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Title: Feed Control Act Ch
Date: 2015.02.04
Legislative: 1.Thirty-nine articles were enacted and promulgated by the
president on January 12, 1973per presidential order referenced
1973-Tai-Tung (I) Yi-Tze 182
2.All forty articles after amendment were promulgated by the
president on December 5, 1986 per presidential order
referenced 1986-Hua-Tsong (I) Yi-Tze 6106
3.Articles 2, 10, 11, 15 were amended and promulgated by the
president on May 17, 2000 per presidential order referenced
2000-Hua-Tsong (I) Yi-Tze 8900118430
4.Articles 10~12, 15, 16 and 25 were amended and promulgated by
the president on January 30, 2002 per presidential order
referenced 2002-Hua-Tsong (I) Yi-Tze 09100017010
5.Articles 3~5, 10, 11, 14, 20, 24~27, 29~32 and the title of
chapter four were amended; Articles 8-1, 11-1, 22-1, 22-2,
32-1 and 39-1 were added; Article 36 was deleted. The entire
revision was promulgated by the president on February 4, 2015
per presidential order referenced 2015-Hua-Tsong (I) Yi-Tze
The announcement was made on July 27, 2023 by the Executive
Yuan Order tai-gui-zi No. 1125014346. The relevant matters set
out in Article 2, Article 3, Article 3-1, Paragraph 2 of
Article 4, Article 8, Article 8-1, Paragraph 2,3 of Article 9,
Paragraph 1,2,4,5,6 of Article 10, Paragraph 1,3,4 of Article
11, Paragraph 1,2,3,4,5 of Article 11-1, Article 12, Article
13, Subparagraph 10 of Paragraph 1 of Article 14, Article 15,
Paragraph 2,3 of Article 16, Subparagraph 1 of Paragraph 1 of
Article 20, Paragraph 1 of Article 22, Article 22-1, Article
22-2, Paragraph 2 of Article 23, Article 24, Subparagraph 4 of
Paragraph 1 of Article 25, Subparagraph 4 of Paragraph 1 of
Article 29, Subparagraph 3 of Paragraph 1 of Article 31,
Article 37, Article 39, Article 39-1 pertaining to “ the
Council of Agriculture of the Executive Yuan” shall be
handled by “Ministry of Agriculture” as governing body,
effective August 1, 2023.

Article 1
To maintain the quality of feeds; to promote the development of 
the livestock and aquaculture industries; and to thereby 
maintain the public health, this Act is hereby established. Matters not regulated herein shall be governed by other 
applicable laws.

Article 2
The term “competent authority” in this Act shall mean the 
Ministry of Agriculture at the central government level; the 
municipal government at the directly-controlled municipality 
level; and the county/city level in counties/cities.

Article 3
The term “feed” in this Act refers to foodstuffs, as announced 
by the central competent authority, as being able to provide 
nutrition to, or promote healthy growth of,  livestock, poultry, 
and animals used in aquaculture. Feed is classified as follows:
1. Plant-based feed: Plants, plant products, and the processed 
   results thereof.
2. Animal-based feed: Animals, animal products, and the 
   processed results thereof.
3. Feed supplement: Minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and the 
   processed results thereof.
4. Formulated feed: Formulated mixtures and compounds of two or 
   more of the above.
Regarding the specific list of feeds/supplements in the previous 
paragraph for which safety or quality levels may vary as a 
result of manufacturing, processing, packaging, or importing, 
and for which testing is therefore mandatory, the central 
competent authority shall announce such list.

Article 3-1
The term “feed additive” in this Act refers to non-medicinal, 
non-nutrient substances, as announced by the central competent 
authority, that may be added to feed to improve feed efficacy, 
maintain feed quality, facilitate growth of livestock/poultry/ 
animals used in aquaculture, keep such animals healthy, or for 
other purposes.
Regarding the specific list of feed additives in the previous 
paragraph for which safety or quality levels may vary as a 
result of manufacturing, processing, packaging, or importing, 
and for which testing is therefore mandatory, the central 
competent authority shall announce such list.
Animals with which feed additives may be used, amounts, 
purposes, and other principles that shall be complied with shall 
be established by the central competent authority.

Article 4
The term “components” in this Act refers to:
1.Feed components: The content of crude protein, crude fat, 
  crude ash, crude fiber, phosphorus, calcium, and other active 
  ingredients, restricted ingredients, and hazardous substances 
  in the feed.
2.Feed additive components: The amount of active ingredients, 
  restricted ingredients, and hazardous substances in the feed 
The standards for the components of feed and feed additives 
shall be in accordance with the provisions National Standards of 
the Republic of China (CNS) regulations. In the absence of a 
National Standard, one shall be established by the central 
competent authority in collaboration with other relevant 
agencies at the time of new item license.

Article 5
The term “feed manufacturer” in this Act refers to an entity 
engaged in manufacturing, processing, or packaging of feed or 
feed additives.
Feed and feed additives shall not be used in manufacturing or 
processing food for human consumption, nor stored nor sold along 
with food for human consumption. Feed manufacturers shall not 
manufacture, process, package or store food for human 
consumption in the same factory as feed or feed additives.

Article 6 
The term “feed vendor” in this Act refers to a business 
concern that deals in feeds or feed additives as a wholesaler, 
retailer, importer, or exporter. However, feed manufacturers who 
sells their products by wholesale shall be exempt from the 
registration as feed venders.

Article 7
The term “labelling” in this Act refers to any legend, logo or 
symbol appearing on containers or packages of feeds or feed 

Article 8 
The central competent authority shall, in concert with relevant 
competent authorities, make plans regarding production, 
anufacture, transportation, marketing, exportation, and 
importing of feeds, so as to avoid an imbalance in supply and 
demand for feeds and to avoid abnormal prices.

Article 8-1
The central competent authority shall compile the following 
information: feed/feed additive Manufacturing licenses; 
feed/feed additive Import licenses; genetically modified 
feed/feed additive certifications of having passed inspection; 
genetically modified feed/feed additive sales licenses; and the 
results of genetically modified feed/feed additive inspections. 
The central competent authority shall also establish a 
tracing/tracking system and database for the origins and flows 
of feeds/feed additives, and shall make such system and database 
public. The central competent authority shall also announce the 
staged deadlines by which feed manufacturers and vendors shall 
use electronic uniform invoices.
Feed manufacturers and vendors shall keep records of supply 
sources and outflows for feed/feed additives, and shall retain 
certification or proof thereof for five years. Where feed/feed 
additives that are manufactured, imported, or sold meet 
quantities and categories announced by the central competent 
authority, the feed manufacturer/vendor shall upload the supply 
sources and flows to the database in the previous paragraph and 
make such information public.
The central competent authority shall prescribe, from paragraph 
1, details about the establishment of the tracing/tracking 
system and database; information disclosure for such; and the 
deadlines by which electronic uniform invoices shall be used. 
The central competent authority shall also prescribe, from 
paragraph 2, the rules regarding records and uploading for 
information about supply sources and outflows; information 
disclosure for such; methods of retaining certification or 
proof; and other matters for compliance.

Article 9
The establishment of a feed or feed additive factory shall 
comply with the feed or feed additive factory establishment 
standards; in addition, factory registration shall be obtained 
in accordance with the law.
The factory establishment standards shall be prescribed by the 
central competent authority, in concert with the central 
competent authority for industry and the central competent 
authority for health.
Permits for establishing a feed or feed additive factory shall 
be issued by the competent authority for industry in concert with the central competent authority for agriculture.
Article 10
For manufacturing, processing, or packaging any feed/feed additive announced by the central competent authority as requiring a permit to do so, the entity engaging in such activity shall apply to the central competent authority for such a permit. Only after the feed/feed additive passes inspection, and only after the Manufacturing license is issued, may the manufacturing, processing, or packaging occur.
The central competent authority shall prescribe, from the previous paragraph, the application criteria, procedures, documents to be attached, proof of origin, testing protocols, permit criteria, Manufacturing license issuance/renewal/replacement, and other matters for compliance.
The following entities are exempt from needing to apply for and 
obtain a Manufacturing license as described in paragraph 1:
1.A self-manufactured, own-use feed user who has applied to a 
  competent authority at the directly-controlled municipal 
  government or county/city-levels, for a permit; who has been 
  issued a self-manufactured, own-use license; and who 
  manufactures such feed for use with the entity’s own 
  livestock, poultry or aquatic animals.
2.A research institution that manufactures or processes 
  feed/feed additives specifically for testing purposes.
In terms of components and quantities, self-manufactured, own-
use feed in subsection 1 of the previous paragraph shall comply 
with the quantity limits set by the central competent authority. 
Where feed additives are used, the sources and uses of feed 
additives shall be recorded.
The central competent authority shall prescribe, from paragraph 
3, subsection 1, the application criteria, procedures, documents 
to be attached, permit criteria, and license 
issuance/renewal/replacement. The central competent authority 
shall also prescribe, from the previous paragraph, recording for 
sources and uses of feed additives, other matters for 
compliance, and quantity limits.
The central competent authority may delegate matters in 
paragraph 1 regarding handling applications, inspections, 
issuance of Manufacturing licenses, etc. to competent 
authorities at the directly-controlled municipal government or 

Article 11
Importers shall apply for licenses to import feed/feed additives 
announced as requiring such by the central competent authority. 
Only after the feed/feed additive passes inspection, and only 
after an Import license is issued, may the importing occur. 
However, if an entity is permitted to manufacture feed 
supplements or formulated feed and obtains a Manufacturing 
license for such, and then imports feed only for its own factory 
in manufacturing said food supplements or formulated feed, this 
restriction shall not apply.
Entities granted Import licenses described in the previous 
paragraph may authorize other feed vendors to handle importing 
tasks on their behalf.
The central competent authority shall prescribe, from the 
previous two paragraphs, the application criteria, procedures, 
documents to be attached, testing protocols, permit criteria, 
Import license issuance/renewal/replacement, authorized 
importing, and other matters for compliance.
The central competent authority may delegate the tasks of 
accepting applications, conducting lab tests, and issuance of 
Import licenses described in paragraph 1 to its own subordinate 
agencies/organizations, to competent authorities at the 
directly-controlled municipal government or county/city-levels, 
or to other organizations.

Article 11-1
Genetically modified feed/feed additives of foreign origin may 
not be imported, offered for sale, or used until after such 
feed/feed additives pass inspections (including biosafety 
check), and until after the developer applies for and obtains a 
permit issued by the central competent authority.
Genetically modified organisms (GMO; animals, plants or 
microbes) of domestic origin that have completed legally-
required field tests and reviews may only be exported, made into 
feed/feed additives, or used as feed/feed additives after the 
developer applies with the central competent authority for a GMO 
certificate for feed usage; after such a certificate is issued; 
and after inspections (including biosafety check) are passed.
The GMO certificate described in the previous two paragraphs 
shall be valid for no more than five years. The developer may 
apply for renewal with the central competent authority during 
the 60-day-period starting on the day on which three months of 
validity remain. Validity of each renewed certificate shall be 
no more than five years. If a developer fails to renew a 
certificate, the developer shall be required to apply for a new 
The central competent authority shall prescribe, from the 
previous three paragraphs, the certificate application 
procedure, documents to be attached, biosafety evaluation, 
testing protocols, inspection protocols, review periods, permit 
criteria, certificate issuance/renewal/replacement, and other 
matters for compliance.
The central competent authority may delegate the inspection 
protocols in paragraphs 1 and 2 to its own subordinate 
agencies/organizations, or commission other 
agencies/organizations/groups to do such inspection.
Before the January 23, 2015 amendment to this Act becomes 
effective, those GMO feed/feed additives for which GMO 
certificates have not been obtained in accordance with paragraph 
1 shall obtain such certificates within two years from the date 
this amendment takes effect.

Article 12
A feed/feed additive Manufacturing license or Import license 
shall be valid for four years. Where manufacturing or importing 
is to continue after said certificates expire, the 
manufacturer/importer shall first apply to the competent 
authority in advance for an extension. Such an extension shall 
not exceed four years each time.
If a feed/feed additive Manufacturing license or Import license 
is lost or damaged, the person concerned shall state the reasons 
clearly, pay a registration fee, and apply to the original 
issuing authority for replacement or renewal. Where the original 
certificate is lost, the person concerned shall apply to have 
the original canceled; where the original certificate is 
damaged, the person concerned shall submit the original for it 
to be canceled.

Article 13
Material facts of a license, such as category, item, components, 
and animals with which a feed/feed additive is to be used, shall 
not be changed. For other matters to be changed, approval must 
be applied for and permission obtained from the competent 
authority before the changes may be made.

Article 14
For feed/feed additives, before they can be sold, Chinese 
language or universal symbols shall be placed on the package or 
container to indicate:
1.Name and address of the manufacturer or vendor;
2.Category, description and commercial name;
4.GMO ingredients used;
5.Primary ingredients and their suppliers;
6.Intended use, usage method, and precautions for use;
7.Net weight;
8.Manufacturing license number/Import license number;
9.Year, month, and day on which the product was manufactured, 
  processed, or packaged; and
10.Other matters specified in central competent authority 

Article 15
For feed/feed additives that are to be exported to meet the 
requirements of a foreign buyer, and which comply with the 
regulations of the importing country, if the central competent 
authority or the competent authority at the directly-controlled 
municipal government where the enterprise is located grants the 
enterprise Manufacturing license, such exporting shall not be 
subject to the component standards specified in Article 4, 
paragraph 2.

Chapter III. SALES
Article 16
Enterprises operating as feed vendors shall apply to the 
competent authorities at the directly-controlled municipal 
government or county/city-levels for registration. Sales may 
only begin after the sales license is issued.
The license procedures in the previous paragraph shall be are 
prescribed by the central competent authority.
Competent authorities at the directly-controlled municipal 
government or county/city-levels that issue sales licenses may 
charge applicants license registration fees; the fee rates shall 
be set by the central competent authority.

Article 17
Within 15 days of suspending business, a change in name, change 
in address, or a change in the name or address of its legal 
representative, a feed vendor shall report on such suspension or 
change with the competent authority at the directly-controlled 
municipal government or county/city-level in which the vendor is 

Article 18
Any enterprise concurrently doing business as a feed vendor 
shall cause any and all feeds/feed additives being offered for 
sale to be displayed and stored separately from any goods 
hazardous to health.

Article 19
Samples and complimentary gifts of feeds/feed additives approved 
for import; self-manufactured, own-use feeds/feed additives; and 
feeds/feed additives that are commissioned for manufacturing, 
processing, or packaging for experimental purposes shall not be 
offered for sale.

Article 20
Unless for manufacturing or processing feed/feed additives 
specifically for testing purposes as described in Article 10, 
paragraph 3, subsection 2, feed/feed additives to which any of 
the following situations apply shall not be used for 
manufacturing, processing, packaging, sales, exporting, 
importing, self-use, or use by others:
1.Hazardous substance content exceeds the standard, indirectly 
  endangers human health, or contains substances otherwise 
  prohibited for use in feed/feed additives in law or as 
  announced by the central competent authority;
2.Requires a license in accordance with Article 10, paragraph 1 
  Article 11, paragraph 1, or Article 11-1, paragraphs 1 or 2, 
  but has not obtained such a license.
3.Switched or adulterated with products legitimately 
  manufactured, processed, packaged, or imported by others.
4.Contains expired, spoiled, or decomposed non-feed or non-
  additive substances, or substances likely to impact the health 
  of livestock, poultry or aquatic animals.
5.Feed additives used do not comply with Article 3-1, paragraph 
6.Components do not comply with the allowed components listed in 
  the license. However, with self-manufactured, own-use feed 
  made by a self-manufactured, own-use user, this restriction 
  shall not apply.
7.Labeling does not comply that specified in Article 14, or is 
  unclear or incomplete. However, with self-manufactured, own-
  use feed made by a self-manufactured, own-use user, this 
  restriction shall not apply.

Article 21
No feed manufacturer or vendor shall place any false promotional 
advertisement containing facts other than those contained in the 
license registration regarding the feeds/feed additives 
manufactured or offered for sale.

Article 22
The competent authority may, in concert with related competent 
authorities, inspect manufacturers’ and vendors’ feeds/feed 
additives, as well as their equipment, storage facilities, and 
relevant information, and may take samples for inspection. When 
necessary, said authorities may also take for inspection and 
analysis purposes samples of feeds/feed additives at any end-
user thereof.
Quantities of samples taken for the inspection and analysis 
referred to in the preceding paragraph shall limited to that 
which is sufficient to serve the inspection and analysis 
When performing their duties, inspectors shall display their 
identification documents.
Regarding inspection and samples mentioned in paragraph 1, no 
feed manufacturer, vendor, or feed/feed additive end-user shall 
refuse inspection/sampling.

Article 22-1
When a person blows the whistle on and leads to the discovery of 
feed/feed additives that violate this Act, the competent 
authority may offer a reward to such person, and shall keep said 
person’s identity strictly confidential.
The award rules mentioned in the previous paragraph shall be 
prescribed by the central competent authority.

Article 22-2
Importing of feed/feed additives announced by the central 
competent authority shall only be released from customs after 
they have passed inspection by the central competent authority.
Regarding feed/feed additives that fail inspection described the 
previous paragraph, the central competent authority may demand 
that part or all of the feed/feed additives be returned, 
destroyed, or confiscated. Returned goods shall not be included in future applications for importing.
Regarding the feed/feed additives described in the previous two 
paragraphs, the central competent authority shall prescribe the 
customs declaration, inspection protocols (procedures, check 
items, methods, and quantities), return/destruction of goods, 
documents to be presented, and other matters for compliance.
The central competent authority may delegate the inspection 
protocols in paragraph 1 to its own subordinate 
agencies/organizations, or commission other 
agencies/organizations/groups to do such inspection.

Article 23
Where taking samples of any feed or feed additive is required to 
determine whether any of the situations under Article 20, 
paragraph 1, any subsection exists as alleged, the feed/feed 
additive shall be sealed and then held in trust by the specific 
manufacturer, vendor, or end-user issue in accordance with an 
undertaking issued by the latter.
Samples taken in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall 
be delivered for analysis and appraisal as soon as possible. The 
period for the competent authority to take official action with 
respect to such feeds/feed additives shall not exceed 15 days 
from the date the analysis and assessment are completed.

Article 24
For feed/feed additives to which the following circumstances 
apply, the competent agency shall deal with them in the 
following manner:
1.For non-compliance with Article 5, paragraph 2, or any of the 
  circumstances in Article 20, paragraph 1, subsections 1 to 6: 
  Order that the product in question be returned, recycled, re-
  processed, destroyed, discarded, scrapped, or confiscated 
  before a designated deadline.
2.For non-compliance with Article 20, paragraph 7: Order that 
  corrective action be taken before a deadline.

Article 25
Any feed/feed additive violation discovered to be in violation 
of Article 5, paragraph 2, or Article 20, paragraph 1, any 
subsection, shall in addition to being handled in accordance 
with this Act, be subject to the following penalties:
1.or a party violating Article 5, paragraph 2, or manufacturing, 
  processing, packaging, or importing feed/feed additives to 
  which Article 20, paragraph 1, subsections 1 to 5 apply, such 
  party’s related licenses shall be revoked.
2.For a party manufacturing, processing, packaging, or importing 
  feed/feed additives to which Article 20, paragraph 1, 
  subsections 6 or 7 apply, where punishment has been rendered 
  two or more times and the circumstances are severe, such 
  party’s related licenses shall be revoked.
3.For a party selling, exporting, intending to sell, and 
  displaying or storing feed/feed additives to which Article 20, 
  paragraph 1, any subsection applies, where punishment has been 
  rendered two or more times or a guilty verdict has been 
  affirmed, such party’s related licenses shall be revoked.
4.The competent authority may disclose such an offending 
  party’s name, company or commercial name, sales venue, full 
  name of the person in charge, names of the defective products, 
  and details of the offense.
With feed/feed additives for which licenses have been revoked in 
accordance with the previous paragraph, any subsection, no 
further application may be made for a Manufacturing license, 
Import license, or sales license.

Article 26
For any person manufacturing, processing, packaging, or 
importing feed/feed additives listed in Article 20, paragraph 1, 
subsections 1 to 3, a jail term or penal servitude of no more 
than five years, in conjunction with a fine of no more than NT
$20,000,000, shall be imposed.
For a violation in the previous paragraph where the crime was 
non-intentional, penal servitude and a fine of no more than NT
$100,000 shall be imposed.
An attempt to commit any act mentioned in paragraph 1 shall also 
be punishable.

Article 27
For a party selling, exporting, intending to sell, and 
displaying or storing feed/feed additives to which Article 20, 
paragraph 1, subsections 1 to 3 apply, a jail term of no more 
than two years and a fine of no more than NT$10,000,000 shall be 
For a violation in the previous paragraph where the crime was 
non-intentional, a fine of no more than NT$60,000 shall be 

Article 28

Article 29
Where any of the following circumstances apply, a fine of no 
less than NT$30,000 and no more than NT$3,000,000 shall be 
1.Violation of Article 5, paragraph 2, namely, using feed/feed 
  additives in manufacturing or processing food for human 
  consumption, or storing or selling such along with food for 
  human consumption, or manufacturing, processing, packaging, or 
  storing food for human consumption in the same factory as 
  feed/feed additives.
2.Using feed/feed additives described in Article 20, paragraph 
  1, subsections 1, 2, 4, or 5.
3.Manufacturing, processing , packaging, or importing feed/feed 
  additives described Article 20, paragraph 1, subsections 4 to 
4.Importing of feed/feed additives not inspected by or which 
  have failed inspection by the central competent authority, or 
  applying for importing of feed/feed additives previously 
  ordered to be returned by the central competent authority.

Article 30
For a party selling, exporting, intending to sell, and 
displaying or storing feed/feed additives to which Article 20, 
paragraph 1, subsections 4 to 7 apply, a fine of no less than NT
$30,000 and no more than NT$500,000 shall be imposed.

Article 31
A fine of no less than NT$30,00 and no more than NT$300,000 
shall be imposed for any of the following:
1.Failure to comply with Article 8-1, paragraphs 2 and 3, 
  namely, failure to keep records of supply sources and outflows 
  for feed/feed additives, and retain certification or proof 
  thereof for five years; failure to use electronic uniform 
  invoices; or falsely keeping, uploading, or disclosing such 
2.Violation of Article 9, namely, failure to establish a factory 
  in accordance with this Act.
3.With self-manufactured, own-use feed made by a self-
  manufactured, own-use user, there is a failure to comply with 
  the quantity limits set by the central competent authority; or 
  a failure to apply for a self-manufactured, own-use license in 
  accordance with Article 10, paragraph 3, subsection 1; or a 
  failure to keep records of feed additives’ sources or uses, 
  in accordance with Article 10, paragraphs 4 and 5, or the 
  records are flawed.
4.Violation of Article 13, namely, changing matters that require 
  prior approval without obtaining such prior approval.
5.Violation of Article 16, namely, engaging in business 
  operation without a sales license.
6.Violation of Article 19, Article 21, or Article 22, paragraph 
7.Violation of Article 24, paragraphs 1 or 2, namely, failure to 
  recall, re-process, correct, destroy, or discard within a 
  specified time limit.
Where the circumstances in the previous paragraph, subsection 3 
apply, the competent authority at the directly-controlled 
municipal government or county/city-level may, in addition to 
imposing a fine stipulated in the previous paragraph, order the 
self-manufactured, own-use feed user to truthfully keep records; 
re-process, discard, or destroy the feed/feed additives via such 
user’s own means; or order that use of such feed/feed additives 
be discontinued. The competent authority may also revoke the 
self-manufactured, own-use license.

Article 32
A written warning shall be issued for violation of Article 17 or 
Article 18. A repeated offense shall result in a fine of no less 
than NT$15,000 and no more than NT$100,000.

Article 32-1
For violation of Articles 29 to 32, if the illegal gain exceeds 
the highest prescribed amount of fine, the penalty imposed may 
be up to ten times the total sales revenue during the period of 

Article 33
If the representative of a legal entity, or the agent, employee 
or any other professional of any legal entity or natural person 
is guilty of the offenses under Article 26 or 27 hereof in 
performing their duties, not only shall the wrongdoer be 
punishable in accordance with such Article, but fines shall also 
be imposed on the legal entity or natural person under any of 
the applicable Articles.

Article 34

Article 35
A case in which a fine imposed in accordance with this Act is 
not paid within the prescribed time limit shall be referred to 
the court for compulsory enforcement.

Article 36

Article 37
The competent authority at the specific level shall be the 
authority with powers to impose sanctions and fine in accordance 
with this Act.

Article 38
Any and all feed manufacturers that were established prior to 
the amendment of this Act and which do not satisfy the 
requirements of Article 5 of this Act shall, within one year of 
this amended Act taking effect, apply to be registered as feed 
vendors in accordance with this Act.

Article 39
The enforcement rules of this Act shall be established by the 
central competent authority.

Article 39-1
Feeds/feed additives manufactured, processed, packaged, 
imported, exported, sold, displayed, stored, or used before 
January 23, 2015 (the date on which the amendment to this Act 
takes effect), and without the issues listed in the pre-amended 
Article 20, paragraph 1, any subsection, shall be deemed as 
feeds/feed additives designated by the central competent 
authority in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 1 or Article 
3-1, paragraph 1.

Article 40
This Act shall take effect upon the date on which it is 