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Title: Enforcement Rules of Animal Protection Ch
Date: 2000.01.19
Legislative: 1.Promulgated on January 19, 2000.

Article 1:
This Enforcement Rules of Animal Protection Act(hereinafter referred to as the Rules) is draw up pursuant to the provisions Act stipulated in Article 39 of the Animal Protection Act.


Article 2:
Applicant, who applies for slaughter animal pursuant to the Item 4 Paragraph 1 of Article 12 shall submit an application form to the competent authority with following documents.
1. Applicant name, address and personal identification document.
2. The reason of slaughter animal, amount and species.
3. The time for slaughter animal.
4. The place for slaughter animal.


Article 3:
The institution that performs the scientific application of animals referred to in the paragraph 1 of Article 16 of the Act, including as follow:
1. Schools above the level of college.
2. Animal drug manufactory.
3. Medicine manufactory.
4. Biological drug manufactory.
5. Hospital.
6. Research institution.
7. Other scientific application animal designated by the central competent


Article 4:
The adequate protection measures depicted in the Paragraph 1 of Article 20, which means the person who accompanies the pet must use leash, cage or box to carry the pet.


Article 5:
The animal protection inspector depicted in the Paragraph 1 of Article 23, who shall pass the specific training and a proof document.
Volunteer inspector shall pass the specific training and receive a proof document by the competent authority of the municipal/ county/ city.
The competent authority the municipal / county / city shall provide the identification document for animal protection inspector and volunteer inspector.


Article 6:
While volunteer inspector assist in animal protection inspection work, they need under the supervision of animal protection inspector.


Article 7:
The owner who raises these animals before the central competent authority pursuant to Article 8 of the Act post a public notice about the animals that are prohibited to be raised, exported or imported need registration to the competent authority of municipal / county / city within six months.


Article 8:
The central competent depicted in the Paragraph 2 of Article 36 to announce the animal need registration. The owner want to propagates these animals need making registration to the competent authority of the municipal/ county/ city within the animal has been delivered three months.


Article 9:
According to the former two Articles make registration, if the owner changed his place or address, or the feeding animal location has been change the registration at the original authority. It is the same as who received or had the registered animal.


Article 10:
The registration of the death of the animal referred to in the Artcle7 and 8, the feeder shall register the death of the pet within one month at the original registry institution.
The loss of pet referred to in the Article 7 and 8, the feeder shall report to the registry institution the loss of the pet within one month after the pet is lost, by presenting the pet registry certificate. The lost pet as reported shall be regarded as dead provided it is not recovered within one year following the loss of it and its registry certificate shall be cancelled at the registry institution.


Article 11:
The format of certificate, permit and chart in the Rules herein shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.


Article 12:
These Rules take effort on the day of promulgation.

Data Source:MONISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Laws and Regulations Retrieving System