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Title: Plant Protection and Quarantine Act Ch
Date: 2018.06.20
Legislative: 1. Promulgated on January 10, 1996 and effective as of January 10,
2. Amendment to Articles 2, 4, 13, 17~21, 26 promulgated on May 17,
3. Amendment to Articles 11, 24 promulgated on January 17, 2001.
4. Amendment to Articles 17, 22, 25, addition of Articles 8-1, 18-1,
  19-1, 21-1 promulgated on February 6, 2002.
5. Amendment to Article 24, addition of Articles 6-1, 16-1, 19-2
  promulgated on June 12, 2002.
6. Amendment to Articles 5, 17, 21~22, 24, 26, addition to Article
  25-1 promulgated on May 7, 2008.
7. Amendment to Articles 3, 8, 8-1, 11, 14~16, 17~18-1, 22, 24, 25,
  addition to Article 13-1 promulgated on June 18, 2014.
8. Amendment to Articles 14, 15, 16-1, 17, 19, 24, 25, 28, addition
  to Article 25-2 promulgated on June 20, 2018.The third and fourth
  paragraphs of Article 17 as well as the first and third paragraphs
  of Article 24 that are related to the regulations mentioned in
  the fourth paragraph of Article 17 of this Act shall come into
  force one year after the promulgation date.
  The announcement was made on July 27, 2023 by the Executive
  Yuan Order tai-gui-zi No. 1125014346. The relevant matters set
  out in Articles 2, Paragraph 2 of Article 4, Article 6-1, Article
  7, Paragraphs 1,3,4,5 of Article 8, Paragraph 3 of Article 8-1,
  Paragraph 1 of Article 9, Article 10, Article 11, Article 13,
  Paragraph 1 of Article 13-1, Paragraphs 1,3,4,5 of Article 14,
  Subparagraph 2 of Paragraph 1, Paragraphs 2,3,4 of Article 15,
  Article 16-1, Paragraph 5 of Article 17, Paragraph 2 of Article
  19, Article 21, Article 21-1, Subparagraph 4 of Paragraph 1 of
  Article 24, Subparagraphs 4,5 of Paragraph 1 of Article 25,
  Paragraph 2 of Article 25-2, Article 27 pertaining to“Council
  of Agriculture, Executive Yuan”shall be handled by“Ministry
  of Agriculture”as governing body, effective August 1, 2023;
  Paragraph 2 of Article 4 pertaining to“Plant Protection and
  Quarantine Authority”were previously under the purview of the
  “Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine
  and its affiliated entities, Council of Agriculture, Executive
  Yuan”shall be handled by“Animal and Plant Health Inspection
  Agency and its affiliated entities, Ministry of Agriculture”
  as governing body, effective August 1, 2023; Paragraph 2 of
  Article 13-1, Paragraph 4 of Article 14, Article 16, Article
  16-1, Paragraphs 1,3,4 of Article 17, Article 18, Paragraph 1
  of Article 19, Article 19-1, Article 20, Paragraph 2 of Article
  22, Subparagraph 6 of Paragraph 1, Paragraphs 3,4 of Article
  24, Article 26 pertaining to“Plant Quarantine Authority”were
  previously under the purview of the“Bureau of Animal and Plant
  Health Inspection and Quarantine and its affiliated entities,
  Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan”shall be handled by
  “Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency and its affiliated
  entities, Ministry of Agriculture”as governing body, effective
  August 1, 2023.
Content: Chapter 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS

Article 1
This Act is enacted to control plant diseases and pests and prevent
their spread. Any matters not covered by this Act shall be governed
by other applicable law.

Article 2
Competent authorities as referred to in this Act: At the central
government level: the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
(hereinafter referred to as the "central competent authority");
at the special municipal level: the government of the special
municipality (hereinafter referred to as the "municipal competent
authority"); and the county (city) government at the county (city)
level: the government of the county (city) (hereinafter referred
to as the "county (city) competent authority").

Article 3
The terms as used in this Act are defined as follows:
1."Plants" mean the seed plants, ferns, mosses, liverworts and
  useful fungi, and the portion thereof which may be propagated
  or cultivated.
2."Plant products" mean the seeds or their embryos, bulbs, rhizomes,
  tubers, fresh fruits, nuts, dry fruits, vegetables, fresh flowers,
  dry flowers, grains, fresh medicinal herbs, lumbers or woods,
  organic media, and fertilizers originating from plants, whether
  processed or not, which are likely to spread plant diseases and
3."Pests" mean the fungi, slime molds, bacteria, viruses, viroids,
  phytoplasmas, parasitic plants, weeds, nematodes, insects,
  acarines, mollusks, other invertebrate animals, vertebrates
  animals, and any pathogenic agent that is directly or indirectly
  harmful to plants. It also denotes invasive plants that are
  likely to result in damages to the ecosystem.
4."Plant disease and pest damages" mean the harm and losses caused
  by pests to plants.
5."Susceptible plants" mean host plants which are easily infested
  with specific plant diseases and pests.
6."Cultivation media" mean the soil, peat, and other natural or
  artificial media to which plants are attached or fixed to sustain
  plant growth and development.

Article 4
The competent of authority of the special municipality or county
(city) shall establish or designate plant protection authority with
duly authorized officers.
The central competent authority shall establish plant protection
and quarantine authority with duly authorized officers and, if
necessary, may establish a plant protection research institution.

Article 5
When it is deemed necessary for plant protection, plant protection
officers may have the authority to enter the cultivation places,
warehouses and other relevant places or vehicles, vessels, or
aircraft to inspect plants, plant products and their packages,
containers, and relevant objects, to conduct pest surveying,
monitoring, or control, and to examine relevant data or make
enquiries of relevant parties. The owner or relevant party shall
not evade, obstruct, or refuse.
When it is deemed necessary for plant quarantine, plant quarantine
officers may have the authority to inspect plants, plant products
and their packages, containers, commodities, postal parcels,
luggage, vehicles, vessels, aircraft, and warehouses thereof, and
to examine relevant data or make enquiries of relevant parties.
The owner or relevant party shall not evade, obstruct, or refuse.

Article 6
Government authorities concerned shall render the necessary
assistance and support to plant protection or quarantine officers
in implementing control measures.

Article 6-1
Informing of violations against plant protection and quarantine
regulations shall be rewarded to facilitate the implementation of
this Act; the regulations for relevant rewards shall be prescribed
by the central competent authority.

Article 7
In performing their duties in accordance with this Act, plant
protection or quarantine officers shall neither exceed their
authority nor infringe on the rights and interests of another
person. The central competent authority shall prescribe the
regulations for the enforcement of plant protection and quarantine.


Article 8
The central competent authority may publicly notify the types and
scope of specific plant diseases and pests, and therefore establish
a monitoring or surveying program.
The special municipal or county (city) competent authority shall
coordinate with the preceding program and execute the monitoring
and surveying thereof.
The central competent authority may publicly notify the control
scheme for plant diseases and pests pursuant to the preceding
monitoring or surveying results and by referring to the domestic
ecological environment, agricultural production, and other public
The special municipal or county (city) competent authority shall
formulate a regional control plan pursuant to the preceding scheme
and report it to the central competent authority for approval
before the implementation, and the central competent authority
shall inform the adjacent special municipal or county (city)
competent authority.
The costs necessary for the preceding regional control plan shall
be jointly borne by the central competent authority and special
municipal or county (city) competent authority.

Article 8-1
When diseases and pests occur in plants or plant products, the
owners and managers shall carry out diseases and pests control
in accordance with the notification or announcement of the special
municipal or county (city) competent authority.
If diseases and pests occur in plants or plant products and the
spread cannot be curtailed despite implemented control measures,
owners and managers of plants or plant products shall immediately
report to the special municipal or county (city) competent authority.
Upon receiving the report mentioned in the preceding Paragraph,
the special municipal or county (city) competent authority shall
take necessary measures immediately and report to the central
competent authority to notify the adjacent special municipal or
county (city) competent authority as well as research and experiment
station(s) to assist in implementing the necessary measures.

Article 9
The central competent authority may designate the types of plants
for propagation purposes that require specific plant disease and
pest inspection.
The inspection regulations and fee-charging standards shall be
prescribed by the central competent authority and submitted to
the Legislative Yuan for reference.
The plants mentioned in the preceding Paragraph for propagation
purposes shall not be sold or relocated unless the inspection
passes and a certificate is issued.

Article 10
The central competent authority may designate an area of infestation
and restrict or prohibit the relocation of plants, plant products,
and soils, as well as their packages, containers, and cultivation
media thereof beyond the designated area, unless the prior approval
of the central competent authority has been obtained.
Regulations for granting the approval mentioned in the preceding
Paragraph shall be prescribed by the central competent authority
and submitted to the Legislative Yuan for reference.

Article 11
When it is deemed necessary for plant protection, the central
competent authority may take the following control measures:
1.To restrict or prohibit the cultivation of related susceptible
  plants; if necessary, ordering the removal or destruction of
  those already cultivated plants within a prescribed time limit.
2.To order to remove or destroy plants or plant products infested
  with or suspected of being infested with specific plant diseases
  and pests within a prescribed time limit.
3.To order to eliminate the relevant pests or prohibit the breeding
4.To designate the region to implement joint control measures.
5.To establish quarantine inspection stations at the essential
  transportation passages on the islands of Kinmen, Matsu, and
  Penghu for conducting inspections; plants or plant products that
  are not inspected or are inspected but found to not comply with
  relevant regulations are restricted from moving off the islands
  and may be disposed of in a way deemed necessary.
The inspection procedures, ways of disposal, fee-charging standards,
places for conducting inspection, and any other relevant regulations
in relation to Subparagraph 5 of the preceding Paragraph shall
be prescribed by the central competent authority.

Article 12
With respect to the relevant susceptible plants, or plants or
plant products suspected of being infested with  specific plant
disease(s) or pest(s), which are ordered to be removed or
destroyed within a prescribed time limit pursuant to the Subparagraph
1 or 2 of Paragraph1 of Article 11, the special municipal or county
(city) competent authority shall set up an evaluation committee
to evaluate the prices of those plants or plant products and pay
their owner or manager full compensation as evaluated unless the
owner or manager violates this Act, in which case no compensation
shall be paid.
Members of the evaluation committee mentioned in the preceding
Paragraph shall be determined by the special municipal or county
(city) competent authority.

Article 13
The compensation provided in the preceding Article shall be borne
and paid by the special municipal or county (city) competent authority.
The central competent authority may provide the monetary compensation
in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the central competent


Article 13-1
The central competent authority may designate plants, plant products,
and any other articles which are likely to spread pests, and
publicly notify that these articles are subject to import quarantine
(hereinafter referred to as "regulated articles").
The plant quarantine authority may carry out quarantine treatment,
reshipment, destruction, or other necessary measures whenever
plants, plant products, or other kinds of articles are found to
have the risk of spreading pests but are not listed as regulated
articles in the preceding Paragraph.

Article 14
The central competent authority may, based on the epidemic status
and risk of harm caused by the pests, publicly notify the quarantine
regulations for the importation of regulated articles and take the
following quarantine measures:
2.Quarantine requirements for relevant management.
3.Post-entry quarantine.
The contents of quarantine regulations mentioned in receding
Paragraph include regulated articles, species of pests, specific
countries or districts, quarantine regulations, quarantine measures,
and other related matters.
Governmental agencies (institutions), public enterprises, schools,
juridical persons, or organizations registered under relevant laws
may import and share regulated articles prohibited under Subparagraph
1 of Paragraph 1 for purposes of experiments, research, education,
legal deposit, or exhibition by applying for approval from the
central competent authority; the application process of importation
and sharing, the way of declaration, safety control measures,
treatment method, and the production and retaining of the usage
record, report or monograph as well as the regulations of other
relevant matters shall be prescribed by the central competent
For the regulated articles with capability of propagation, if
there is no import record from their export country or district,
the export country or importer(s) or their agent shall submit the
relevant data of pest risk assessment to the plant quarantine
authority. The regulated articles must be approved by the plant
quarantine authority before they may be imported. During risk
assessment, the plant quarantine authority may ask the export
country or importer(s) or their agent for supplementary data from
the plant quarantine authority of the export country or dispatch
personnel to the export country for verification and confirmation.
The cost for verification shall be borne by the export country or
importer(s) according to the relevant laws and regulations. The
application process, the required documents, and information and
the methods and procedures of implementing risk assessment shall
be prescribed by the central competent authority.
The application process and procedure of post-entry quarantine,
the requirements for the establishment of quarantine sites, and
other relevant regulations in relation to Subparagraph 3 of Paragraph
1 shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.

Article 15
For the following articles are prohibited from importation:
2.Natural enemies, antagonists or competitors and other organisms
  used as biological control agent for controlling pest. However,
  those which are assessed and confirmed to be free of pest risk
  by the central competent authority, or microbial agents that
  are imported in compliance with the regulations of the Act on
  Agro-pesticides Management are not subject tothis restriction.
4.Plants, plant products, or other articles attached to soil.
5.Packages or containers used for the articles mentioned in the
  preceding four Subparagraphs.
Governmental agencies (institutions), public enterprises, schools,
juridical persons, or organizations registered under relevant laws
with one of the following situations may apply to the central
competent authority for importing the objects mentioned in the
preceding Paragraph:
1.For purposes of experiments, research, education, or exhibition.
2.Legal deposit of articles that are mentioned in Subparagraph 1
  and 2 of the preceding Paragraph.
3.Articles mentioned in Subparagraphs 1 and 2 of the preceding
  Paragraph used for producing pest-risk-free products.
4.Insect pollinators mentioned in Subparagraph 1 of the preceding
  Paragraph, or biological control agents mentioned in Subparagraph
  2 of the preceding Paragraph that are used for field pollination
  or biological control, which have been assessed and approved by
  the central competent authority.
5.In accordance with other specific purposes that are publicly
  notified by the central competent authority.
For articles that are imported in accordance with Subparagraph 1
and 2 of the preceding Paragraph for the purposes of experiments,
research, education, legal deposit, or exhibition, maybe shared
for use upon the approval of the central competent authority.
The application process, declaration, safety control measures,
treatment methods and production and retaining of usage record,
report or monograph, and regulations of other relevant matters
regarding risk assessment for importation of those mentioned in
Paragraph 2 and sharing mentioned in the preceding Paragraph,
shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.

Article 16
Importer(s) or their agent importing the regulated articles shall
provide phytosanitary certificates issued by the plant quarantine
authority of the exporting country. However, this requirement does
not apply to those exempted from inspection as announced by the
plant quarantine agency.
If the importer(s) fail to submit phytosanitary certificates
pursuant to the preceding Paragraph or the phytosanitary certificates
submitted contain information inconsistent with the pertinent
quarantine requirements, the plant quarantine authority shall take
one of the following measures, and the cost shall be borne by the
1.Submission of properly corrected phytosanitary certificates within
  a specified time limit.
2.Quarantine treatment.
The phytosanitary certificate issued by the plant quarantine
authority of the exporting country, as mentioned in Paragraph 1,
may be provided electronically with consent of the plant quarantine

Article 16-1
Plants or plant products that have been unloaded at or transshipped
through the countries and districts declared by the central
competent authority for prohibiting of entry or requiring taking
related measures according to quarantine conditions in the Paragraph
1 of Article 14, shall be approved by the plant quarantine authority
before importation; if not, the plant quarantine authority may
take necessary actions.

Article 17
The importer(s) or their agent shall apply to the plant quarantine
authority for quarantine of the regulated articles to be imported
or transited before their arrival at the ports of entry. The said
importer or agent shall not unwrap or move the said plants or
plant products before the completion of quarantine inspections.
Passengers or personnel of the vehicles, vessels, or aircraft
carrying the regulated articles shall apply for plant quarantine
upon arrival at the port of entry.
The regulated articles shall not be imported through postal mail;
otherwise, the regulated articles shall be reshipped or destroyed.
However, the following circumstances are examped from the restriction:
1.The regulated articles that are declared by the plant quarantine
  authority in accordance with the provisions in Paragraph of
  Article 16 for the exemption of the phytosanitary certificate.
2.Recipients of the regulated articles have applied to the plant
  quarantine authority and received the approval of import in
The regulated articles that are imported through postal mail in
accordance with the provisions of the preceding Paragraph shall
be packaged with a legible label indicating the content. In
addition, the postal authority shall cooperate with the plant
quarantine authority to inform the recipient to apply for quarantine
from the authority. The recipients who receive postal mails without
quarantine certificates shall apply for quarantine from the plant
quarantine authority immediately upon receiving them.
For regulated articles that are not for importation purposes but
have entered and are stored in Free Trade Zones, the procedure
of applying for quarantine and the requirement of documents may
be simplified, and the protocol of the said simplification are
to be prescribed by the central competent authority.

Article 18
Upon the completion of quarantine, the plant quarantine authority
shall issue a certificate of non-compliance for those that are
not compliant and shall forbid their import; the importer(s) or
their agent who comply with the regulations may apply for the
certificate of compliance.

Article 18-1
Reapplication for quarantine of regulated articles or articles
listed in Article 15 to be exported or imported, which are
determined to not comply with pertinent rules or regulations,
shall not be permitted.

Article 19
If any pest is found in the imported regulated articles after
quarantine inspection, the plant quarantine authority shall notify
and request the importer(s) or their agent to disinfect, destroy,
or reship such regulated articles together with the packages and
containers thereof withina prescribed time limit. If no such action
is taken within the said time limit or if taking emergency measures
is necessary, the plant quarantine authority shall directly dispose
of the regulated articles, and the cost for such actions shall be
borne by the importer(s).
The pest species mentioned in the preceding Paragraph are limited
to those declared by the central competent authority in accordance
with Paragraph 1 of Article 14, or those that have not been
confirmed to be present in the Republic of China.

Article 19-1
Plants or plant products in transit that are suspected of being
infested by pests or possibly spreading pests may be subject to
appropriate quarantine or other safety measures determined by the
plant quarantine authority.

Article 20
If an importing country requests a quarantine certificate for
plants or plant products to be exported, the exporter(s) may apply
to the plant quarantine authority for quarantine of the plants or
plant products. The quarantine authority shall issue a phytosanitary
certificate upon completion of the quarantine inspection.
The quarantine inspection mentioned in the preceding Paragraph
shall be performed on the premises of the plant quarantine
authority; on-site inspection may be performed if deemed necessary
by the authority.

Article 21
Necessary costs may be charged for quarantine services performed.
The rates and fee schedule shall be prescribed by the central
competent authority.

Article 21-1
The mode, procedure, and duration of application, quarantine
operation procedure, standard, and method of quarantine treatment,
treatment for pests, post-entry quarantine procedure, issuance of
phytosanitary certificate, and other related matters of quarantine
of export, import, transit, postal mail delivery, and plants or
plant products carried by passengers and personnel of vehicles,
vessels, or aircraft shall be prescribed by the central quarantine


Article 22
Those who illegally import articles in violation of  Subparagraph
1, Paragraph 1 of Article 14 or Paragraph 1 of Article 15, shall
be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than three years,
detention, and/or a fine not more than 150,000 New Taiwan Dollars.
The regulated articles, other goods or things, and their packages,
containers, and cultivation media thereof in violation of Subparagraph
1, Paragraph 1 of Article 14 or Paragraph 1 of Article 15,
regardless the ownership, may be confiscated by the plant quarantine
authority before the confiscation judgment determined by the court
of the first instance.

Article 23
If the representative of a juridical person, or the agent, employee,
or other staff of a juridical person or natural person commits
the offense under Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article in the
course of the execution of business, in addition to the punishment
of the perpetrator, a fine specified in Paragraph 1 of the preceding
Article shall also be imposed on the juridical person or natural
person. However, if the representative of a juridical person or
the natural person has done the best to prevent the commission
of the crime, the juridical person or the natural person shall
be exempted from the punishment.

Article 24
If any of the following situations occur, a fine of more than
30,000 New Taiwan Dollars but less than 50,000 New Taiwan Dollars
shall be imposed:
1.Violating Paragraph 2 of Article 9 by selling or relocating the
2.Violating the order of restriction or prohibition under Paragraph
  1 of Article 10.
3.Violating any measures mentioned in Subparagraphs 1 to 3,
  Paragraph 1 of Article 11.
4.Violating Paragraph 3 of Article 14 or Paragraph 3 of Article
  15 by sharing the regulated articles without the approval of
  the central competent authority, or violating the related
  regulations for the declaration, safety control measures,
  treatments and the production and retaining of usage records,
  reports or monographs stipulated in Paragraph 3 of Article 14
  or Paragraph 4 of Article 15.
5.Violating the related regulations of the procedure of post-entry
  quarantine and the requirements for the establishment of quarantine
  sites stipulated in Paragraph 5 of Article 14.
6.Importer(s) or their agents of the related articles who violate
  Paragraph 1 of Article 17, by not applying for quarantine, or
  unwrapping or moving the regulated articles before the completion
  of quarantine inspection; the recipients of postal mails who
  violate the Paragraph 4 of Article 17 by not applying to plant
  quarantine authority for the quarantine.
7.Owners or managers of vehicles, vessels, or aircraft who violate
  Article 19-2 by bringing the residues of plants or plant products
  onto land.
If penalty is carried out pursuant to Subparagraphs 1 to 3 of the
preceding Paragraph, the plants, plant products, pests, soils,
and the packages, containers, and cultivation media thereof shall
be removed or destroyed within a prescribed time limit. If the
said articles are not removed or destroyed within the time limit,
the special municipal or county (city) competent authority shall
act to remove or destroy the said articles, and the cost for such
actions shall be borne by the owners or management personnel.
If penalty is carried out pursuant to Subparagraphs 4 to 6 of
Paragraph 1, the regulated articles and the packages, containers,
cultivation media may be disinfected, destroyed, or treated directly
by the plant quarantine authority or commissioned organizations
as deemed necessary, and the cost for such actions shall be borne
by the owners or management personnel.
If penalty is carried out pursuant to Subparagraph 7 of Paragraph
1, the plants or plant products shall be destroyed by the plant
quarantine authority or commissioned organization, and the cost
for such actions shall be borne by the owners or management

Article 25
If any of the following situations occur, a fine of more than
10,000 New Taiwan Dollars but less than 50,000 New Taiwan Dollars
shall be imposed:
1.Evading, obstructing, or refusing the execution of duties
  performed by plant protection or quarantine officers pursuant
  to Article 5 without an appropriate reason.
2.Violating Paragraph 1 of Article 8-1 and failing to conduct
  control measures pursuant to the notice or announcement made by
  the special municipal or county (city) competent authority.
3.Failing to report the pest status as required under Paragraph 2
  of Article 8-1 without appropriate reason.
4.Evading, obstructing, or refusing the inspection of specific
  plant diseases and pests by the central competent authority
  pursuant to Paragraph 1 of Article 9 without an appropriate
5.Owners or managers of the plants or plant products failing to
  conduct joint control measures prescribed by the central competent
  authority pursuant to Subparagraph 4, Paragraph 1 of Article 11.
6.Violating the requirements under Subparagraph 5, Paragraph 1 of
  Article 11 by moving out the plants or plant products which are
  not inspected or inspected but found not to be in compliance
  with relevant regulations.
If penalty is carried out pursuant to Subparagraph 2 of the preceding
Paragraph, the special municipal or county (city) competent authority
may order the violators to improve within a prescribed time limit
as deemed necessary. Those who fail to improve within the time
limit will be successively punished. For the owners or the management
personnel of the plants or plant products who had been successively
punished without improvement, the special municipal or county
(city) competent authority may control the pest risk of the plants
or plant products on behalf of the violators as deemed necessary,
and the cost for such actions shall be borne by the owners or
management personnel.

Article 25-1
Passengers or personnel of vehicles, vessels or aircraft who fail
to apply for a quarantine in accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article
17 shall be subject to a fine more than 3,000 New Taiwan Dollars
but less than 15,000 New Taiwan Dollars.

Article 25-2
The punishment for violators who fail to apply quarantine by not
complying with Subparagraph 6,  Paragraph 1 of Article 24 or the
preceding Article may be reduced or exempted, if the circumstances
are minor.
The standards for determining the reduction or exemption of the
Paragraph are to be prescribed by the central competent authority.

Article 26
The fines stipulated in this Act shall be imposed by the special
municipal or county (city) competent authority or the plant quarantine


Article 27
The Enforcement Rules of this Act shall be prescribed by the
central competent authority.

Article 28
This Act takes effect on the date of its promulgation. The
provisions amended on May 29, 2018,including Paragraphs 3 and 4
of Article 17 and Paragraphs 1 and 3 of Article 24 concerning
violations of the provisions of Paragraph 4 of Article 7, take
effect one year after the promulgation.
Data Source:MONISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Laws and Regulations Retrieving System