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Title: Direction Governing Sanitation Management of Fishing Vessels Supplying Fishery Products to Processing Plants Intent to Export to EU Ch
Date: 2012.04.09
Legislative: Promulgated No. 0961321203 on May 21, 2007.
Amended and promulgated 14th point No.0971321935 on August, 21, 2008.
Amended and promulgated 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15th points of No.0981322384 on October 13, 2009.
Amended and promulgated 5, 6, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19th points of No.0991321462 on June 23, 2010.
Amended and promulgated 14th point of No. 1001320211 on January 24, 2011
Amended and promulgated 20th point of No. 1011321101 on April 9, 2012
Content: 1.
Council of Agriculture (COA) (hereinafter referred to as "the authority") of Executive Yuan enacts this direction to improve the sanitation management of fishing vessels and ensure the hygiene of fish catch and transportation comply with EU provisions.

Tasks related to official controls pertaining in this direction include document review, hygiene inspection and registration of the vessels, hygiene training of captains and fish catch analysis.

Fisheries Agency could authorize the document review, hygiene inspection, the hygiene training of captains and fish catch analysis to the control bodies (hereinafter referred to as “control bodies”) if necessary.
Fisheries Agency determines the approval of the hygiene inspection of vessels, holding examination for captain hygiene training and issuance of certificates.

The fishing vessel shall be approval for hygiene inspection and registered in Fisheries Agency before fishery operators delivering fishery catch to the processing plants intent exporting fishery products to EU regions.
The fishery operators shall apply for captain training and hygiene inspection from Fisheries Agency or the designated control body before being registered as vessels qualified to supply fishery products to EU regions.

Fishery operators applying for fishing vessel approval shall submit the following application form (Attachment 1) through fishery organization to Fisheries Agency or the Fishermen Association for document review.
(1)Copy of fishing license.
(2)Logbook of the last voyage (Attachment 2). If the voyage is less than 3 days, the fishery operator shall submit a three-day logbook.
(3)Fish hygiene and fish hold temperature records (Attachment 3). Freezer vessel shall submit the temperature record of the last voyage. (Newly built vessel shall attach testing report of freezer).
(4)Freezer vessels shall submit HACCP plan (Attachment 4)
(5)Certificates for captain who complete and pass the tests for hygiene training relevant to EU requirements.
If document submitted is inadequate or inaccurate, the control bodies shall notify the fishery operators to take corrective action within 15 days from receiving notification. Overdue application shall be rejected.

Fisheries operator shall prepared for on site hygiene inspection within one month after receiving notification and notify the designated control body or Fisheries Agency within 10 days before on site hygiene inspection.
Standards for on-site inspection are listed in Attachment 5.

Upon completion of on-site inspection, the control body shall inform Fisheries Agency and upload the inspection record at the Fisheries Agency web site.

Fishery operators shall re-submit application in accordance with Article 5 if fishery operators fail the on-site re-inspection.

The approved fishing vessels shall be inspected the second year after registration. The fishery operator shall apply for surveillance inspection three months before expiration.
Fisheries Agency will place the registration list onto the probation list when the fishery operator did not apply for surveillance inspection or fall the inspection after two years.
Fishery operator fail the surveillance inspection shall complete the corrective actions within three months after receiving the notice. Fishery operator shall apply for re-inspection and the registration status will be restored when they pass the re-inspection.
Fishery agencies will delist the fishery operator from the probation list after one year.

Captains of the fishing vessel shall receive a minimum of 4-hour hygiene training. Hygiene training shall include EU regulation, fishing vessel hygiene audit standards, and hygiene management on fish catch.
Fisheries Agency shall issue training certificates to captains who complete the training and passed the test. The certificate is valid for 5 years.

Captains shall ensure the hygiene of the working environment, visually check the fish catch storage temperature and record the storage temperature and fishing area on the Logbook.

Captains of the registered vessels shall examine the parasites, poisonous fish of the following families: Tetraodontidae , Molidae , Diodontidae and Canthigasteridae during the fishing operation and take records on the fish hold temperature records.

Fishery operators of the registered vessels shall apply for hygiene training for captains if captains have not acquired training certificates according to Article 10. Captains shall be trained and pass the examinations within three months of the employment.
Fishery operators shall report to Fisheries Agency whenever changes for ownership or name of vessels.

Captains shall submit copy of logbook to the Fishermen Association whenever returning to fishing ports and unloading the fish catch. In addition, captains shall file the Fish catch marketing flow records (Attachment 6). Fishery operators shall have Fish Catch Marketing Flow Records delivered to the transporters, processing plants, intent to export to EU region.
Fisheries Agency or the designated control body could takes samples during unloading. Testing criteria include freshness, parasites, and poisonous fish.
When there is a doubt for the freshness, fishery operators shall cooperate with the Fisheries Agency or the designated control body for sampling and testing.
Fishermen Association shall deliver the logbook in Point 1 to the designated county government.

If fishing vessel confronts with following incidence, Fisheries Agency shall withdraw the registration of the vessels.
(1)Fishery operators apply for hygiene inspection using forged documents.
(2)Not submitting logbook according to Article 14 or filling forged information in the logbook and fish hold temperature records failed to take corrective actions.
(3)Fishery operators do not cooperate for surveillance in accordance with Article 9 or fail the re-inspection and do not take corrective actions on within the defined time period.
(4)Fish catch not in compliance with EU requirements and fail to take effective corrective actions or capital events.
(5)Captains do not receive training pertaining in Article 13.
(6)Loss of fishing vessel.
Fishing vessels being withdraw or suspension from the registration shall apply for hygiene inspection one year after the withdraw or suspension.

If EU coded coastal fishing vessel confronts with following incidence, Fisheries Agency shall notify EU to withdraw from list via Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection of Ministry of Economic Affairs.

If EU coded costal fishing vessel confronts with following incidence, Fisheries Agency shall notify EU to withdraw from list via Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection of Ministry of Economic Affairs.
(1)Fishery operators apply for hygiene inspection using inaccurate documents.
(2)Fishery operators do not apply for re-inspection or fail the surveillance but not apply for re-inspection in accordance with Article 9.
(3)Fish catch, delivered to EU regions, fails to comply with EU provisions and do not take corrective actions
(4)Loss of deep sea fishing vessel.
(5)Fishery operators do not following this direction to submit hygiene relevant information of fish catch to Fisheries Agency.

The costal freezer fishing vessel delisted may apply for approval 1 year after Fisheries Agency notifies EU via Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection of Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Fishery operators of EU coded costal freezer shall submit written information regarding the changes of vessels, fishery operators, captain and name of vessels to Fisheries Agency. Fisheries Agency shall notify EU via Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection of Ministry of Economic Affairs.

When fish catch of offshore and coastal fishing vessels are marketed to non-EU regions, the document review, hygiene inspection and registration of the vessels, hygiene training of captains and fish catch analysis shall comply with this direction.