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Title: Directions for Screening Application for Letter of Approval for the Importation of Breeding Livestock and Poultry and Genetic Resources Ch
Date: 2015.04.30
Legislative: 1.Promulgated on October 30, 2000
2.Amendment to all Articles and amendment to Title promulgated
on July 24, 2002.
3.Amendment to all Articles and amendment to Title promulgated
on October 29, 2004.
4.Amendment to Article 2 promulgated on April 15, 2005.
5.Amendment to Article 3 promulgated on June 23, 2006.
6.Amendment to Article 7 promulgated on January 18, 2007.
7.Amendment to Articles 2 , Appendix 1and 2 of Article 4 promul-
-gated on June 22, 2009.
8.Amendment to Article 3 promulgated on October 02, 2013.
9.Amendment to Article 2 promulgated on April 30, 2015.

Article 1
 In order to execute Article 19 of the “Animal Industry Act”
for issuing the approval letters of importing breeding livestock
and poultry and genetic resources, the following guidelines were

Article 2
 Breeding livestock and poultry and other genetic resources of
the following CCC (Commodity Classification of the Republic of
China) Code for breeding purposes, breed improvement, and
proliferation, the applicants shall apply to the Council of
Agriculture (also known as COA) issued an approval documents.
 (1) 0101.21.00.00 - 3 Live horses, pure-bred breeding animals.
 (2) 0102.21.00.00 - 2 Live bovine animals, pure-bred breeding
 (3) 0102.31.00.00 - 0 Live buffalo, pure-bred breeding
 (4) 0102.90.10.00 - 6 Other of bovine animals, pure-bred
     breeding animals.
 (5) 0103.10.00.00 - 4 Live swine, pure-bred breeding animals.
 (6) 0104.20.00.10 - 9 Live goats, pure-bred breeding animals.
 (7) 0105.11.10.00 - 9 Live fowls, pure-bred breeding animals,
     weighing not more than 185g.
 (8) 0105.12.10.00 - 8 Live turkeys, pure-bred breeding
     animals, weighing not more than 185g.
 (9) 0105.13.10.00 - 7 Live ducks, pure-bred breeding animals,
     weighing not more than 185g.
 (10)0105.14.10.00 - 6 Live geese, pure-bred breeding animals,
     weighing not more than 185g.
 (11)0105.15.10.00 - 5 Live guinea fowls, pure-bred breeding
     animals, weighing not more than 185g.
 (12)0105.94.10.00 - 9 Live fowls of the species Gallus domesticus,
     pure-bred breeding animals, weighing more than 185g.
 (13)0105.99.10.00 - 4 Live ducks, geese, turkeys, guinea fowls, 
     pure-bred breeding animals, weighing more than 185g.
 (14)0106.19.10.21 - 5 Deer, pure-bred breeding animals.
 (15)0106.33.00.10 - 2 Live ostriches, emus, pure-bred breeding animals.
 (16)0511.10.00.00 - 0 Bovine semen.
 (17)0511.99.91.20 - 0 Semen for livestock and poultry breeding.
 (18)0511.99.92.20 - 9 Embryos for livestock and poultry breeding.
 (19)0511.99.99.40 - 8 Ovum for livestock and poultry breeding.

Article 3
 Applications to import breeding livestock and poultry and genetic resources should be limited to the listed breeds or lines as following:
 (1) Dairy cattle:
  A. Holstein.
  B. Jersey.
 (2) Beef cattle:
  A. Brahman.
  B. Charolais.
  C. Brangus.
  D. Gelbvieh.
  E. Limousin.
  F. Piedmont.
  G. Simmental Fleckvieh.
  H. Wagyu.
  I. Angus.
  J. Hereford.
 (3) Swine:
  A. Landrace.
  B. Yorkshire or LargeWhite.
  C. Duroc.
  D. Hampshire.
  E. Berkshire.
 (4) Goats:
  A. Saanen.
  B. Toggenburg.
  C. Nubian.
  D. Alpine.
  E. Boer.
 (5) Deer:
  A. Sambar deer.
  B. Sika deer.
  C. Red deer.
  D. Fallow deer.
 Involving new breeds or lines that have not yet been imported
into Taiwan, applications should follow the procedures listed in
item 3 of Guideline 4.

Article 4
 Application procedures and supporting documents required:
 (1) Application procedures :
  A. Breeding livestock: application for import approval letter
     shall be filed with the county/city government of the area
     where the livestock will be allocated and raised. Following
     review, the application shall be referred to COA for issuance
     of the import approval letter.
  B. Breeding poultry: application for import approval letter shall
     be filed with the National Animal Industry Foundation. Following
     review, the application shall be forwarded to COA for issuance
     of an import approval letter.
  C. Genetic resources: application for import approval letter
     shall be filed with COA. Following review, the COA will
     issue the import approval letter.
 (2) Application for import approval letter shall be supported by
     the following documents, in triplicate:
  A. Application form (as Annex 1 and Annex 2).
  B. Photocopy of a quotation issued from original country.
  C. Photocopy of the farm registration certificate (except for
     imports of semen or embryos)
  D. Pedigree certificate: the pedigree of breeding livestock should
     be certified by the government of the exporting country or
     by an authorized breed association, or alternatively shall
     be confirmed by a certificate that the livestock is duly listed
     in the exporting country.
  E. Performance data: those wishing to import semen should provide
     donor’s performance data that meet the average of the breed.
     For those wishing to import embryos the performance data of
     both sire and dam are required.
 (3) For breeds or lines those are being introduced to Taiwan for
     the first time, the applicant shall submit the following
     information and file their application for an import approval
     letter directly with COA:
  A. Application form.
  B. Certificates of the importers.
  C. Breeding history or discovery of the breed or line.
  D. Feeding study references.
  E. Photograph of the object or product.
  F. Other related documents that may be required by the government.

Article 5
 During a six-month period for follow-up quarantine requirements,
relocation of the imported breeding livestock or poultry is prohibited,
unless permitted by the local county/city government. The COA will
punish violators of this rule by not issue further import approval
letter for a period of two years from their violation.

Article 6
 An import permit is valid for six months from the day after the
issue of the approval letter. The approval letter shall void upon
expiration of the import permit, and a new application is required
for continued importation.

Article 7
 Quarantine of imported breeding livestock and poultry and genetic
resources shall follow the “Quarantine Requirements for the
Importation of Animals or Animal Products” promulgated by the
Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine of COA.

Article 8
 Within six months of the import of breeding livestock and poultry
and genetic resources, an application for tariff exemption can be
filed with the county/city government of the location where the
livestock or poultry is raised or the genetic resources are used,
with this application having to be accompanied by a photocopy of
the import permit and pedigree certificate. Following review, the
application will be forwarded to COA for the issuance of a tariff
exemption approval. The application will be rejected if it is
filed after the expiry of the prescribed time limit.

Article 9
 If concern exists that a particular import may influence the
market stability of the local livestock and poultry industry,
the COA has the sole discretion to suspend the issuance of approval
letter on a per item basis.

Article 10
 The import involving genetic manipulated shall follow other related

Data Source:MONISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Laws and Regulations Retrieving System