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Title: Standard for Fee Collection for Management of Pet Registry, Commercial Pet Traders, Breeders, and Keepers or Owners Ch
Date: 2002.12.31
Legislative: 1.Promulgated on July 31, 1999, and effective as of September 1, 1999.
2.Amendment to Article 3 and deletion of Article 9 promulgated on
December 31, 2002.

Article 1:
This standard is enacted in accordance with the provisions for Article 38 of the Animal Protection Law.


Article 2:
The fees for different items stipulated in this standard are calculated on the basis of the official unit of currency – the New Taiwan Dollars (NT$, NTD, TWD).


Article 3:
The competent authority of municipalities, counties or cities shall issue a pet identification (ID) to each registered pet and charge a fee according to the standard set fro the following items:
(1) The costs of pet microchip, pet collar plus the handling charge for
    microchip implanting: TWD300
(2) Registry fee:
  1) Sterilized pets: TWD 500
  2) Pets not sterilized: TWD 1,000
For feeders who have their pets registered within three months following the implementation of this standard, the following payment schedule shall apply:
(1) The costs of pet microchip, pet collar plus the handling charge for
    microchip implanting: TWD300
(2) Registry fee: None (free of charge) 
    For feeders who have their pets registered within one year from the
    third month following the implementation of this standard, the
    following payment schedule shall apply:
(3) The costs of pet microchip, pet collar plus the handling charge for
    microchip implanting: TWD300
(4) Registry fee:
  1) Sterilized pets: TWD 250
  2) Pets not sterilized: TWD 500


Article 4:
Application Fee for change of pet registry certificate: TWD100


Article 5:
Application Fee for registering the loss or death of the pets: None or free


Article 6:
Application Fee for a new pet registry certificate because of the loss of pet ID collar, pet tag, or the original certificate: TWD50


Article 7:
For any lost pet that is recovered and temporarily kept at an animal shelter, the original feeder or owner, when claiming it back, shall pay the shelter keeper a fee covering the costs of feeds and shelter management for up to TWD200 per day.


Article 8:
Application fee for permit of pet breeding, trading, keeping or raising: TWD2, 000 per case.


Article 9:


Article 10:
This standard takes effect on September 1, 1999.

Data Source:MONISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Laws and Regulations Retrieving System