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Title: Rates and Categories of Administrative Fees for Using Primary Facilities of Fishing Ports Managed by the Ministry of Agriculture Ch
Date: 2024.01.29
Legislative: Announced and promulgated on 30 December 2000 by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan under Order No. (89) Nung-yu-tzu 891341009.

The title and full text of two articles amended and promulgated on 15 November 2002 by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan under Order No. Nung-shou-yu-tzu 0911340911 (original title: Rates and Categories of Administrative Fees for Fishing Ports Managed
by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan).

The full text of two articles amended and promulgated on 26 May 2005 by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan under Order No. Nung-shou-yu-tzu 0941340703 and became effective on 1 June 2005.

The full text of two articles amended and promulgated on 4 February 2009 by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan Under Order No. Nung-shou-yu-tzu 0981260152 and became effective upon the date of promulgation.

The full text of two articles amended and promulgated on 1 November 2012 by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan Under Order No. Nung-shou-yu-tzu 1011311058 and became effective upon the date of promulgation.

The title and full text amended and promulgated on 29 January 2024 by the Ministry of Agriculture under Order No. Nung-shou-yu-tzu 1131562408, and became effective on 1 February 2024 (original title: Rates and Categories of Administrative Fees for Using Primary
Facilities of Fishing Ports Managed by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan)

1.          Pursuant to Article 2, paragraph 2 and Article 3 of the Standards on Rates and Categories of Administrative Fees for Using Primary Facilities of Fishing Ports, rates and categories of administrative fees for using primary facilities (hereinafter referred to as “the fees”) of Badouzi Fishing Port, Zhengbin Fishing Port, Anping Fishing Port, Cianjhen Fishing Port, Wushi Fishing Port, Nan-Fang-Ao Fishing Port, Hsinchu Fishing Port, Wuqi Fishing Port, and Donggang Yan-Pu Fishing managed by the Ministry of Agriculture (hereinafter referred to as “the Ministry”), are hereby established.


2.          Rates and categories for the fees are as follows

(1)       Fishing vessels/boats of the Republic of China, official vessels/ships, and vessels/boats taking refuge:

               i.                For any fishing vessel of the Republic of China with a valid fishing license, official vessel/ship, and vessel/boat taking refugee: free of charge.

            ii.                For any fishing vessel of the Republic of China without a valid fishing license, except fishing rafts and sampans:

(i)                 the fees shall be collected at a rate of 4 NTD per gross tonnage per day for any such vessel that berths at a wharf managed and operated by the Ministry.

(ii)              the fees shall be collected at a rate of 4 NTD per gross tonnage per day for any such vessel that only berths in waters and does not berth alongside other ships at berthing wharves.

(iii)            the fees shall be collected at a rate of 2 NTD per gross tonnage per day for any such vessel that berths at wharves not managed and operated by the Ministry.

          iii.                For any fishing raft and sampan without a valid fishing license:

(i)                 the fees shall be collected at a rate of 40 NTD per meter of the length of the berth pier per day for that berths at sub-quays of floating piers managed and operated by the Ministry.

(ii)              the fees shall be collected at a rate of 20 NTD per meter of the length overall of a raft or sampan per day for that berths at piers other than sub-quays of floating piers managed and operated by the Ministry.

(iii)            the fees shall be collected at a rate of 20 NTD per meter of length overall of a raft or sampan per day for that only berths in waters and does not berth alongside other ships at berthing wharves.

(iv)             the fees shall be collected at a rate of 10 NTD per meter of length overall of a raft or sampan per day for that berths at wharves not managed and operated by the Ministry.

(2)       Passenger ships and cargo ships, and utility ships:

               i.                For any passenger ship and cargo ship:

(i)                 the fees shall be collected at a rate of 4 NTD per gross tonnage per day for that berths at a wharf managed and operated by the Ministry.

(ii)              the fees shall be collected at a rate of 4 NTD per gross tonnage per day for that only berths in waters and does not berth alongside other ships at berthing wharves.

(iii)            the fees shall be collected at a rate of 2 NTD per gross tonnage per day for that berths at wharves not managed and operated by the Ministry.

            ii.                For any utility ship:

(i)                 the fees shall be collected at a rate of 12 NTD per gross tonnage per day for that berths at a wharf managed and operated by the Ministry.

(ii)              the fees shall be collected at a rate of 12 NTD per gross tonnage per day for that only berths in waters and does not berth alongside other ships at berthing wharves.

(iii)            the fees shall be collected at a rate of 6 NTD per gross tonnage per day for that berths at wharves not managed and operated by the Ministry.

(3)       Yachts and small boats:

               i.                For those berthing at sub-quays of floating piers managed and operated by the Ministry, the fees shall be collected based on the length of the berth pier as follows:

(i)                 10 meters: 400 NTD

(ii)              15 meters: 600 NTD

(iii)            18 meters: 720 NTD

(iv)             20 meters: 800 NTD

(v)               30 meters: 1500 NTD

            ii.                For those that berths at piers other than sub-quays of floating piers managed and operated by the Ministry, the fees shall be collected based on the length overall of any such vessel as follows:

(i)                 10 meters or less: 200 NTD

(ii)              More than 10 meters to 20 meters (inclusive): 20 NTD per meter

(iii)            More than 20 meters to 30 meters (inclusive): 25 NTD per meter

(iv)             More than 30 meters to 50 meters (inclusive): 35 NTD per meter

(v)               More than 50 meters: 50 NTD per meter.

          iii.                For those berth in waters and do not berth alongside other ships at berthing wharves, the fees shall be collected at a rate of 20 NTD per meter of length overall of any such vessel per day.

           iv.                For those berth at wharves not managed and operated by the Ministry, the fees shall be collected at a rate of 10 NTD per meter of length overall of any such vessel per day.

(4)       Other vessels/ships other than those as referred to in the preceding three subparagraphs: For non-powered ships with a gross tonnage of 50 or more or powered ships with a gross tonnage of 20 or more, the fees shall be collected in accordance with item ii of subparagraph (2); and for the rest, the fees shall be collected in accordance with the provisions of the preceding subparagraph.

(5)       Operators of wharves exclusively used for refueling, water supplying, ice supplying, repair and maintenance, etc.:

               i.                For any wharf with water depth below the low tide within 3 meters: 500 NTD per meter per month

            ii.                For any wharf with water depth below the low tide between 3 to 5 meters: 1000 NTD per meter per month

          iii.                For any wharf with water depth below the low tide for more than 5 meters: 1500 NTD per meter per month.

(6)       Operators of wharves designated exclusively for angling: the fees shall be collected at a rate of 100 NTD per meter per month.


In case that the fees as referred to in the preceding paragraph are collected based on gross tonnage, it shall be regarded as one tonnage if the gross tonnage is less than one. In case that the fees are collected based on length, it shall be regarded as one meter if the meter is less than one. In case that the duration of berthing is less than one day, it shall be regarded as one day.


The fees are to be collected by each commissioned government of municipality or county (city).
Data Source:MONISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Laws and Regulations Retrieving System