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Title: Regulations Governing Agricultural Financial Institutions’ Reporting on the Property, Property Interests and Location of the Property and Property Interests of the Designated Individual, Legal Person or Entity Ch
Date: 2018.12.27
Legislative: 1.Promulgated per order of Council of Agriculture No.
Nong-Jin-Zi-1065074297A dated July 26, 2017.
2.Amendment promulgated per order of Council of Agriculture No.
Nong-Jin-Zi-1075074663A dated December 27, 2018.
Content: Article 1
These Regulations are enacted pursuant to Paragraph 5, Article 7 
of the Counter Terrorism Financing Act (referred to as the 
“Act” hereunder).

Article 2
Agricultural financial institutions shall assign a chief 
compliance officer to coordinate and supervise compliance with 
these Regulations.

Article 3
Agricultural financial institutions shall carry out reporting 
under Paragraph 3, Article 7 of the Act according to the 
following provisions:
1. After discovering a suspicious activity, the chief AML/CFT 
   compliance officer at a farmers’ or fishermen’s association 
   or the unit-in-charge at the head office of Agricultural Bank 
   of Taiwan shall promptly file a Suspicious Transaction Report 
   (STR) with the Investigation Bureau in a format and manner 
   prescribed by the Bureau in no later than two business days 
   after the report has been approved by the assigned chief 
   compliance officer mentioned in the preceding article.
2. In the event of an obviously significant case of urgent 
   nature, an agricultural financial institution should file a 
   report as soon as possible by fax or by other available means
   and follow it up with a written report in a format and manner 
   prescribed by the Investigation Bureau. A follow-up written 
   report is not required if the Investigation Bureau has 
   confirmed the receipt of report by sending a reply in a 
   prescribed format by fax. The agricultural financial 
   institution should retain the faxed reply from the 
   Investigation Bureau.
3. Agricultural financial institutions shall produce an annual 
   report as of December 31 every year (the “settlement record 
   date”). The report shall state all properties or property 
   interests of designated sanctioned individuals, legal 
   entities or groups managed or held by the agricultural 
   financial institution in accordance with Article 7 of the Act 
   as of the settlement record date and the report shall be 
   submitted to the Investigation Bureau for recordation before 
   March 31 the following year.
The reporting records, transaction documents and annual reports 
mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be retained in their 
original forms for five (5) years.

Article 4
These Regulations shall enter into force on the date of 
Data Source:MONISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Laws and Regulations Retrieving System