periods, fishing gears, and fishing methods. 
If deems necessary, the competent authority may dispatch 
personnel to investigate interested parties and relevant 
organizations or institutions, and require the provision or 
submission of any information relating to the investment and 
operation of non-ROC flagged fishing vessels concerned. 
In case of urgency in providing the reports or conducting the 
investigations as referred to in the preceding two paragraphs, 
the competent authority may dispatch personnel to conduct 
inspections at relevant sites and question interested parties. 
In carrying out investigations or inspections as referred to in 
paragraphs 1 to 3 above, the personnel dispatched shall present 
documents identifying their authorization, or such badge that 
proves their identification. 
The interested parties, organizations, and institutions shall 
not evade, obstruct, or refuse the investigations, inspections, 
or requirements for submission of reports and provision or 
submission of information as provided in paragraphs 1 to 3 

Article 8 
Any person with the nationality of the ROC who engages in 
fishery overseas by investing in and operating any non-ROC 
flagged fishing vessel shall not commit any of the following 
serious infringements:
(1) Investment in or operation of any fishing vessel as referred 
    to in Article 4, paragraph 2.
(2) Fishing without permission from the flag State concerned.
(3) Conducting transshipment at sea or in port, or landing in 
    port without authorization from the flag State concerned.
(4) Fishing in waters under the jurisdiction of any coastal 
    State without authorization therefrom.
(5) Falsifying, altering, or concealing vessel names, names of 
    registry ports, or international radio call signs. 
(6) Not installing on board vessel monitoring system (VMS) 
    pursuant to regulations of the flag State concerned,     
    intentionally causing the VMS to misreport vessel positions, 
    rendering VMS non-functional when fishing.
(7) Continuing catching species with catch limit when the total 
    catch of such species of a fishing vessel has exceeded the 
    catch limit allowed by the flag State concerned.. 
(8) Fishing in prohibited fishing areas or seasons as 
    established by international fisheries organizations.
(9) Using fishing gears as prohibited by international fisheries 
(10) Fishing for, retaining, transshipping, landing, or selling 
     species as prohibited by international fisheries 
(11) Not submitting or filling in logbooks or catch reports, in 
     violation of regulations of the flag States concerned, or 
     misreporting logbooks or catch reports. 
(12) Failing to file reports in accordance with Article 5, or 
     filing false reports.
(13) Refusing, evading, or obstructing any observer dispatched 
     by the flag State concerned or any international fisheries 
     organization to conduct observation tasks.
(14) Refusing, evading, or obstructing the investigation 
     conducted by the competent authority pursuant to Article 7, 
     paragraph 2, or the inspection conducted by the competent 
     authority pursuant to Article 7, paragraph 3.
(15) Concealing, altering, or destroying any evidence related to 
     violation of the Act.
(16) Providing catch certificate documents of a fishing vessel 
     for the use of other fishing vessel(s), or using catch 
     certificate documents of other fishing vessel(s) for 
     selling catch caught by itself. 
(17) Falsification or alteration of catch certificate documents, 
     using catch certificate documents not issued to the catch 
     concerned, or intentionally using catch certificate 
     documents that are falsified or altered to sell catch or 
     fisheries products. 
(18) Participating in joint fishing with, transshipping with, or 
     supplying any fishing vessel listed on IUU fishing vessel 
     lists of international fisheries organizations or any 
     stateless vessel.
The prohibited fishing seasons and areas as referred to in 
subparagraph (8), the prohibited fishing gears as referred to in 
subparagraph (9), the prohibited species as referred to in 
subparagraph (10), and the IUU fishing vessel lists as referred 
to in subparagraph (18) of the preceding paragraph shall be 
promulgated by the competent authority.

Article 9 
Any person with the nationality of the ROC that invests in and 
operates any non-ROC flagged fishing vessel and engages in fish 
laundering shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a period 
between 6 months and 3 years, and in addition thereto, may be 
subject to a criminal fine between 6 million and 30 million New 
Taiwan Dollars.
In case that a representative of any legal person, or an agent 
of any legal or natural person commits the violations stipulated 
in the preceding paragraph, in addition to the penalties in 
accordance with the preceding paragraph, a criminal fine as 
referred to in the preceding paragraph shall also be imposed 
upon the legal or natural person concerned.
Any person with the nationality of the ROC who commits the 
violations as provided in paragraph 1 outside the territories of 
the ROC shall be punished in accordance with the Act, 
irrespective of whether her/his act is punishable under the law 
of the country where the violations are committed.
Any person with the nationality of the ROC who invests in and 
operates any non-ROC flagged fishing vessel and commits the 
violations as provided in paragraph 1 shall be revoked the 
authorization of such investment and operation by the competent 

Article 10
Any person with the nationality of the ROC that violates Article 
8, paragraph 1 shall be punished in accordance with the 
following provisions, and the competent authority may revoke 
his/her authorization to invest in and operate the concerned 
non-ROC flagged fishing vessel(s):
(1) For any fishing vessel 500 Gross Tonnage (GT) or above: a 
    fine between 6 million and 30 million New Taiwan Dollars. 
(2) For any fishing vessel 100 GT or above, and less than 500 
    GT: a fine between 4 million and 20 million New Taiwan 
(3) For any fishing vessel less than 100 GT: a fine between 2 
    million and 10 million New Taiwan Dollars. 
In case that the value of catch or fisheries products concerned 
exceeds the fine imposed pursuant to the provisions as 
stipulated in the preceding paragraph, an amount of a fine for 
up to 5 times of the value of such catch or fisheries products 
shall be imposed. 
Any person with the nationality of the ROC who has committed the 
same provision of the serious infringements as stipulated in 
Article 8, paragraph 1 for 2 times within 3 years, or different 
serious infringements as stipulated in Article 8, paragraph 1 
for 3 times within 3 years shall be punished in accordance with 
the following provisions, and the competent authority shall 
revoke his/her authorization to invest in and operate the 
concerned non-ROC flagged fishing vessel(s):
(1) For any fishing vessel 500 GT or above: a fine between 9 
    million and 45 million New Taiwan Dollars.
(2) For any fishing vessel 100 GT or above, and less than 500 
    GT: a fine between 6 million and 30 million New Taiwan 
(3) For any fishing vessel less than 100 GT: a fine between 3 
    million and 15 million New Taiwan Dollars. 
In case that the value of catch or fisheries products concerned 
exceeds the fine imposed pursuant to the provisions as 
stipulated in the preceding paragraph, an amount of a fine for 
up to 8 times of the value of such catch or fisheries products 
shall be imposed.
The value of catch or fisheries products as referred to in 
paragraphs 2 and 4 shall be calculated based on the average 
prices of such catch or fisheries products in domestic fish 
markets in the preceding 3 years.

Article 11 
Any person with the nationality of the ROC that engages in 
fishery overseas by investing in and operating any non-ROC 
flagged fishing vessel and commits any of the following 
violations shall be imposed upon a fine between2 million and 10 
million New Taiwan Dollars, and consecutive punishments may be 
imposed for repeated violations:
(1) Engaging in fishery overseas by investing in and operating 
    any non-ROC flagged fishing vessel without obtaining the 
    authorization, in violation of Article 4, paragraph 1.
(2) Failing to comply with relevant regulations on fishing as 
    stipulated by the flag or coastal States concerned, in 
    violation of Article 6, paragraph 1; or failing to comply 
    with regulations regarding authorization to fish, permitted 
    fishing areas, fishing periods, vessel position reporting, 
    fishing gears, fishing methods, or catch quota as stipulated 
    by the competent authority pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 
    2, except for those regarding the serious infringements.
(3) Refusing, evading, or obstructing the requirements by the 
    competent authority to submit reports pursuant to Article 7, 
    paragraph 1.

Article 12 
For any person with the nationality of the ROC that invests in 
and operate any foreign fishing vessel, and engages in fish 
laundering, in case that such person at the same time invests in 
and operates any fishing vessel under the flag of the ROC, such 
person may be subject to deduction of catch quota from that 
allocated to the national vessel(s) in question at a level 
equivalent to the amount of the laundered fish.

Article 13 
The Act shall become effective 6 months after its promulgation.