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Title: Statute for Prevention and Control of Infectious Animal Disease Ch
Date: 2014.06.04
Legislative: Adopted on August 23, 1967 – denominated “Statute for
Prevention and Control of Infectious Domestic Disease”,
enactment of the 43-article ordinace
Amended on January 31, 1996 – re-denominated “Statute for
Prevention and Control of Infectious Animal Diseases” enactment
of the 43-article ordinace
Amended on May 17, 2000-Article 2, 6, 8, 12, 13, 18, 28-31, 40
Amended on November 7, 2001-Article 28
Amended on February 6, 2002-Article 12, 13, 13-1, 22, 31, 32,
32-1, 34, 34-1, 35, 38-1, 39, 41-45
Amended on May 29, 2002-Article 10-1
Amended on May 24, 2006-Article 41, 41-1
Amended on Dec 10, 2008-Article 9, 11, 16, 32, 34, 34-1, 39, 41,
42, 44, 45-1, 46
Amended on Jan 23, 2009-Article 9
Amended on Jun 4, 2014-Article 17, 20

Chapter 1   General Principles

Article 1
This set of regulations is established to prevent the occurrence
, contagion and spread of infectious animaldisease. Other
pertinent laws are applicable for issues not specified within
this set of statue.

Article 2
Hereupon, Council of Agriculture is referred to as the central
competent authority; municipal government is referred to as the
municipal competent authority; and county (city) government is
referred to as the county (city) competent authority.
The animal health inspection authority as mentioned hereupon
refer to authorities and district offices (cities and towns)
established by the respective authorities concerned at different
government levels in accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article 8.
When issues of authority concern the public health, the
authorities concerned shall take action in collaboration with
the public health authorities.

Article 3
Hereupon,“prevention and control”will include reference to
prevention, inspection, and quarantine,etc.

Article 4
The animals mentioned hereupon refer to bovines, water buffaloes
, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, sheep, goats, rabbits, pigs,
dogs, cats, fowls, turkeys, ducks, geese, eels, prawns, tilapia,
milkfish, salmons, trout, and other animals as specified by the
central competent authority.

Article 5
The objects subjected to quarantine as mentioned hereupon refer
to the carcasses, bone, flesh, internal organs, fats, blood,
hide, hair, feather, horns, hooves, tendons, milk, blood powder,
eggs, sperm, embryos, and other objects which could spread
animal epidemic disease, from bodies of animals mentioned in
Article 4 and other animals of similar breeds, or animals which
can be affected by infectious animal diseases.

Article 6
With regards to infectious animal diseases as mentioned in this
set of statue, the central competent authority officially divide
them into Types A, B and C.
To prevent the occurrences, contagion and spread of infectious
animal disease, the municipal and county (city) competent
authority can order an infectious animal disease other than
those mentioned above and apply part or all of the statue cited

Article 7
Hereupon,“suffering from infectious animal diseases”refers to
animals which have been diagnosed to be infected with infectious
animal diseases after they have signs of sickness.
On the other hand,“suspected of suffering from infectious
animal diseases” would refer to animals which have signs of
sickness, and are thought to be possibly suffering from
infectious animal diseases, before they are actually diagnosed.
Also,“possibly contacted with infectious animaldiseases” would
refer to animals which have directly or indirectly contacted
with animals suffering or suspected of suffering from infectious
animal diseases,and have not signs of sickness but possibly have
contacted with the infectious animal diseases according to
scientific conclusions based on epidemiological data.

Article 8
The respective authorities concerned at different government
levels shall be staffed with animal health inspection personnel
who are qualified veterinarians.
Governments of municipal cities and counties (cities) establish
animal health inspection authorities; the central competent
authority shall established animal health inspection and
quarantine agency; when necessary, a central veterinary research
should be established.
Quarantine units for import/export animals shall be staffed with  
animal quarantine personnel who are qualified veterinarians.
In case of emergency prevention and control of infectious animal
disease, the respective authorities concerned at different
government levels should send animal quarantine personnel or
animal health inspection personnel within their direct
jurisdiction for the implementation of emergency prevention and

Article 9
For the necessity of inspection, animal health inspection
personnel shall enter places for raising animals, warehouses and
related places, vehicles, vessels and aircraft to check animals,
animal products or their packaging containers and related
objects. Investigation of relevant data and persons involved
shall be carried out, and all persons or related persons must
not evade, interfere or refuse.
For the necessity of quarantine, animal quarantine personnel
shall conduct inspection of any unloaded animals, animal
products and their packing, containers, cargoes, postal parcels,
luggage, vehicles, vessels, aircrafts and deposit sites or the
dispatch entrepots, which are potentially introducing animal
diseases or pathogens. The owners or related persons must not
evade, interfere or refuse.  
All persons or related persons evade, interfere or refuse the
investigation in paragraph 1 and 2 of this Article, the
inspection and quarantine personnel should force to execute.

Article 10
When animal health inspection and quarantine personnel are
implementing measures of prevention and control, personnel of
these relevant units shall provide the necessary assistance and

Article 10-1
Authorities concerned shall grant reward to anyone informing
against measures of animal disease prevention and control.
Regulations governing the granting of the above reward shall be
prescribed by the central competent authority.

Article 11 Deleted.


Chapter 2   Prevention

Article 12
The owners and keepers of animals shall report to the animal
health inspection authorities when their animals are suffering,
or suspected of suffering from infectious animal diseases; or
when their animals die of unknown causes. If this happens in the
course of transportation, the person in charge of the
transportation shall report to the animal health inspection
authority of the original stop. Upon receiving the report, the
particular animal health inspection authorities shall send their
animal health inspection personnel to check the carcasses and
give instructions on burning, burying or disinfecting the
carcasses, and other imperative treatment. When requested by the
owners or keepers of animals concerned, a certificate of
disposal shall be provided.
The above Paragraph does not apply if the animals are raised by
households as a subsidiary means of income and the total number
of dead animals is less than 10.
The animals mentioned above may include chickens, turkeys, ducks
, geese, and wild animals of similar breeds. When they die of
sicknesses, the owners must dispose of the carcasses by
themselves. However, in case of an epidemic, the municipal or
county (city) competent authority concerned for shall specify
the name of the infectious animal disease and the animal species
, and be alert to announce the approaches to take. The county
(city) competent authority shall also report the matter to the
central competent authority.
When the owners dispose of the carcasses by themselves according
to the above Paragraph, the ways must be burning, burying or
disinfection. Selling and arbitrarily dispose carcasses from die
of illness is prohibited.

Article 13
To prevent and control the occurrence of the infectious animal
diseases, authorities concerned for municipal cities and
counties (cities) shall order animal health inspection personnel
to implement such prevention and control measures as physical
examinations of animals, immunizations, vaccinations, medicinal
bath or other medical treatments. Moreover, for animals and
places that have been treated by these measures, marks, labels
or certificates should be attached. If necessary, authorities
concerned for municipal cities and counties (cities) shall 
commission veterinary practice licensees to implement those
measures. Animal owners and keepers can not intentionally damage
and counterfeit the marks, labels or certificates as mentioned
Depending on classes of infectious animal diseases, authorities
concerned for municipal cities and counties (cities) shall order
animal owners and keepers to employ veterinary practice
licensees to implement the measures mentioned in the above
Paragraph or to implement under the guidance of veterinary
practice licensees.
As animal owners and keepers unwilling and can not implement the
measures provided under the above Paragraph, the municipal or
county (city) competent authority should collect payment for
labor cost for animal health inspection personnel or veterinary
practice licensees to implement those measures. The standard of
payments shall be prescribed by the municipal or county (city)
competent authority.
In order to implement the measures provided under Paragraph 1
and Paragraph 3, animal owners and keepers shall follow the
instruction of animal health inspection personnel or
commissioned veterinary practice licensees in controlling the
movement of animals and provide other necessary assistance
without avoidance, refuse and interference to.
Ten days before implementing the measures provided under
Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2, the municipal or county (city)
competent authority shall announce the aims of implementation,
dates, areas, methods, animal species, and other relevant
objects. However, in case of emergency, the period of
announcement should be shortened or implementation be
administered freely.

Article 13-1
To eradicate specific infectious animal diseases, the central
competent authority should announce the types of vaccine, time
of administration, attached marks, relevant documents, movement
restraint and other control measures. Animal owners or keepers,
veterinarians, veterinary aides and veterinary drug dealer shall
obey and execute regulations as listed above.
Regulations governing the administration, mark, application,
control, terms and other relevant objects of vaccination
provided under Paragraph of this Article shall be prescribed
by the central competent authority based on animal species and
infectious animal diseases.

Article 14
To prevent and treat the occurrences of infectious animal
diseases, the municipal or county (city) competent authority
shall specify areas when necessary, and order animal owners and
keepers to sterilize rearing area and facilities, improve the
rear environment, animal isolation, and eliminate the media for
spread of diseases.

Article 15
For animals suffering from or suspected of suffering from the
infectious or unknown diseases, the municipal or county (city)
competent authority should order animal owners or keepers to
offer animals for autopsy by animal health inspection personnel.
Carcasses following necropsy, shall be returned to the owners
and keepers, and burned or buried under the supervision of the
animal health inspection personnel.

Article 16
Rendering plants for animals’ remains shall record the sources
and amounts of animal remains, and the amounts of their final
products. The records shall be kept for at least two years.
Rendering plants shall set disinfection facilities and
equipments to perform sterilization, the sanitation and safety
of the plant shall be supervised by certified veterinarians.
Vehicles used for transportation of raw material shall be
equipped with disinfection tools and closed systems for
preventing from leakage. The vehicle shall be certified by the
local animal health inspection authority through application by
rendering plant or transportation company.
The central competent authority shall regulates the methods for
the installation of disinfection facilities and equipments
mentioned above, items, disinfection methods and procedures,
contracted rendering, limitation of usage of rendering sources,
report, inspection, approval and grant the qualified
certificates for vehicles, expiration date, the presenting
places for the certificates on the vehicles, certificates
replacement, abolishment of the certificates, random inspection,
reporting obligation and relating matters.


Chapter 3   Epidemic Prevention

Article 17
In the line of duty, upon finding an animal suffering from,
suspected of suffering from, or possibly having contracted a
Type A infectious animal disease defined in Paragraph 1 of
Article 6, or an infectious animal disease of Type B or C with
the major zoonotic characteristic, a veterinarian or a
veterinarian's aid shall report to the local animal health
inspection authority within 24 hours. Upon receiving the report,
the local animal health inspection authority shall take
necessary measures and notify the central competent authority.
In cases involving major zoonotic infectious animal diseases,
the central competent authority shall immediately give notice to
the central health competent authority.        
Major zoonotic infectious animal diseases in the previous
paragraph and Paragraph 3 of Article 20 shall be published by
the central competent authority in consultation with the
central health competent authority.

Article 18
When animal health inspection authorities suspect a fast spread
of an infectious animal disease, a report shall be made quickly
to their higher authorities concerned. The neighboring
authorities and authorities of municipal cities or counties
(cities) take charged of gathering and scattering of animals
shall be informed.

Article 19
For animals suffering or suspected of suffering from infectious
animal diseases, the animal owners or keepers shall quickly
quarantine animals and implement other necessary measures
according to the instruction of animal health inspection
personnel. On observing the spread of infectious animal diseases
, animal health inspection personnel should be on alert to stop
animals within the same rearing area from being moved out and
also stop animals from being moved in.
In order to establish the etiology of sickness, animal health
inspection personnel should order owners or keepers of animals
suspected of suffering from infectious animal diseases to rear
the animals separately. However, the duration of separate
rearing should not exceed 14 days.

Article 20
Regarding animals suffering from, suspected of suffering from or
possibly having contracted infectious animal diseases and
facilities or premises that are, or may be, contaminated with
pathogens of infectious animal diseases, animal health
inspection personnel, upon approval by the competent authority,
shall dispose of them as follows:
1.Regarding animals suffering from, suspected of suffering from
  or possibly having contracted Type A infectious animal
  diseases defined in Paragraph 1 of Article 6, the owner or
  keeper shall follow the instruction of animal health
  inspection personnel to immediately cull the animals and have
  the carcasses burned, buried, or rendered.
2.Regarding animals suffering from Type B infectious animal
  diseases defined in Paragraph 1 of Article 6, if deemed
  necessary by animal health inspection personnel, the owner or
  keeper shall follow the instruction of animal health
  inspection personnel to immediately cull the animals and have
  the carcasses burned, buried, rendered, or take other
  necessary measures.
3.Regarding premises, vehicles, vessels and apparatus that are
  contaminated or may be contaminated with infectious animal
  disease pathogens, the owner or keeper shall follow the
  instruction of  animal health inspection personnel to promptly
  have them burned, buried, disinfected or take other necessary
Culling shall be conducted in a humane manner, minimizing the
pain inflicted on animals without compromising the disease
control and prevention; culling methods shall be reviewed and
updated appropriately in accordance with the guidelines of
international animal welfare science.
In the case of animals afflicted with Type B infectious animal
diseases defined in Paragraph 1 of Article 6, with the major
zoonotic characteristics, upon recommendation of the central
health competent authority and deemed necessary by animal health
inspection personnel, animals within the affected premises can
be disposed of in accordance with Item I of Paragraph 1 of this
For the purpose of etiologic identification or academic research
, animals shall be disposed of under the instruction of the
competent authority that grants the approval.

Article 21
If the municipal or county (city) competent authority believe
the necessary of emergency , animal health inspection personnel
under their jurisdiction are following their order to manage the
situation according to the Article described previously before
reporting and alerting.

Article 22
In order to prevent and control the spread of infectious animal
diseases, the municipal or county (city) competent authority
should order animal health inspection personnel, commissioned
veterinary practice licensees or veterinary practice licensees
employed by animal owners and keepers to freely implement
physical examination, immunizations, vaccinations, medicinal
bath, or medical treatment of animals in accordance with
Paragraph 1 and 2 of Article 13. Animal owners and keepers shall
follow the instruction of animal health inspection personnel or
veterinary practice licensees to control the movement of animals
and provide other necessary assistance without avoidance, refuse
and interference.

Article 23
The carcasses of animals that died of Type A or Type B
infectious animal diseases, as specified in Paragraph 1 of
Article 6, shall be quickly burned, buried, treated chemically,
or disposed by other necessary means, according to the
instruction of animal health inspection personnel. However, upon
approval by authorities concerned, animals may be used to
establishing the etiology of the infectious animal diseases or
for academic research.

Article 24
For carcasses or objects buried according to Article 20 and its
various Parts, their burial grounds and labels shall not be dug
out or destroyed within a certain period of time.

Article 25
When animals died, or suspected of dying from infectious animal
diseases in the course of sea transportation, the owners,
keepers, or ship captains should sterilize the carcasses, place
and facilities or take other measures as deemed necessary.

Article 26
Before slaughtering animals are suffering or suspected of
suffering from infectious animal diseases, the owners and
keepers of animals shall report to animal health inspection
personnel and take instructions on the methods and places of
For persons who cannot or will not carry out their voluntary
duties according to the previous Paragraph, animal health
inspection personnel should implement themselves or order a
third party to do so. Fees shall be collected for implementing
the necessary measures.

Article 27
When the municipal or county (city) competent authority deem it
necessary to establish the etiology of sickness of animals or
their carcasses which are suspected of being contaminated with
infectious animal diseases, necropsy by animal health inspection
personnel should be ordered for.

Article 28
When the respective authorities concerned at different
government levels believe that there is a need to prevent and
control animal disease, the following measures should be taken:
1.Banning or limiting the delivery of specific types of animals
  in specified regions and banning the transportation of
  carcasses and objects which could possibly spread the
  pathogens of the infectious animal diseases. However, the
  limiting period should not exceed one year.
2.Banning the import of objects subjected to quarantine in
  specified regions.
3.Establishing quarantine stations at essential roads and
  passages for checking, and utilizing statute stated in
  Paragraph 1 of Article 34 and Article 35.
During the implementation of the various Parts in the above
Paragraph, authorities concerned for municipal cities shall
report the entire process to the central competent authority and
inform the authorities concerned in the neighboring regions.

Article 29
When the municipal or county (city) competent authority deem it
necessary for disease prevention, business should be halted in
zoos, abattoirs, farm animal (meat) markets, poultry markets,
fish market, processing plants for farm products and aquatic
products, incubation sites, artificial fertilization stations,
milk harvesting station, etc. In addition, animal competitions,
horse racing competitions, and other activities which involve
the gathering of animals should be halted.

Article 30
When the central competent authority deem it necessary, animal
health inspection personnel under their jurisdiction should be
sent to host joined infectious animal disease prevention and
control activities between counties (cities) or between counties
(cities) and municipal cities. Or assistance should be extended
to authorities concerned for municipal cities and counties
(cities) to manage matters of prevention and control of
infectious animal diseases.

Article 31
Upon the eradication of infectious animal diseases, the
municipal or county (city) competent authority shall remove the
announcement of restrictive measures and report to the central
competent authority accordingly, as well as inform the
authorities concerned of the neighboring regions.


Chapter 4   Importation/Exportation and Quarantine

Article 32
The import/export objects subjected to quarantine shall be
handled by animal quarantine authorities or authorized
organizations.  In addition, inspection shall be carried out at
ports, stations, animal quarantine offices, and other places
specified by the animal quarantine authorities. 
For exported objects requiring quarantine in the places of
origin before exportation, the animal health inspection
authorities shall co-operate with animal quarantine authorities
to conduct the inspection. The central competent authority shall
regulates the quarantine procedures, export registration or
abolishment, sanitary management, sampling and analysis examine,
report of diseases, inspection, the animal health certificate
issuance or abolishment and other related matters. 
Animal quarantine authorities shall notify animal health
inspection authorities to conduct the post entry follow-up
quarantine of the import objects. The central competent
authority shall regulates the inspection, raising management,
notification, report of diseases, period of post entry
quarantine and other related matters.

Article 32-1
Animals subjected to quarantine should be quarantined by
individual and other objects subjected to quarantine shall be
quarantined by batch by the import/export animal quarantine
uthorities or authorized organizations.
Unqualified objects after quarantine provided under Paragraph 1
of this Article is not allowed to apply repeat quarantine.

Article 33
To ensure the health of animals and humans, the central
competent authority should establish the quarantine conditions
for objects subjected to quarantine, and announce the contagious
areas and non-contagious areas in the overseas. In addition,
they shall be responsible for banning or managing the import/
export of objects needing quarantine.

Article 34
Importers or agents shall apply for the objects subjected to
quarantine before arriving at ports or stations and submit
animal quarantine certificate granted by the inspection
authorities of exporting countries.  Animals found to be
suffering or suspected of suffering from infectious animal
diseases, upon quarantine, shall be barred from entering or
disposed as deemed necessary.
Passengers or personnel on vehicle, vessel or aircraft carrying
objects subjected to quarantine shall, in accordance with
Paragraph 1 of this Article, apply for animal quarantine upon
The results of animal quarantine certificate shall accord with
the quarantine conditions provided under Article 33.
If there is no submission of animal quarantine certificate or
the results of animal quarantine certificate do not accord with
quarantine conditions, the import/export animal quarantine
authorities shall treat the following conditions in compliance
with severity:
1.Secure quarantine measures are selected according to
  international rules, for animal quarantine.
2.Duration of animal quarantine should be prolonged to implement
  imperative diagnosis or supplementary vaccination for
  infectious animal diseases. Animals should be allowed to pass
  and animal quarantine certificate should be issued on
  condition that these animals are not suspected of suffering
  from infectious animal diseases.
3.Importers or agents of animals subjected to quarantine should
  be advised to submit animal quarantine certificate before the
  deadline. Animals subjected to quarantine should be rejected
  or culled on the condition that animal quarantine certificate
  is not submitted before the deadline.
4.Animals subjected to quarantine shall be rejected or culled.
Objects subjected to quarantine which are in transit or
transshipment, shall be applied for quarantine in accordance
with Paragraph 1 of this Article by the importers, agents or
keepers.  If an object is found to be suffering, suspected of
suffering, or possibly infected or contaminated with infectious
animal diseases or pathogens, the animal quarantine authorities
shall take precautionary measures or disposal as deemed
If animal quarantine personnel find any quarantine evasion when
inspection in ports or stations, the person who has intention to
evade quarantine shall be punished in accordance with the
Statute, and order them to submit animal quarantine certificate
before the deadline. Animals subjected to quarantine shall be
rejected or culled on the condition that animal quarantine
certificate is not submitted before the deadline.
Packaging for objects subjected to quarantine should not be
opened or moved without permission.
Before arriving at the ports, vessels carrying animals from
overseas shall raise the signals, according to international
practices, for animal quarantine.
The cost for implementing imperative quarantine measures in
accordance with Paragraph 1, 4 to 6 of this Article shall be
borne by importers, agents or keepers.

Article 34-1
On the basis of executing quarantine to prevent the
communication / contagion and spread of infectious animal
disease, regulations for the treatment, methods, standard
operating procedure, place, duration, course and transport
concerning animal quarantine shall be regulated by the central
competent authorities based on animal species and
objects subjected to quarantine.
Importers/exporter or agents of animals subjected to quarantine
shall apply for the ports, stations, animal quarantine offices,
and other places specified by the import/export animal
quarantine authorities before import/export, otherwise the
import/export of animals subjected to quarantine shall be
Anyone, not the import/export animal quarantine personnel, can
not enter animal quarantine offices without permission.
Upon quarantine, feed, straw and medicine supplied for animals,
and milk, eggs, antlers, fur, feather, neonatal animals and
other potential infectious pathogen contaminants were not
allowed to bring into and out animal quarantine offices without
permission from the responsible animal quarantine personnel.
Animals found to be suffering or suspected of suffering from
infectious animal diseases, upon quarantine, should be treated
by the import/export animal quarantine personnel as deemed
necessary, including immediate disposal.  A certificate of
disposal of animals described above should be sent to the
importers/exporter or agents.

Article 35
When necessary, animal quarantine personnel should inspect the
incoming vehicles, vessels, or aircraft, before objects
subjected to quarantine are unloaded. Once import animals is
found to be suffering or suspected of suffering from infectious
animal diseases, objects subjected to quarantine and the
incoming vehicles, vessels, or aircraft should be treated by
staff of import/export animal quarantine authorities as deemed
necessary. Personnel, including owners of vehicles, captains,
administrators or agents, in charge of the transportation shall
not evade or make false claims.
When import animals died, or suspected of dying from infectious
animal diseases in the course of transportation, the personnel,
including owners of vehicles, captains, administrators or agents
, in charge of the transportation shall report to animal
quarantine personnel and follow their instruction before
arriving at ports or stations and unloading the animals.
After taking measures in accordance with Article 25, the owners,
keepers, or ship captains shall record the details in the log
book in preparation for animal quarantine personnel’s

Article 36
Exportation is allowed only upon verification, with certificates
of quarantine issued that the objects do not carry infectious
animal diseases nor suspected of carrying infectious animal
diseases. Exported objects under the following conditions shall
apply for quarantine:
1.When import countries need quarantine certificates from export
2.When the central competent authority believe that there is a
  necessity with regards to international quarantine.

Article 37
For objects subjected to quarantine which have been quarantine
and issued with certificates at Region A of the country, when
they are exported from Region B of the country, reports shall be
made to the local import/export animal quarantine authority at
Region B. When necessary, a second quarantine should be carried
out at Region B.

Article 38
When situations stated in Article 12, Article 14, Article 15,
Article 18 - 21, Article 26, and Article 27 occur during
quarantine, necessary actions shall be taken by individual
import/export animal quarantine authorities.

Article 38-1
The smuggled objects which are subjected to quarantine and meat
and meat products which are transported by foreign vehicles,
vessels or aircrafts are not allowed to be landed. Those which
have been landed shall be destroyed. 

Article 39
As for quarantine of import/ export/ transferring / transship,
the regulations of applications, certificate issuing, quarantine
signals, closed containers conveying, the carrying/ postal
delivering of passengers or the vehicle/ vessel/ aircraft
personnel, quarantine disinfection, and other related matters
shall be regulated by the central competent authorities.
The standard of fees for aforementioned quarantine implementing
shall be prescribed by the central competent authorities.


Chapter 5   Compensations for Losses & Penalties

Article 40
According to this set of statute, for death or abortion which
occur during physical examination, immunizations, vaccinations,
medicine bath, or medical treatment; or sacrificed animals and
destroyed objects, the municipal and county (city) competent
authority shall set up a valuation committee to decide the
prices of animals and objects, and compensate according to the
following standards (compensation does not apply to owners or
keepers who violate this set of statute or other pertinent laws)
1.For bodies of healthy animals died of physical examinations,
  immunizations, vaccinations, medicine bath, or medical
  treatment, compensation shall be made within the evaluated
2.For animals sacrificed because of suspected infection or
  possible, contamination of infectious animal diseases,
  compensation shall be made within the evaluated price.
3.For animals sacrificed for etiology identification,
  compensation shall be made within the evaluated price.
4.For animals sacrificed because of suffering from the
  infectious animal diseases, compensation shall be made within
  three-fifth of the evaluated price.
5.For objects destroyed, compensation shall be made within half
  of the evaluated price.
6.To control infectious animal disease, animals are sent to the
  abattoirs for slaughtering, with consent from authorities
  concerned, compensation shall be made to fill the difference
  between the evaluated price and the actual price.
Regulations for the selection of the valuation committee members
and the standard of evaluation shall be prescribed by the
central competent authority.
No compensations shall be given for animals or objects according
to Paragraph 1, Part I - V, during import/export quarantine; or
animals which die during quarantine.
Compensations mentioned in the various Parts of Paragraph 1
shall be bore by the municipal or county (city) competent
authority. However, the central competent authority should
provide financia assistance.

Article 41
Offenders in violation of Article 33, by bring in restricted
objects subjected to quarantine, shall be imprisoned for more
than 7 years , a fine of not more than NT$ 3,000,000 may also be
The aforementioned objects shall be confiscated by the animal
quarantine authorities before the Court first instance announced
For representatives of judicial persons, agents of judicial
persons or ordinary persons, employed persons or other
professionals, who enforce their duty and violated the above
Paragraph, penalties shall be issued on persons who actually
violate the Paragraph as well as the judicial persons or
ordinary persons involved. However, if the representatives of
the judicial persons or the ordinary persons have tried to
prevent the crime from happening, the judicial persons or
ordinary persons shall not be dealt with penalties.

Article 41-1
Within the set period, the owner of the means of transport had
violated the first Paragraph of the previous Article or
intentionally caused a third-party to use the said means of
transport to violate the same Paragraph, thereby causing or
suspected to cause the spread of specific animal diseases, the
said means of transport shall be confiscated.
The above applies to persons who, while aware that the said
means of transport has involved in this or the previous Article,
still obtained its ownership thereof.
The central competent authority shall announce the set period
and specific animal diseases referred to above.
Confiscations mentioned above shall be conducted by the seizure

Article 42
Violations of the following situations shall be fined between
NT$50,000 and NT$200,000:
1.When animal owners or keepers violate Paragraph 1 of Article
  19, shifting animals out of quarantine areas.
2.Violations of Paragraph 3 of Article 34-1, to set foot in or
  carry objects subjected to quarantine out of quarantine areas
  without allowance.
The Violations described in Subparagraph I and Part II of this
Article and leading spreading or transmission of diseases shall
be punished a maximum of three years imprisonment, detention,
and may be fined maximum of NT$1,000,000.
For representatives of judicial persons, agents of judicial
persons or ordinary persons, employed persons or other
professionals, who enforce their duty and violated the above
Paragraph, penalties shall be issued on persons who actually
violate the Paragraph as well as the judicial persons or
ordinary persons involved. However, if the representatives of
the judicial persons or the ordinary persons have to fulfill
obligation to prevent the crime from happening, the judicial
persons or ordinary persons shall not be dealt with penalties.

Article 43
Violations of the following situations shall be fined between
NT$30,000 and NT$150,000:
1.Veterinarians, veterinary aides and agents of animal medicine
  who violate Paragraph 1 of Article 13-1.
2.Veterinarians or veterinary aides who violate Article 17.
3.Animal owners or keepers who do not quarantine animals or take
  other necessary measures according to the instructions of
  animal health inspection personnel, or shift animals out or in
  from the animal house to violate violating Paragraph 1 or 2 of
  Article 19.
4.Animal owners or keepers who violate Article 23, do not take
  measures according to the instructions of animal health
  inspection personnel to violate Article 23, or violate
  Paragraph 1 of Article 26, do not report to the animal health
  inspection personnel to  violate Paragraph 1 of Article 26.
5.Animal owners or keepers who violate one of subparagraph,
  Paragraph 1 of Article 28.
6.The owners or keepers of exported objects subjected to
  quarantine who violate Paragraph 2 of Article 32, which
  concerning with quarantine procedures or methods, registration
  , sanitation, sampling and analysis, diseases’notification
  or inspection.
7.The owners or keepers of imported objects subjected to
  quarantine who violate Paragraph 3 of Article 32, which
  concerning with methods of inspection, breeding management,
  notify and diseases’ notification.
8.The importers or agents of objects subjected to quarantine who
  violate Article 33.
9.The importers, agents or keepers of objects subjected to
  quarantine who violate Paragraph 1, 5 or 6 of Article 34, not
  apply quarantine.
10.Violation of Paragraph 7 of Article 34, the objects subjected
   to quarantine unpacked or shift without agreement before
11.The importers or agent of animals who violate Paragraph 1 of
   Article 34-1, which concerning with quarantine procedures,
   transportation, inspection, raising management, notify an
   diseases’ notification.
12.The exporter or agent of animals who violate Paragraph 2 of
   Article 34-1, which concerning not applying to arrange
   quarantine place prier to exportation or importation.

Article 44
Violations of the following regulations should be fined between
NT$ 20,000 and NT$ 100,000:
1.Proprietors of rendering plants or rendering transportation
  companies who violate Paragraph 1 or 2 of Article 16.
2.Proprietors of rendering plants or rendering transportation
  companies who violate Paragraph 3 of Article 16 that the
  methods for the installation of disinfection facilities and
  equipments mentioned above, items, disinfection methods and
  procedures, contracted rendering, limitation of usage of
  rendering sources, report, inspection, approval and grant the
  qualified certificates for vehicles or the reporting
3.Owners of vehicles, captains of vessels or aircraft, keepers
  or agents authorized who violate Article 35 or 38-1.
4.Importers/Exporters or their agents of objects not comply with
  Article 36 or 37 to apply quarantine and inspection.

Article 45
Violations of the following regulations shall be fined between
NT$10,000 and NT$50,000:
1.Owners or related persons who violate Article 9 or Article 29.
2.Animal owners, keepers, or persons in the transportation
  business who violate Article 12.
3.Animal owners or keepers who do not take prevention and
  control measures to violate Paragraph 1 or 2 of Article 13,
  or violate Paragraph 4 of Article 13, Paragraph 1 of Article
  13-1, Article 14, Article 15, Article 20 or Article 22.
4.Persons who violate Article 24 to dig burial grounds or
  destroy labels without permissions.

Article 45-1
Passengers or personnel of vehicle, vessel or aircraft who
violate the second paragraph of Article 34 shall be fined
between NT$3,000 and 15,000.

Article 46
The fines stated in this set of statute shall be implemented by
the municipal or county (cities) competent authority, or
import/export animal quarantine authorities.


Chapter 6   Annex

Article 47
Details of implementing this set of statute shall be defined by
the central competent authority and approved by the Executive

Article 48
This Statute should come into effect on the date of promulgation