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Title: Regulations for Quarantine of Animal/ Plant Carried by Passengers and Service Personnel on Vehicles Ch
Date: 2021.04.07
Legislative: 1. Adopted and promulgated on January 30, 2003
2. Amendment to Articles 2, 3 and promulgated on September 12, 2007
3. Amendment to Articles 4, 8 and promulgated on February 16, 2011
4. Amendment to Article 3 and promulgated on September 8, 2011
5. Amendment to the Annex of Article 2 and promulgated on April 8, 2015
6. Amended and promulgated on July 3, 2019
7. Amended and promulgated on April 7, 2021.
Content: Article 1
The Regulations are pursuant to Article 39 of the Statute for
Prevention and Control of Infectious Animal Disease (hereinafter
referred to as "the Statute") and Article 21-1 of the Plant
Protection and Quarantine Act. (Hereinafter referred to as "the

Article 2
These regulations are applicable to animal quarantine objects and
plant regulated articles (quarantine objects/articles hereinafter)
carried by passenger (s) or crew of vehicles, vessels, and aircrafts
(inbound/outbound personnel hereinafter) as specified by the category
and quantity of the Annex.

Article 3
Outbound personnel carrying quarantine objects/articles and applying
for export quarantine inspection, pursuant to the Article 36 of
the Statute and the Article 20 of the Act, must complete the
application form with the presence of passport, ticket and other
relevant documents.

Article 4
Regarding export quarantine objects/articles carrying by outbound
personnel which are in compliance with regulations after quarantine
inspection, the following rules shall be applicable:
1.Animal quarantine objects: Veterinary certificates must be issued
  by the import/ export animal quarantine authority,
2.Plant regulated articles: Quarantine tags shall be issued by the
  plant quarantine authority. However, if phytosanitary certificates,
  additional declaration of quarantine requirements and the statement
  of quarantine treatment requested by importing countries, then
  a phytosanitary certificate may be issued by the plant quarantine

Article 5
Inbound personnel carrying quarantine objects/articles and applying
for import quarantine inspection, pursuant to the Paragraph 2,
Article 34 of the Statute and the Paragraph 2, Article 17 of the
Act, must complete the application form with the following documents
2.Declaration form of Customs;
3.Animal quarantine objects: the import permit required by the
  Subparagraph 2 of Paragraph 1, Article 33 of the Statute, the
  original version of veterinary certificate required by the
  Subparagraph 3, Paragraph 1of the same article or other relevant
4.Plant regulated articles: the original version of phytosanitary
  certificate required by the Paragraph 1, Article 16 of the Act.
The inbound personnel or their agents must be present during the
inspection process.

Article 6
Regarding import quarantine objects/articles carried by inbound
personnel which are in compliance with regulations after quarantine
inspection, the following rules shall be applicable:
1.Animal quarantine objects in compliance with regulations after
  quarantine inspection will be allowed for importation.
2.After quarantine inspection, the “Notification of Non-Compliance
  of Imported Animals/Plants or their Products” shall be issued
  by the import/export animal quarantine authority for animal
  quarantine objects requiring post-entry quarantine, reshipment,
  destruction or imperative treatment, pursuant to the Article of
  34-2 of the Statue.
3.After quarantine inspection, the “Notification of Non-Compliance
  of Imported Animals/Plants or their Products” shall be issued
  by the plant quarantine authority for plant regulated articles
  requiring treatment, post-entry quarantine, disinfection,
  reshipment or destruction.

Article 7
These requirements become effective on the date of promulgation.
Data Source:MONISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Laws and Regulations Retrieving System