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Title: Restrictions on Rice Imported to the R.O.C. Ch
Date: 2021.01.01
Legislative: Promulgated on September 21, 2020 by Nong-Liang-Zi
No. 1091092769A
Content: 1.This restriction was established in accordance with Paragraph 
  2 of Article 51 of The Plant Variety and Plant Seed Act.

2.The following rice items containing rice varieties bred 
  domestically that have not been allowed by the Central 
  Competent Authority for overseas cultivation are prohibited 
  for import, unless such import has been approved by the 
  Central Competent Authority: 
  I.Rice in the husk (paddy or rough) 
    (CCC Code: 1006.10.00.00-0/9825. 
  II.Husked (brown) rice 
     (CCC Code: 1006.20.00.00-8/9825.
  III.Glutinous rice 
      (CCC Code: 1006.30.00.10-4/9825.
  IV.Other semi-milled or wholly milled rice, whether or not 
     polished or glazed 
     (CCC Code: 1006.30.00.90-7/9825.
  V.Broken rice (CCC Code: 1006.40.00.00-4/9825.

3.Import restriction on rice items does not apply to processed 
  rice products.
Data Source:MONISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Laws and Regulations Retrieving System