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Title: Regulations on the Management and Approval of Foreign Flag Fishing Vessels Entering into Ports of the Republic of China Ch
Date: 2018.05.29
Legislative: 1.The full text of 13 articles promulgated on 20 January 2017
by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan under Order No.
Nung-yu-tzu 1051338468.

2.The full text of 14 articles promulgated on 29 May 2018 by the
Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan under Order No.
Nung-yu-tzu 1071334297.
Content: Article 1
These regulations are established in accordance with Article 
22, paragraph 3 of the Act for Distant Water Fisheries 
(hereinafter referred to as the Act).    

Article 2
Any foreign flag fishing vessel applying for port entry into 
the Republic of China shall not have any of the circumstances 
stipulated in Article 22, paragraph 2 of the Act, and shall 
meet the following conditions:
(1)The fishing vessel is listed in the approved vessel list(s) 
   of the international fisheries organization(s) or holds a 
   valid fishing license, fishing authorization document, or 
   transportation permit issued by the flag State.
(2)The fisheries type(s) conducted by the fishing vessel is not 
   gillnet fishery. 

Article 3
The ports of entry in the Republic of China for any foreign 
flag fishing vessel shall be limited to Keelung Port, Kaohsiung
 Port, Chen-Pin Fishing Harbor, and Chien-Chen Fishing Harbor.

Activities after the port entry as referred to in the preceding
 paragraph shall be limited to landing in port, transshipment 
in port, supply, or repair of fishing vessels. 

Article 4
For any foreign fishing vessel entering or leaving a port of 
the Republic of China, its operator shall provide the Power of
 Attorney which commissioning an agent to apply to the 
competent authority for the port entry, submit the Advance 
Notice of Port Entry, apply for the extension of the berthing 
period, and fill in and submit the Landing or Transshipment 
Declaration and Notification of Port Departure.  

The agent as referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be 
limited to the shipping agency of the Republic of China 
authorized under the Shipping Act.

Article 5
For any foreign flag fishing vessel intending to enter into a 
port of the Republic of China, the agent of such vessel shall 
apply, five working days prior to port arrival, to the 
competent authority with the submission of the following 
documents for the port entry approval, which will be granted 
after examining the documents; for any foreign flag fishing 
vessel whose last port of departure is less than 1,600 nautical
 miles from the port applying for entry, and that navigates in 
direct route for port entry after port departure, the 
application may be filed three working days prior to port 
(1)Advance Notice of Port Entry (format as shown in Appendix 1);
(2)Notification on Fishing, Transshipment or Landing (format as
    shown in Appendix 2);
(3)A copy of nationality certificate of the vessel concerned;
(4)A copy of the fishing license or fishing authorization 
   document; or a copy of the transportation permit for a 
   carrier vessel;
(5)A list of crew members (including name, nationality, 
   year/month/date of birth, position on board, passport or 
   traveling document numbers) and copies of valid Certificate 
   of Fishing Officers;
(6)Three photos of the portside, starboard, and stern of the 
   vessel concerned. Each photo shall display clearly and 
   legibly the vessel name and the international radio call 
(7)Document(s) proving the departure from the last port of call;
(8)For carrier vessels, the following documents shall be 
   submitted as well:
   i.The fish hold layout which clearly distinguishes species 
     and quantities of each fish hold, and a copy of the 
     document of the transshipment details;
   ii.Copies of the nationality certificates, fishing licenses,
       and transshipment authorization of donor vessels; and
(9)In case that the operator is not the owner of the foreign 
   vessel applying for port entry, document(s) proving the 
   management right shall be also provided.
In case that the documents as referred to in paragraph 1 are 
written in foreign language, a Chinese translation authenticated
 by public notary of the Republic of China shall be submitted. 
Such provision shall be exempted for the documents written in 
For any foreign flag fishing vessel applying for entering 
Keelung Port or Kaohsiung Port, the agent of the vessel 
concerned shall, after obtaining the port entry approval as 
referred to in paragraph 1, apply for port entry from the 
shipping administration authority.

In case of force majeure or distress, the agent of a foreign 
flag fishing vessel intending to enter Keelung Port or Kaohsiung
 Port may apply for emergent port entry in accordance with the 
Commercial Port Law, and shall furnish the documents as 
stipulated in paragraph 1 and 2 within 24 hours after the port 

Article 6
In case that a foreign flag fishing vessel is under any of the 
following circumstances, the competent authority shall not grant
 the port entry approval:
(1)Its operator is sentenced imprisonment for violating the Act,
   the Fisheries Act or the Act to Govern Investment in the 
   Operation of Foreign Flag Fishing Vessels and such sentence 
   is not yet executed, not executed completely, or is on 
   probation whose period is not yet expired.
(2)Its operator is sentenced to a short-term imprisonment or 
   criminal fine for violating the Act, the Fisheries Act or 
   the Act to Govern Investment in the Operation of Foreign Flag
    Fishing Vessels and such sentence is not yet executed or not
    executed completely.
(3)Its operator has not paid completely the fine imposed 
   pursuant to the Act, the Fisheries Act or the Act to Govern 
   Investment in the Operation of Foreign Flag Fishing Vessels. 
(4)Its previous operator has not paid completely the fine 
   imposed pursuant to the Act, the Fisheries Act or the Act to 
   Govern Investment in the Operation of Foreign Flag Fishing 

In case that berths of Chen-Pin Fishing Harbor or Chien-Chen 
Fishing Harbor are insufficient, the competent authority may 
not approve the port entry applications into such two ports of 
foreign flag fishing vessels.

Article 7
The agent of a foreign flag fishing vessel shall, within 24 
hours after the port entry, submit to the competent authority 
the Port Entry Report (format as shown in Appendix 3).

Article 8
Before entering Chen-Pin Fishing Harbor or Chien-Chen Fishing 
Harbor, any foreign flag fishing vessel shall complete 
inspections regarding shipping administration, customs, 
sanitary, immigration, disease containment, and quarantine in 
Keelung Port or Kaohsiung Port  

Any foreign fishing vessel approved to enter the fishing 
harbors as referred to in the preceding paragraph shall not 
berth for more than five days. In case of extension of the 
period for landing, the agent may apply to the competent 
authority before the expiry of the berthing period. The 
extension shall be limited to once, with three days as the 
maximum period of extension. 

For any foreign flag fishing vessel entering into a port of the
 Republic of China with any crew from the Mainland China 
onboard, such vessel shall cooperate with the Coast Guard and 
police authorities for security inspection(s). The operator 
concerned shall temporarily place the Mainland Chinese crew 
member(s) at onshore accommodation sites, or onboard the 
fishing vessel(s) hiring such crew member(s) within the 
temporary settlement area after inspection clearance.  

For the Mainland Chinese crew placed at onshore accommodation 
sites, or onboard the fishing vessels hiring such crew within 
the temporary settlement area, the operators concerned shall 
restrain such crew from leaving those places. The fees for 
temporary boarding shall be borne by the operators concerned.

Any Mainland Chinese crew that intends to depart via aircraft 
shall apply to the National Immigration Agency of the Ministry 
of the Interior for the entry or exit in accordance with the 
Regulations on the Entry Permission into Taiwan for People of 
Mainland China.  

Article 9
Any foreign flag fishing vessel entering into a port of the 
Republic of China shall  berth, land, transship, supply or be 
repaired at the area(s) designated by the competent authority 
of the port or the commercial port administrative authority. 
Any activity that is inconsistent with the purpose of port 
entry as indicated in the application shall not be conducted.

Article 10
In case of any of the following circumstances, the competent 
authority may revoke the port entry approval of any foreign 
flag fishing vessel, and notify the shipping administration 
(1)After the port entry, the foreign flag fishing vessel has 
   conducted any activity inconsistent with the purpose of port 
   entry as indicated in the application.
(2)The foreign flag fishing vessel has not entered the port for
    more than two days after its estimated time of arrival.
(3)The catch is not weighed or landed by species and by fishing 
   vessel(s) whereby the catch is sourced.

Article 11
Any foreign flag fishing vessel entering into a port of the 
Republic of China for landing or transshipment shall pay 
relevant fees incurred from inspection(s) before commencing 
the landing or transshipment.  

The time for landing or transshipment as referred to in the 
preceding paragraph shall be from 6 a.m. to 18 p.m. every day. 
Any catch that is not yet landed or transshipped shall be 
sealed in the fish hold(s) by the competent authority, and such
 fish hold(s) shall not open unless the competent authority has

The inspection(s) and the sealing of fish hold(s) as referred to
 in the preceding two paragraphs may be delegated by the 
competent authority to subordinate agency/institution(s) or the 
government of municipality, county or township; or commissioned 
to other institution(s), legal person(s), or organization(s). 

The agent shall submit the Landing Declaration (format as shown
 in Appendix 4) or Transshipment Declaration (format as shown 
in Appendix 5) to the competent authority within the timeframe 
prescribed as follows:
(1)For fishing vessels, the Declaration shall be submitted 
   within two days after the completion of landing or 
(2)For carrier vessels, the Declaration shall be submitted 
   within five days after the completion of landing or 

Article 12
For any foreign flag fishing vessel entering into a port of the 
Republic of China for landing or transshipment, its operator 
shall fill in completely and accurately the Notification on 
Fishing, Transshipment or Landing. 

The discrepancy between the amount recorded in the Notification
 as referred to in the preceding paragraph and the actual 
landing or transshipment amount shall meet the following 
(1)For species with catch limit or under the Catch Statistical 
   Document Program or Catch Documentation Scheme adopted by the
    international fisheries organizations, the discrepancy 
   shall not exceed 10%.
(2)For species other than those stipulated in the preceding 
   subparagraph, the discrepancy shall not exceed 25%. 

Article 13
The agent of any foreign flag fishing vessel approved to enter 
into a port of the Republic of China shall submit to the 
competent authority the Notification of Port Departure (format 
as shown in Appendix 6) one day prior to the port departure.

Article 14
These Regulations shall enter into force upon promulgation.
Data Source:MONISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Laws and Regulations Retrieving System