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Title: the amount or proportion of investment as set forth in Article 3 paragraph 1 sub-paragraph 2 of the Ordinance to Govern Investment in the Operation of Foreign Flag Fishing Vessels Ch
Date: 2010.08.16
Legislative: Promulgated by the Council of Agriculture of Executive Yuan Order Nong Yu Zi No.0981332555 on October 16 th, 2009
amended by Council of Agriculture of Executive Yuan Order Nong Yu Zi No. 0991331042 on August 16th, 2010
Content: Subject: Promulgation of the amount or proportion of investment as
         set forth in Article 3 paragraph 1 sub-paragraph 2 of the 
         Ordinance to Govern Investment in the Operation of Foreign 
         Flag Fishing Vessels

Reference: Article 3 paragraph 2 of the Ordinance to Govern 
           Investment in the Operation of Foreign Flag Fishing Vessels

Matters for Promulgation: According to Article 3 paragraph 1 
            sub-paragraph 2 of the Ordinance to Govern Investment in
            the Operation of Foreign Flag Fishing Vessels, the term
           “investment in the business of fishery” means using of
            capital funding, fishing equipments or facilities and 
            rights…etc. of a certain amount or equity, solely or
            jointly in the operation of the business of fishery. 
            The definition of the term “a certain amount or equity”
            means the amount or equity which has met any one of 
           following conditions:

1. Proportion of Investment: the proportion of investment made by
   a Taiwan national or the cumulative proportion of investment by
   a number of Taiwan nationals is more than 50% of the value of
   fishing vessel;

2. The Amount of Investment (based on the amount of investment in
   a single vessel):
  (1) Long Line Fishery: 
     a. Length of overall (LOA) of the vessel over 24 meters: over
        NT$ 10 million;
     b. Length of overall (LOA) of the vessel less than 24 meters: 
        over NT$ 5 million.
  (2) Purse Seine Fishery: over NT$ 50 million.
  (3) Squid Jigging Fishery: over NT$ 35 million.
  (4) Other Fishery: over NT$ 5 million.