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Title: Regulations for Pet Registry Management Ch
Date: 1999.07.31
Legislative: 1.Promulgated on July 31, 1999.

Article 1:
These regulations are enacted according to the provisions in Paragraph (3) of Article 19 of the Animal Protection Law (hereafter referred to as this Law/ARL).


Article 2:
The term “pet” in these regulations shall mean the pets requiring to be registered that are announced by the competent authority at the central level as referred to in Paragraph (1) of Article 19 of the Law/ARL.


Article 3:
The pet keeper or feeder shall have the pets registered within four months from the date of birth of the pets at the competent authority of municipalities, counties or cities, or designate private registry institutions or groups (hereafter referred to as registry institutions) to handle the pet registry, by presenting the following documents and papers:
(1) The feeder’s identification (ID card);
(2) Certificate of preventive inoculation issued by health institutions
    designated by the competent authority at the central level;
(3) Receipts of payment for costs of the pet microchips, pet collars and
    handling charge for microchip implantation; and registry fee;
The commercial or profit-making pets kept or raised for breeding (or reproduction) or trading, when not being transacted or sold, may be free from pet registry procedure as required in the preceding paragraph for the time being.


Article 4:
Any of following kinds of pet (or dog) or animal may be exempt from registration with the permission or approval granted by the competent authority of municipalities, counties or cities:
(1) Military dogs;
(2) Police dogs;
(3) Anti-smuggling dogs;
(4) Quarantine dogs;
(5) Guide or escort dogs for the blind;
(6) Experimental dogs
(7) The pets or animals that are temporarily housed or kept in animal
     shelters or designated places run by the competent authority of
     municipalities, counties or cities or by the authority-commissioned
     private institutions or groups.
The owners or breeders of the dogs as referred to under the preceding items 1 through 5 shall apply for permission or approval of keeping the dogs at the competent authority of municipalities, counties or cities, and transplant microchips into the bodies of the dogs.
The owners of breeders of the dogs as referred to under items 1 through 6 of the preceding paragraph shall apply for approval of keeping the dogs by detailing the number or quantity, breeds, and purposes of the dogs at the competent authority of municipalities, counties or cities.


Article 5:
The designated registry institutions, upon receiving the application, shall assign a serial number to the dog, putting the pet collar and ID tag on the numbered dog, transplanting microchips into its body, and issuing the pet registry certificate.


Article 6:
The feeder or owner of the registered pet, when the pet is acquired or transferred, shall make an application for change of its registry certificate and obtain a new pet certificate within one month following the acquirement, purchase, or transfer of the pet when it takes place, or the owner’s address is changed, by filling out the application for such changes, accompanied by the original pet registry certificate.


Article 7:
The feeder or keepers shall report to the registry institution the loss of the pet within five days after the pet is lost, by presenting the pet registry certificate. The lost pet as reported shall be regarded as dead provided it is not recovered within one year following the loss of it and its registry certificate shall be cancelled at the registry institution.


Article 8:
The feeder or breeder shall register the death of the pet within one month following the day of its death at the registry institution by presenting the pet registry certificate to apply for the cancellation of it.


Article 9:
Private organizations and groups shall file their application to become designated, qualified pet registry institutions at local competent authority of municipalities, counties or cities. The competent authority of municipalities, counties or cities shall set up their own animal shelters, or commission private designated places to handle the pet registry without the need of filing the above-mentioned application.


Article 10:
When handling any application case filed by a private group, as referred to in the preceding article for a designated pet registry institution, the competent authority of municipalities, counties or cities shall first have animal protection inspectors investigate and inspect the places and grounds. No formal entrust contract shall be enter into without the passage and approval of the inspection.


Article 11:
Every year before January 31, the designated or contracted civic pet registry groups shall submit reports to their local competent authority of municipalities, counties or cities on the number of all the pet registry cases, along with the feeder data, that are handled in the first half of the year. At least once in a year, the competent authority of municipalities, counties or cities shall assign animal protection inspectors to inspect and review the contracted pet registry business. The designated registry institutions must not evade, block, obstruct, or refuse such inspection or reviewing.
The competent authority of municipalities, counties or cities, prior to the singing-up of the contract as referred to in the preceding article, shall clearly specify the preceding two paragraphs forming an integral part of the contract. Any violation of either of the provisions shall lead to the termination of the contract entrusting the pet registry business.


Article 12:
In order to prevent pets from over-breeding or over-population, the competent authority of various municipalities, counties or cities may give subsidies for the costs incurred for pet sterilization.


Article 13:
The decision on what way or format the pet ID collars, tags, and microchips are numbered or followed shall be made by the competent authority at the central level; the purchase of the pet ID collars, tags, and microchips shall be made by the competent authority of municipalities, counties or cities.


Article 14:
The format of various documents, certificates and forms as stipulated or required in these regulations shall be developed and made out by the competent authority at the central level.


Article 15:
The feeder or breeder who fails to register the birth, acquirement, transfer, loss, and death of the pets within the time limit as specified in the Regulations for Pet Registry Management shall be imposed on a penalty in accordance with Article 31 of the Animal Protection Law.


Article 16:
The feeder has kept or raised pets that require registry before the announcement of the pet registry management regulations are formulated shall apply for pet registry in accordance with these regulations within one year following the implementation of these regulations. Failing to apply for pet registry within the time limit shall be penalized as stated in the preceding article.


Article 17:
These regulations shall take effect on September 1, 1999.

Data Source:MONISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Laws and Regulations Retrieving System