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Title: Regulations for Food Labeling Ch
Date: 2014.12.10
Legislative: 1.Promulgated on January 31, 2002.
2.Amendment to Article 4 promulgated on May 31, 2004.
3.Amendment to Article 4, Article 7 and Article 16 promulgated
on June 2, 2006; effective July 1, 2006.
4.Amended and promulgated on August 30, 2011; effective March 1,
5.A total of fifteen Articles are amended pursuant to Council of
Agriculture, Executive Yuan order of no. nu-lian-zi 1031093369A
on December the 10th, 2014.

Article 1
These regulations are prescribed in accordance with the
requirement of Paragraph 3 of Article 14 of the “Food
Administration Act” (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”).

Article 2
Terms used in these regulations are defined as follows:
1.Market sale: refers to behaviors of publicly selling
  commodities to non-specific persons to obtain a price
2.Labeling: refers to name, descriptive text, picture or symbols
  written down on the packaging, container of market selling
  products or the sign of bulk food.
3.Items to be labeled in the food packaging shall include:
  3.1 Product name: refers to name of food category.
  3.2 Quality specifications: refers to the combination and
      composition of the quality of contents.
  3.3 Origin: refers to the sources of raw materials for food
  3.4 Net weight: refers to the weight of the contents.
  3.5 Grinding date: refers to the date of food produced.
  3.6 Expiration date: refers to the period from manufacturing
      date to the expiry date of safe and secure for edibles.
  3.7 Name, telephone number and address of manufacturer: refers
      to the name, telephone number and address of domestic or
      foreign manufacturer who completes the final packaging of
      the finished product.
  3.8 Name, telephone number and address of domestic responsible
      manufacturer: refers to the name, telephone number and
      address of domestic supplier who is responsible for the
      import, distribution or entrusted to manufacture the
      packaging food.
4.Items to be labeled in bulk food shall include:
  4.1 Name: refers to the name of food category.
  4.2 Origin: refers to the sources of raw materials for food

Article 3
Items to be labeled in packaged foods shall be responsible by
domestic manufacturers.
If manufacturer specified in the Subparagraph 7 and 8 of
Paragraph 3 of the preceding Article is domestic good dealer,
the manufacturer name shall be the same as the information
registered by the food dealer, and there shall be no
circumstance of untrue or uttering label of manufacturer’s
telephone number and address. 
Items to be labeled in bulk food shall be displayed through
notice sign by trafficker.
The notice sign mentioned in the preceding paragraph may be
suspended, stood (inserted) or stuck by the form of card or
sign (board).

Article 4
The label of items shall be handled in accordance with the
following provisions:
1.Item shall be labeled in notable and legible Chinese and
  common symbols; provided, however, that the name and
  address of manufacturer of packed food imported from abroad
  can be labeled in foreign language.
2.The Chinese font shall be limited to the traditional
  characters. Foreign imported food should complete its Chinese
  label prior to selling.
3.Packed food manufactured and responsible by the same domestic
  manufacturer may just label the domestic manufacturer.
4.The length and width of font of packed food label are provided
  as follows:
  4.1 The origin shall not be less than 0.6 cm.
  4.2 The product name, manufacturer name and expiration date
      shall not be less than 0.2 cm.
  4.3 Other items ought to be labeled shall not be less than 0.2
      cm. Provided, however, that package or container whose
      surface area is less than two hundred and fifty square
      centimeter and labeled with other significant ways for
      consumers to identify is not subject to such requirement.
5.The packaged food shall clearly label the origin in an obvious
  position on the front side of the package or container. Unless
  other ways approved by the competent authority, the grinding
  date and expiration date shall be printed or typewritten on the
  package or container.
6.The length and width of the font of bulk food product name and
  origin shall not be less than one centimeter.
7.Food mixing with more than two kinds of food shall be labeled
  according to the ratio of food categories in descending order.
8.For mixed food which is sold in the form of packaging or
  container in which a single food item in the packaging or
  container consists up to fifty percent or more of its content,
  the way of its label shall be governed by these regulations.

Article 5
Foods with national standard names shall be labeled in accordance
with the names set by national standards; otherwise, they shall
be labeled with proper names.

Article 6
Packed foods with quality specification of national standard as
well as in line with comparable level shall be labeled contents
according to the national standard grade; those who fail to
reach national standard or comparable level shall label contents
in accordance with the quality specifications stipulated by the
national standard.
Packed food without quality specification of national standard
shall refer to the quality specifications of the same category
of food listed in the national standard and shall set quality
specification sheet and label contents of its own accord.

Article 7
Foods sold in the markets shall label the origin of its raw
materials; domestically produced food shall label the county
name or Taiwan or administrative area of municipal or county
(city); imported food shall label the name of production country
; food mixed with two or more kinds of compositions from
different countries shall label individual ratio, respectively.
The requirement of Subparagraph 2 of Article 14-1 of this Act
shall not apply to food dealers who, in response to specific
requirements of buyers, mix the imported rice with domestic rice
 which does not belong to food to be sold in the market but to
serve as a material for processing or specific use that is
marked with font of for the usage of processing or specific as
well as blending with import rice

Article 8
Packed food shall label contents in metric system and may indicate
an error value.
The range of allowable negative error shall comply with the
relevant regulation of the CNS 12924 Checking the Net Contents of
Packaged Foods in the National Standards of the Republic of China

Article 9
The grinding date (YY/MM/DD) shall be labeled in an identifiable
way in accordance with customary.   

Article 10
Where an expiration date can be calculated to a valid date, an
effective date shall be marked.

Article 11
The content of rice variety labeled in the packaging or
container shall reach more than eighty percent.

Article 12
Food with quality worse than the second grade of available
national standard levels shall not be labeled, promoted or
advertised with words of high or good quality which are easy to
cause consumer confusion or misunderstanding.

Article 13
For food being specially processed, the manufacturer shall
indicate its processing methods.

Article 14
The packaging of food shall comply with the requirement
provided by sanitation standard of food instrument,
container and package.

Article 15
These regulations shall take effect on December the 18th, 2014