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Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

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Title: Regulations of subsidy for the compensation for emergency control of plant diseases and pests Ch
Date: 2019.07.23
Legislative: 1.Promulgated by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, on
February 10, 1997 per its order referenced 87 Nung-Fang-Tzu No.
2.Amended by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, on June
29, 1999 per its order referenced 88 Nung-Fang-Tzu No.88570017
3.Amended by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, on July
23, 2019 per its order referenced 108 Nung-Fang-Tzu No.1081489

Article 1
These regulations are established in accordance Article 13 of the
Plant Protection and Quarantine Act (hereinafter referred to as
“the Act”).

Article 2
In accordance with Article 13 of the Act, the municipal or county
(city) competent authority shall be responsible and pay for the
compensation. The municipal or county (city) competent authority
may request the central competent authority to subsidize an amount
up to one half of the compensation if there is financial difficulty
or for other proper reasons. However, if there is a serious outbreak
of infectious plant disease or pest, the amount subsidized by the
central competent authority has the option of not being restricted
by this limit of 50% (i.e., may exceed this limit of 50%).

Article 3
The prices of the plant or plant product subsidized in the preceding
article shall not exceed the benchmark for the assessment of plant
compensation fees as determined by the municipal or county (city)
government when handling land improvement materials.

Article 4
The municipal or county (city) competent authority shall submit
application with the records of removal, destruction, cost estimates,
and compensation fee for subsidy for compensating within 30 days
after the completion of removal or destruction of the plants or
plant products in accordance with the first paragraph of Article
12 of the Act, in order to apply for subsidies from the central
competent authority.

Article 5
These regulations are in effect on the date of its promulgation.

Data Source:MONISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Laws and Regulations Retrieving System