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Title: Regulations Governing the Sampling and Inspection of Foods Sold in Markets Ch
Date: 2014.12.09
Legislative: 1. Promulgation and enforcement of the full text of 10 Articles
by Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan order lun-lian-zi no.
1001093733 on 16 August, 2011.
2. Promulgation of the amendment to Article 7 by Council of
Agriculture, Executive Yuan order lun-lian-zi no. 1031092130 on
11 February, 2014.
3.A total of ten Articles are amended pursuant to order of no.
nu-lian-zi 1031093340A on December the 9th, 2014.

Article 1 
This set of regulations are prescribed pursuant to Paragraph 2,
Article 15 of the “Food Administration Act” (hereinafter
referred to as the “Act”)


Article 2
Items concerning with the check randomly or inspection of
marketed foods implemented by the competency authorities are
included as follows:
1. Items defined in accordance with Article 14 and Article 14-1
   of the Act.
2. Items prescribed in Paragraph 1 of Article 15 in this Act
   regarding the sampling and inspection of foods sold in


Article 3
When conducting the sampling and inspection of foods sold in
markets, the personnel of competent authority shall produce food
inspection certificate to food dealers or food retailers, and
inform them the subject of verification.

Article 4
The competent authority shall be able to randomly purchase
sample in selling sites in the implementation of sampling and
inspection of foods sold in markets, unless such inspection is
conducted with a specific purpose by the competent authority.
The sampling can be exempted if the evidence collection is
completed in site by the competent authority on food labeling


Article 5
When conducting the sampling and inspection of foods sold in
markets, the competent authority shall produce inspection or
sampling record for the business people, its representative or
operating personnel at selling site to confirm by signature.
In case the operating personnel at selling site prescribed in
the preceding paragraph refuses to sign on the record, the
executive personnel shall write down the fact, execution time
and place of such event in the record.


Article 6
The competent authority shall complete the examination (check)
within seven working days after sampling;in case of species
inspection or other matters shall deliver the samples within
three working days after sampling to commissioned inspection
agencies, legal or academic or research institutions (
hereinafter referred to as “commissioned inspection agencies (
institutions)”) to go through inspection.
The commissioned inspection agencies (institutions) shall
completed the inspection within 10 working days after reception
 of the sample specified in the preceding paragraph.

Article 7
Businesses who have objections to food inspection results may
apply in writing to the competent authority to carry out review
or re-inspection for the retained samples within five working
days after reception of the notice and deposit inspection fees,
and such application shall be limited to one time only. The
competent authority shall conduct review or re-inspection within
seven working days after the acceptance of such application, and
notify its result to applicant in writing.

Article 8
The sampling or inspecting personnel shall hold the learned
trade secrets of the inspected business person in confidence.


Article 9
While performing business service, the sampling or inspecting
personnel shall avoid in accordance with the relevant provisions
stipulated by the “Administrative Procedure Act”.


Article 10
This set of regulations shall take effect on December the 18th,

Data Source:MONISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Laws and Regulations Retrieving System