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Title: Standards for the Inspection of Public Stock Paddy Ch
Date: 2021.08.24
Legislative: 1.Enacted under Order Nung-Liang-Tze 88020756 dated October 30,
2.Articles 1 amended under Order Nung-Liang-Tze 0910020207 dated
March 15, 2002.
3.Articles 4 amended under Order Nung-Liang-Tze 0931131268 dated
May 31, 2004.
4.Amended under Order Nung-Liang-Tze 0971085089 dated February
27, 2008.
5.Amended under Order Nung-Liang-Tze 1031096483A dated July 17,
6.Amended under Order Nung-Liang-Tze 1051096670A dated Apirl 12,
7.Amended under Order Nung-Liang-Tze 1101096876 dated August 24,
Content: Article 1
The Standards are enacted in accordance with Article 9 of Food  
Administration Act.

Article 2
For the collection of public stock, the paddy must be produced  
by farmers in the current period, and be listed as superior     
varieties by the authority under Paragraph 2, Article 14 of     
Enforcement Rules of Food Administration Act.

Article 3
The terms in the Standards are defined as follows:
  1.Test weight: the weight per liter.
  2.Foreign matter: matters other than the paddy itself.
  3.Heat-damaged kernel: the whole or broken rice kernel        
    materially heat-damaged and discolored deep yellow, orange, 
    or orange-red as a result of heating, over drying, or high  
    temperature storing. 
  4.Sprouting kernel: the paddy kernel that sprouts, roots, or  
    has cracks on swelling inferior palea, including rotten-germ
    kernels (with sprout or root discolored and rotted).
  5.Worn kernel: the paddy kernel damaged by harvesting or      
    processing procedures with rice husk breaks, cracks, or     
  6.Fungus and insect damaged kernel: the kernel damaged by     
    diseases, insects, and funguses.
  7.Fissure and cracked kernels: the paddy kernel with a fissure
    that circles the endosperm vertically or horizontally or    
    over two fissures on the endosperm.
  8.Abnormal kernel: the rice kernel deformed in ways such as   
    notched-belly (inner folded endosperm), twists, shrinkages, 
    or other deformations.
  9.Rusty kernel: the rice kernel with a rusty surface.
  10.Damaged kernel: the whole kernel or broken kernel damaged  
     by humidity, diseases, insects, and other causes with      
     obvious yellow color, defects, or deterioration, including 
     heat damaged kernels, sprouting kernels, worn kernels,     
     fungus and insect damaged kernels, fissure and cracked     
     kernels, abnormal kernels, and rusty kernels.
  11.Off-type kernel: the paddy kernels with different shapes.
  12.Broken kernel: the rice kernel that is broken into 1/4 to  
     3/4 of the average length of 30 normal whole rice kernels.
  13.Chalky kernel: the rice kernel with over half of the       
     projection chalky in color.
  14.Immature kernel: the whole or broken kernel that is        
     immature and or undeveloped, lusterless, and usually       
     flatter, thinner, or smaller than normal whole rice        
     kernels; including chalky kernels.
  15.Non-opaque waxy kernels: the waxy rice kernel that is not  
     milk white in color.

Article 4
For the collection of public stock, the standards for paddy are 
as follows:
  1.Moisture: shall not exceed 13%.
  2.Test weight: Japonica rice shall weight over 530 grams per  
    liter, Indica rice shall weight over 490 grams per liter,   
    short grain waxy rice shall weight over 510 grams per liter,
    and long grain waxy rice shall weight over 480 grams per    
  3.Foreign matter: shall not exceed 0.5%.
  4.Damaged kernel: shall not exceed 6% with heat damaged       
    kernels below 0.5%.
  5.Off-type kernel: shall not exceed 5% for Japonica rice and  
    Indica rice, and shall not exceed 3% for waxy rice.
  6.Broken kernel: shall not exceed 4% for Japonica rice, shall 
    not exceed 8% for Indica rice, shall not exceed 3% for short
    grain waxy rice, and shall not exceed 6% for long grain waxy
  7.Immature kernel:
    (1) shall not exceed 20% for Japonica rice and long Indica  
    (2) shall not exceed 15% for Indica rice of high amylose    
        content, excluding chalky kernels.
    (3) shall not exceed 10% for waxy rice.
  8.Non-opaque waxy kernels: shall not exceed 4% for waxy rice.
  9.Hygiene requirements shall conform to the relevant food     
    hygiene laws of the Republic of China.
The standards for inspection in Subparagraph 4 through          
Subparagraph 8 in the former Paragraph shall be applied to      
hulled brown rice.

Article 5
The Standards shall take effect on the date of promulgation.
Data Source:MONISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Laws and Regulations Retrieving System