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Title: Irrigation Act Ch
Date: 2020.07.22
Legislative: 1. The enacted Act with all 34 articles was promulgated by the
Presidential Decree hua-zong-yi-jing-zi No. 10900083031 on
July 22, 2020. The date when this Act comes into effect shall
be stipulated by the Executive Yuan.
The Act was set to be effective since October 1, 2020 by the
Executive Yuan Order yuan-tai-nong-zi No. 1090029805 on
September 9, 2020.
The announcement was made on July 27, 2023 by the Executive Yuan
Order yuan-tai-gui-zi No. 1125014346. The relevant matters set
out in Article 2, Subparagraphs 1, 2 of Article 3, Article 4,
Article 5, Paragraphs 1, 2 of Article 7, Article 8, Paragraphs
1,2,4 of Article 10, Paragraph 2 of Article 11, Article 12,
Paragraphs 1,3,4 of Article 13, Article 14, Article 15,
Paragraphs 2,3 of Article 16, Article 17, the preamble of
Paragraph 1, and Paragraphs 2,3 of Article 18, Paragraphs 1,2,3
of Article 19, Paragraph 1 of Article 20, Paragraph 1 of Article
21, the preamble of Paragraph 1 of Article 22, Paragraphs 3,5 of
Article 23, Article 24, Article 25, Paragraphs1,3,5 of Article
29, the preamble and Subparagraphs 1,2,3,5 of Article 30,
Paragraph 2 of Article 31, the preamble , Subparagraph 2 of
Paragraph 1, and Paragraph 2 of Article 32 and Article 33
pertaining to “Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan” shall
be handled by “Ministry of Agriculture” as governing body,
effective August 1, 2023.
Content: Chapter 1:General Provisions

Article 1:
The purpose of this Act is to ensure food safety and 
agricultural sustainability; promote the advancement of farmland 
water conservancy activities; and improve the construction, 
maintenance, and management of farmland water conservancy 
facilities, in order to stabilize the supply of irrigation water 
needed for the development of agriculture, expand irrigation 
services; maintain agricultural production, enhance the value of 
utilization of farmland, and effectively manage the 
institutional reform of the irrigation associations.

Article 2:
The Competent Authority of this Act is the Council of 
Agriculture of the Executive Yuan.

Article 3:
Definitions of terms used in this Act are as follows:
1.Farmland water conservancy activities: This refers to the use 
  of artificial or natural methods to undertake farmland 
  irrigation, farmland drainage, or related activities in 
  farmland water conservancy activities areas or within farmland 
  water conservancy facilities areas as demarcated by the 
  Competent Authority.
2.Farmland water conservancy facilities: This refers to 
  structures and their affiliated structures used for taking 
  water, drawing water, conveying water, storing water, 
  drainage, or other activities needed for farmland water 
  conservancy under the jurisdiction of irrigation associations 
  (before the coming into effect of this Act) or newly erected 
  by the Competent Authority (after the coming into effect of 
  this Act).

Article 4:
The Competent Authority shall demarcate farmland water 
conservancy activities areas based on drainage basin, 
geographical environment, and economic benefits, and announce 
the demarcations to the public; the same applies to the 
alteration or elimination of such areas. In cases where such 
areas infringe on indigenous people’s regions, the Competent 
Authority shall consult with the central Competent Authority 
responsible for indigenous affairs and make public announcements 
of the resolutions.
The Competent Authority shall designate irrigation systems 
within the farmland water conservancy activities areas mentioned 
in the previous Paragraph, based on the condition of the water 
source, overall planning of the regional water resource, 
agricultural operational planning, and the functions of farmland 
water conservancy facilities. The policies shall be announced to 
the public; the same applies to the amendment or revocation of 
the policies.       
Regulations governing the standards for demarcation of farmland 
water conservancy activities areas, their alteration, or their 
elimination (as mentioned in Paragraph 1 of this Article) and 
the standards for designating irrigation systems, their 
alteration, or elimination (as mentioned in the preceding 
Paragraph) and for other relevant matters shall be stipulated by 
the Competent Authority.

Chapter 2: The Demarcation and Management of Farmland Water Conservancy Facilities Areas

Article 5:
The Competent Authority shall demarcate and publicize farmland 
water conservancy facilities areas, as well as manage and 
maintain the facilities; the same applies to the alteration or 
elimination of such areas. In cases where such areas infringe on 
indigenous people’s regions, the Competent Authority shall make 
public announcements in cooperation with the central Competent 
Authority for indigenous affairs.
Regulations governing the standards for demarcation of farmland 
water conservancy facilities areas as mentioned in the preceding 
Paragraph, their management and maintenance, alteration, 
elimination, or other relevant matters shall be stipulated by 
the Competent Authority in cooperation with the central 
Competent Authority for water resources.

Article 6:
Farmland drainage in farmland water conservancy activities areas 
shall conform to runoff allocation plan announced based on the 
Water Act and to flood prevention plans of the Competent 
Authority for water resources, to share flooding in the regional 

Article 7:
When the planning, design, and supervision of farmland water 
conservancy facilities construction projects go beyond a certain 
scale, the relevant professional engineer certification shall be 
registered according to law. However, when the Competent 
Authority is itself executing the project, it could be executed 
by a member of the Competent Authority who has, legally received 
relevant certifications for mechanics.
The “certain scale” mentioned in the previous Paragraph shall 
be announced by the Competent Authority.
Projects for farmland water conservancy facilities in farmland 
implemented based on the Farmland Readjustment Act shall not be 
subject to the provisions of Paragraph 1 of this Article.

Article 8:
No one shall arbitrarily alter or demolish farmland water 
conservancy facilities. However, in order to increase the 
utilization benefits of land, serve the public interest, provide 
land for the construction of infrastructure, or that the 
surrounding farmland has already been rezoned as nonagricultural 
use, an applicant may, with an attached plan, apply to the 
Competent Authority, and after receiving authorization, may 
alter or demolish such facilities within the scope of the 
authorization; the applicant shall bear the expense.
Regulations governing the qualifications of applicants as 
mentioned in the preceding Paragraph, application procedures, 
the required contents of plans, documents that shall be 
attached, conditions for authorization, withdrawal of 
authorization, and other relevant matters shall be stipulated by 
the Competent Authority.

Article 9:
Land for new construction or improvement of farmland water 
conservancy facilities shall be acquired through appropriation, 
establishment of superficies, land easement or rental, purchase 
by negotiated price, agreement of the landowner, or 

Article 10:
When there is damage to farmland water conservancy facilities 
that poses an imminent threat to citizens’ lives or their 
property, the Competent Authority may demolish the facilities; 
requisition materials, machinery, facilities, or land needed for 
emergency actions; dispatch manpower; or adopt other necessary 
emergency measures.
In cases where citizens suffer loss as a result of demolition, 
requisitions, drafting, or other emergency measures as mentioned 
in the preceding Paragraph, they may ask for compensation from 
the Competent Authority. However, if the citizen is at fault for 
the loss, no compensation may not be granted.
Compensation for loss as mentioned in the preceding Paragraph 
shall be paid in cash, to a maximum amount of the actual loss 
suffered. Applicants for compensation must apply within two 
years of becoming aware of the loss. However, in cases where 
five years have passed following the occurrence of the loss, no 
application may be made.
Regulations governing compensation or calculation of value as 
stipulated in Paragraph 2 of this Article, their standards, 
processes, payment methods, and other relevant matters that must 
be followed shall be stipulated by the Competent Authority.

Article 11:
Land allocated to irrigation associations before the coming into 
effect of this Act shall maintain its existing usage.
When land as mentioned in the previous Paragraph is state-owned 
land that can be appropriated for use without charge, the 
Competent Authority shall designate a subordinate agency, and 
after getting the agreement of the managing agency, shall, 
jointly with this agency, arrange for alteration of the 
registered managing agency, and the land shall be managed by the 
designated subordinate agency.
Land as mentioned in the previous Paragraph may not be listed as 
an asset of the Farmland Water Conservancy Activities 
Operational Fund set up in accordance with Paragraph 1 of 
Article 22 of this Act.

Chapter 3: Irrigation and Drainage Management

Article 12:
Farmland water conservancy facilities shall not be concurrently 
used for other purposes. However, if the proposed alternate use 
does not interfere with the original functions or maintenance of 
the facilities, applicants can apply authorization from the 
Competent Authority by submitting a plan for concurrent use.
Regulations governing concurrent other uses as mentioned in the 
preceding Paragraph, their application procedures, the required 
contents of plans, documents that shall be attached, conditions 
for authorization, withdrawal of authorization, and other 
relevant matters shall be stipulated by the Competent Authority.

Article 13:
Within farmland water conservancy facilities areas, no one 
shall, without the authorization of the Competent Authority, 
construct irrigation channels (ditches), box culverts, drainage 
pipelines, or other structures connected to farmland water 
conservancy facilities (hereinafter referred to as 
“unauthorized structures”).
For public drainage systems facilities that were established before the coming into effect of this Act, they may continue to 
be used as before, and the previous Paragraph does not apply to 
them. However, in cases of improvement, restoration, or 
demolition of such facilities, there must still be an 
application for authorization as mentioned in the preceding 
For unauthorized structures built in farmland water conservancy 
facilities areas before the coming into effect of this Act, the 
Competent Authority reserves the power to prohibit their use, 
mandate closure, or instruct the builder to facilitate their 
demolition. In cases where there are concerns regarding the 
potential risks such structures may pose to human health, to 
agricultural industries, or to biosafety, the Competent 
Authority may immediately demolish them or take other necessary 
Regulations governing applications as mentioned in Paragraph 1 
of this Article, their application procedures, documents that 
shall be attached, conditions for authorization, withdrawal of 
authorization, and other relevant matters shall be stipulated by 
the Competent Authority.

Article 14:
Within farmland water conservancy facilities areas, no one 
shall, without the authorization of the Competent Authority, 
release non-farmland drainage water; this is prohibited in 
principle for channels specially for the use of irrigation.
For cases requesting the release of non-farmland drainage water 
as mentioned in the preceding Paragraph, an application, with an 
attached plan, should be submitted to the Competent Authority 
for authorization. Quality of drainage water should conform to 
publicly announced irrigation water quality standards.
Regulations governing the water quality standards as mentioned 
in the preceding Paragraph, application procedures, the required 
contents of plans, documents that shall be attached, conditions 
for authorization, withdrawal of authorization, and other 
relevant matters shall be stipulated by the Competent Authority 
acting in coordination with the central Competent Authority for 
environmental protection.

Article 15:
Guidelines governing testing methods used by the Competent 
Authority for irrigation water quality as mentioned in Paragraph 
2 of the preceding Article, quality control, and other relevant 
measures shall be stipulated by the Competent Authority acting 
in coordination with the central Competent Authority for 
environmental protection.

Article 16:
The following actions are prohibited in farmland water 
conservancy facilities areas:
1. Obstructing water channels.
2. Damaging ponds, water channels, or their affiliated 
3. Opening, closing, moving, or damaging sluice gates or their 
   affiliated structures.
4. Discarding spent clay or waste.
5. Removing or piling up soil or stone.
6. Other actions that impede the safety or proper functioning of 
   farmland water conservancy facilities.
The unauthorized taking of irrigation water in farmland water 
conservancy facilities areas is prohibited. However, in cases 
where taking of irrigation water occurs in designated irrigation 
systems as mentioned in Paragraph 2 of Article 4 or where 
authorization has been applied for and received from the 
Competent Authority, this prohibition shall not apply.
Regulations governing the applications as mentioned in the 
proviso in the preceding Paragraph, their application 
procedures, requisite document attachments conditions for 
authorization, withdrawal of authorization, and other relevant 
matters shall be stipulated by the Competent Authority.

Article 17:
The Competent Authority may, depending on local irrigation 
requirements, set up water conservancy committees in farmland 
water conservancy activities areas. Each committee comprises one 
unpaid chairman, who assists in promoting the management of 
irrigation water under its jurisdiction.
Regulations governing water conservancy committees as mentioned 
in the preceding Paragraph, their establishment, duties, 
membership, methods for producing a committee chairman, scope of 
their authority, and other relevant matters shall be stipulated 
by the Competent Authority.

Chapter 4: Irrigation Management Organizations and Personnel in Farmland Water Conservancy Activities Areas

Article 18:
The Competent Authority, in order to arrange for irrigation 
management in farmland water conservancy activities areas, may 
establish irrigation management organizations within its 
subordinate agencies, to handle the following matters:
1. Distribution and management of farmland water conservancy 
2. Maintenance of orderly use of irrigation water and guidance 
   of water conservancy committee affairs.
3. Construction, management, improvement, and maintenance of 
   farmland water conservancy facilities.
4. Disaster prevention and post-disaster response measures for 
   farmland water conservancy facilities.
5. Personnel management of professional staff in irrigation 
   management organizations (hereafter known as farmland water 
   conservancy personnel).
6. Management of and revenue earning from assets belonging to 
   the Farmland Water Conservancy Activities Operational Fund.
Training and advanced study for full-time professional staff in 
irrigation management organizations as mentioned in the 
preceding Paragraph shall be handled by a juridical person set 
up with funding provided by the Competent Authority.
Regulations governing the establishment of irrigation management 
organizations as mentioned in Paragraph 1 of this Article, the 
scope of their authority, and other relevant matters shall be 
stipulated by the Competent Authority.

Article 19:
For personnel employed by appointment by an Irrigation 
Association under Article 22 of this Act of Irrigation 
Association Organization prior to the coming into effect of this 
Act, the Competent Authority shall, after the coming into effect 
of this Act, continue to employ them as farmland water 
conservancy personnel; moreover, their positions should at an 
equivalent grade to the positions they held when originally 
employed by an Irrigation Association.
Recruitment and assessment of newly employed farmland water 
conservancy personnel in irrigation management associations as 
mentioned in preceding Paragraph shall be conducted by the 
Competent Authority.
Regulations governing farmland water conservancy personnel,  , 
performance appraisals, incentives or punishments, retirement, 
dismissal, bereavement compensation, insurance, and other 
protections of their rights, as well as personnel management, 
shall be stipulated by the Competent Authority.
The provisions of the Labor Standards Act do not apply to 
farmland water conservancy personnel.

Article 20:
For technicians, janitorial staff, contract employees whose 
hiring has been approved by the Competent Authority, and 
security personnel hired by an Irrigation Association prior to 
the coming into effect of this Act, subordinate agencies of the 
Competent Authority shall, after the coming into effect of this 
Act, continue to employ them, based on relevant laws and 
regulations and their original hiring conditions.
The Labor Standards Act does not apply to contract employees as 
mentioned in the preceding Paragraph.

Article 21:
The Competent Authority shall invite scholars and experts, local 
people, and farmers who actually cultivate the land to organize 
farmland water conservancy advisory council in each area; the 
number of farmers shall not be lower than two-thirds of the 
The water conservancy advisory councils as mentioned in the 
previous Paragraph may provide water supply services, mediation 
of disputes between farmers, and other relevant consultation 
services; the members of water conservancy advisory council 
shall be unpaid.

Chapter 5: Funding for Farmland Water Conservancy Activities

Article 22:
The Competent Authority shall, in order to handle water 
conservancy activities and fund the operations of irrigation 
management organizations as mentioned in Article 18, establish 
the Farmland Water Conservancy Activities Operational Fund, whose funding sources shall be as follows:
1. Appropriations of the governmental budget.
2. Income from fees collected for applications in farmland water 
   conservancy facilities areas based on Paragraph 1 of Article 
   12, Paragraph 1 of Article 13, and Paragraph 2 of Article 14, 
   as well as fees collected from users based on the provisions 
   of Article 25.
3. Rental and interest income.
4. Income from asset disposal or revenue from assets activation.
5. Other income.
The uses of the Operational Fund as mentioned in the preceding 
Paragraph shall be as follows:
1. Expenditures for the construction, improvement, maintenance, 
   or management of farmland water conservancy activities.
2. Expenditures for matters related to prevention of disasters 
   and post-disaster response measures for farmland water 
   conservancy activities.
3. Personnel costs for staff for farmland water conservancy 
4. Expenditures for matters related to the rental or acquisition 
   of land needed for the use of farmland water conservancy 
   facilities belonging originally to an Irrigation Association.
5. Other expenditures related to farmland water conservancy 
The Farmland Water Conservancy Activities Operational Fund as 
mentioned in Paragraph 1 of this Article shall set up individual 
accounts for each farmland water conservancy activity.
The income listed in the Sub-Paragraphs of Paragraph 1 of this 
Article shall be exempted from the Business Tax.

Article 23:
Following the organizational reform of the Irrigation 
Associations, their assets and debts shall be summed up and 
taken over by the state, and incorporated into and managed by 
the Farmland Water Conservancy Activities Operational Fund set 
up in accordance with Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article.
When assets are transferred to the Farmland Water Conservancy 
Activities Operational Fund for management as mentioned in the 
preceding Paragraph, the transfer shall be exempt from all 
To finance the costs of farmland water conservancy activities, 
assets taken over by the state as mentioned in Paragraph 1 of 
this Article shall be handled in a manner to activate revenue in 
their use, revenues, or disposition, and are not subject to the 
restrictions in Article 28, Chapter 4, or Chapter 6 of the 
National Property Act; regulations governing the assets to be 
activated, fee, and other relevant matters shall be stipulated 
by the Competent Authority. Any agency which makes receives 
appropriations according to law shall arrange appropriations 
with charge.
Assets as mentioned in Paragraph 1 of this Article shall not be 
subject to the limitations related to uncompensated 
appropriation or substitution of public land in the proviso in 
Paragraph 1 of Article 43 of the Land Expropriation Act, in 
Paragraph 1 of Article 60, of the Equalization of Land Rights 
Act, or in Paragraph 2 of Article 11 of the Rural Community Land 
Readjustment Act.
After organizational reform of Irrigation Associations, in cases 
where as a result of reorganization of land ownership it is 
discovered that land originally belonging to an Irrigation 
Association as registered by the land administration of the 
relevant municipality, county, or city has the notation “state-
owned” in the column for the owner, the managing organization 
shall be a subordinate agency designated by the Competent Authority.

Article 24:
To meet the needs of maintaining the operations of farmland 
water conservancy facilities, the Competent Authority shall 
appropriate funding in the annual budget to the Farmland Water 
Conservancy Activities Operational Fund set up on the basis of 
Paragraph 1 of Article 22 of this Act.
The standards for calculating the yearly appropriation mentioned 
in the preceding Paragraph shall be stipulated by the Competent 

Article 25:
In cases where the topography requires the Competent Authority 
to supply irrigation water through pressurization, the Competent 
Authority may collect additional fees related to the operation 
and maintenance of facilities.
The fee-charging standards as mentioned in the previous 
Paragraph shall be stipulated by the Competent Authority.

Article 26:
The Farmland Water Conservancy Activities Operational Fund shall 
each year appropriate part of the proceeds from asset disposal 
for the rental or acquisition of usage rights of land that shall 
continue to be used as before as stipulated in Paragraph 1 of 
Article 11 of this Act.

Chapter 6: Penalty Provisions

Article 27:
Violations of Paragraph 1 of Article 16 that endanger public 
safety shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than five 
years; in addition thereto, a fine of not less than NT$100,000 
but no more than NT$500,000 may be imposed.
If an offense results in death, the offender shall be sentenced 
to  life imprisonment or imprisonment for not less than seven 
years , and in addition thereto, a fine of not less than NT
$200,000 but no more than NT$1 million may be imposed. If an 
offense results in serious physical injury, the offender shall 
be sentenced to imprisonment for not less than three years but 
not more than ten years , and in addition thereto, a fine of not 
less than NT$150,000 but no more than NT$600,000 may be imposed.

Article 28:
A person who by violence, threats or other illegal means, 
compels management personnel to open or close a water or sluice 
gate in farmland water conservancy facilities areas shall be 
sentenced to imprisonment for not more than five years, short-
term imprisonment; in lieu thereof, or in addition thereto, a 
fine of not not less than NT$60,000  but no more than NT$300,000 
may be imposed.
Violations as mentioned in the preceding Paragraph that endanger 
public safety shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more 
than seven years; in addition thereto, a fine of not less than 
NT$100,000 but no more than NT$500,000 may be imposed.
In cases in which violations as mentioned in the preceding two 
paragraphs are committed by groups of people shall be subject to 
the punishment prescribed for such an offense by increasing it 
up to one half.
An attempt to commit an offense specified in Paragraph 1 of this 
Article shall be punishable.

Article 29:
Violations of Paragraph 1 of Article 14 of this Act,  in which 
persons release non-farmland drainage water without the 
authorization of the Competent Authority, must be punished by a 
fine  of not less than NT$30,000 but no more than NT$600,000.
The failure of non-farmland drainage water released with 
authorization as mentioned in Paragraph 2 of Article 14 of this 
Act, to conform to water quality standards must be punished by a 
fine of not less than NT$3,000 but no more than NT$30,000.
When the person committing a violation as mentioned in the 
preceding Paragraph is part of an enterprise announced by the 
Competent Authority, the act must be punished by a fine of not 
less than NT$3,000 but no more than NT$600,000.
In any of the situations mentioned in the preceding three 
Paragraphs, where there are also concerns about a hazard posed 
to agricultural industries, biosafety, or human health, the 
maximum fine may be increased to NT$20 million.
For cases of offenders penalized based on the preceding four 
Paragraphs, the Competent Authority may order the offender to 
improve within a specified time limit; in cases in which 
improvements have not been completed within the specified time 
limit, the offender may be punished separately for each 
additional violation. In serious cases, the drainage water 
release authorization may be withdrawn.

Article 30:
In any of the following situations, the Competent Authority must 
impose a fine of not less than NT$6,000 but no more than NT
$30,000, and may order the offender to improve within a 
specified time limit; in cases in which improvement has not been 
completed within the specified time limit, the offender may be 
punished separately for each additional violation.
1. Violations of Paragraph 1 of Article 8 of this Act, in which 
   farmland water conservancy facilities are altered or 
   demolished without authorization from the Competent Authority 
   or in which alteration or demolition goes beyond the scope of 
   the authorization.
2. Violations of Paragraph 1of Article 12 of this Act, in which 
   concurrent use is made without authorization from the 
   Competent Authority.
3. Violations of Paragraph 1of Article 13 of this Act, in which 
   unauthorized structures are set up within farmland water 
   conservancy facilities areas without the authorization of the 
   Competent Authority.
4. Violations of Paragraph 1of Article 16 of this Act, for cases 
   of prohibited actions in farmland water conservancy 
   facilities areas.
5. Violations of Paragraph 2 of Article 16 of this Act, in which 
   irrigation water in farmland water conservancy facilities 
   areas is taken without the authorization of the Competent 

Article 31:
In situations mentioned in Paragraph 1 of Article 29 or in 
Subparagraph 4 or 5 of the preceding Article of this Act, if the 
offense is deemed minor, the offender may initially receive an 
order for remediation within a stipulated timeframe. Upon 
successful completion of the improvements, the punishment may be 
reduced or waived.
The standards for determining the insignificance of the offenses 
and the guidelines for reducing or waiving punishments as 
mentioned in the preceding Paragraph shall be stipulated by the 
Competent Authority.

Chapter 7: Supplementary Provisions

Article 32:
For uses of the following types of land for purposes other than 
water conservancy activities applied for according to law, the 
approval of the Competent Authority shall be obtained:
1. Land used for activities of an Irrigation Association prior 
   to the coming into effect of this law and whose land use 
   category is water conservancy land.
2. Land that is legally appropriated, purchased at a negotiated 
   price, or expropriated by the Competent Authority for the use 
   of water conservancy.
3. Land which is announced as being in a farmland water 
   conservancy facilities area and whose category is water 
   conservancy land based on Paragraph 1 of Article 5 of this 
A detailed inventory of land as mentioned in the previous 
Paragraph shall be announced by the Competent Authority.

Article 33:
The Enforcement Rules of this Act shall be stipulated by the 
Competent Authority.

Article 34:
The date when this Act comes into effect shall be stipulated by 
the Executive Yuan.
Starting from the date when this Act comes into effect, the Act 
of Irrigation Association Organization shall no longer apply.
Data Source:MONISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Laws and Regulations Retrieving System