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Title: Organizational Act of the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine Ch
Date: 2001.01.17
Legislative: 1. Full text of 14 articles enacted and promulgated by the Presidential Order (87) Hua-Tsung (1) Yi-Tzu No. 8700123 on June 24, 1998
The previous articles shall become effective on August 1, 1998 in accordance with the Order (87) Tai-Nung-Tzu No. 34867 promulgated by the Executive Yuan on July 13, 1998.
2. Articles 2 to 6, 13, and 14 amended and promulgated by the Presidential Order (90) Hua-Tsung Yi-Yi Tzu No. 9000008730 on January 17, 2001

Article 1

The Act is enacted pursuant to Article 6 of the Organizational Act of the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan.

Article 2

The Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (hereinafter referred to as "the Bureau") shall be responsible for the following affairs:

1. Drafting, implementation and supervision of animal and plant disease and pest control and quarantine policies, laws and regulations, programs, and plans.
2. Drafting, implementation and supervision of veterinary drug and animal hygienic material policies, laws and regulations, programs, and plans.
3. Drafting, implementation, and supervision of veterinary public health policies, laws and regulations, programs, and plans.
4. Drafting, implementation and supervision of plant disease and pest control, quarantine personnel and veterinarian management policies, laws and regulations, programs, and plans.
5. Drafting, implementation and supervision of livestock and poultry slaughter sanitation inspection policies, laws and regulations, programs, and plans.
6. Drafting, implementation and supervision of slaughterhouse registration and management policies, laws and regulations, programs, and plans.
7. Research, development and technical services in relation to animal and plant disease and pest control, quarantine, and livestock and poultry slaughter management technology.
8. Deliberation, implementation, and supervision of animal and plant disease and pest control, quarantine, and livestock and poultry slaughter management technology, procedures and methods.
9. Disease and pest reporting, information collection, risk analysis, consultation, dispute resolution, and advisory services in relation to domestic and foreign animal and plant disease and pest control, quarantine, and livestock and poultry slaughter management.
10. Precise inspection and treatment for diseases of imported and exported animals, and the products of livestock, poultry, and fishery.
11. Precise inspection and treatment for harmful organisms of imported and exported plants and plant products.
12. Planning, implementation, and supervision of inspection of veterinary drugs and animal hygienic materials.
13. Issuance, examination, management, and supervision of phytosanitary certificates for imported and exported plants, animals and their products, and certification documents for livestock and poultry slaughter sanitation inspection.
14. Training of personnel for animal and plant disease and pest control and quarantine, and livestock and poultry slaughter management.
15. Other matters relating to animal and plant disease and pest control and quarantine, and livestock and poultry slaughter management.

Article 3

The Bureau shall establish six (6) divisions to take charge of the affairs in respect to those listed in the preceding article; the divisions may establish sections for executing their duties.

Article 4

The Bureau shall establish a secretariat to take charge of research and evaluation, meetings, public relations, legal affairs, document and archival duties, official seals, cashier, general affairs management, property management, and other affairs not covered in the duties of other divisions or offices; the secretariat may establish sections for executing its duties.

Article 5

This Bureau shall be headed by one (1) director-general, who shall have a civil service rank of grade thirteen (13), to oversee the affairs of the Bureau and superintend the subordinates. Two (2) deputy director-generals with civil service rank of grade twelve (12) shall be appointed to assist in the management of the Bureau's affairs.

Article 6

The Bureau shall have one (1) chief secretary and six (6) division directors with a civil service rank of grade eleven (11); three (3) senior researchers and six (6) deputy division directors with a rank of grade ten (10); one (1) to two (2) senior specialists with a rank of grade nine (9) to grade ten (10); sixteen (16) to twenty-two (22) section chiefs with a rank of grade nine (9); one (1) to two (2) secretaries, thirty-three (33) to forty-seven (47) technical specialists, and one (1) to two (2) specialists with a rank of grade eight (8) to grade nine (9), and of the specialists, fifteen (15) may have a rank of grade ten (10); three (3) to five (5) specialists with a rank of grade seven (7) to grade eight (8); seventeen (17) to twenty-three (23) associate technical specialists and five (5) to seven (7) officers with a rank of grade five (5) or grade six (6) to grade seven (7); one (1) to two (2) junior technical specialists with a rank of grade four (4) to grade five (5), of whom one (1) may have a rank of grade six (6); three (3) to five (5) clerks with a rank of grade three (3) to grade five (5); and one (1) to two (2) associate clerks with a rank of grade one (1) to grade three (3).

Article 7

The Bureau shall establish a personnel office and appoint one (1) chief personnel officer in a rank of grade nine (9). The office shall handle personnel management affairs in accordance with relevant laws. The remaining necessary working personnel shall be assigned within the personnel quota prescribed herein.

Article 8

The Bureau shall establish an accounting office and appoint one (1) chief accounting officer with a rank of grade nine (9). The office shall handle annual budget, accounting, and statistical affairs in accordance with relevant laws. The remaining necessary working personnel shall be assigned within the personnel quota prescribed herein.

Article 9

The Bureau shall establish a civil service ethics office, and appoint one (1) chief civil service ethics officer with a rank of grade nine (9). The office shall handle ethics-related affairs in accordance with relevant laws. The remaining necessary working personnel shall be assigned within the personnel quota prescribed herein.

Article 10

Upon service requirement, the Bureau may establish branch offices at important maritime ports, airports, and major agricultural product production and sales areas nationwide. The organizational regulations of such branches shall be stipulated otherwise.

Article 11

Upon service requirement, the Bureau may establish various committees with the consent of the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan. The remaining necessary working personnel shall be assigned within the personnel quota prescribed herein.

Article 12

The personnel with ranks and grades specified in Articles 5 to 9 hereof shall be assigned in accordance with applicable title classifications provided in Article 8 of the Civil Service Employment Act.

Article 13

The Bureau shall stipulate its operational regulations and submit the same to the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, for approval and promulgation.

Article 14

The enforcement date of the Act shall be decided by the Executive Yuan.
The amended articles of the Act shall become validated on the date of promulgation.