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Title: Fee-charging Standards for Issuing Approval Documents for Importing and Exporting Rice Ch
Date: 2022.10.27
Legislative: Full text of 5 Articles was promulgated by the Council of
Agriculture Order Nung-Liang-Tze No.1111090793 on October 27,
2022, and shall become effective on July 1, 2023.
Content: Article 1
These Standards are enacted pursuant to Paragraph 1 of Article
10 of the Charges and Fees Act.

Article 2
Exporters and importers applying for an Approval Document for
Importing and Exporting Rice, pursuant to the Regulations on
Issuing Approval Documents for Importing and Exporting Rice,
shall pay fees described as follows, which is also charged when
applying for an amendment to the Approval Document:
1. NT$100 for each application.
2. Expedited service, issued within three working days, NT$150
   for each application.

Article 3
There shall be a fee waiver for agencies and schools if they
apply for an Approval Document for Importing and Exporting rice
just for their operation needs.

Article 4
If the Approval Document for Importing and Exporting Rice is
not issued, the applicant should be refunded (interest-free) the
paid fee.

Article 5
These Standards shall take effect on July 1, 2023.
Data Source:MONISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Laws and Regulations Retrieving System