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Title: Regulations for Recreational Fishery Ch
Date: 2014.06.20
Legislative: Legislative History
1. The entire text of 29 Articles enacted and promulgated on 26
May 1993 by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan under
Order No. 82 Nung-yu-tzu 2123895A.
2. Article 21 amended and promulgated on 30 June 1995 by the
Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan under Order No. 84
Nung-yu-tzu 4040585A.
3. Article 24 amended and promulgated on 13 March 1996 by the
Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan under Order No. 85
Nung-yu-tzu 5109101A.
4. The entire text amended to 27 Articles and promulgated on 18
August 1999 by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
under Order No. (88) Nung-yu-tzu 88602585.
5. Article 9 amended and promulgated on 28 August 2000 by the
Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan under Order No. (89)
Nung-yu-tzu 891218864.
6. Article 6, 9 to 11, 15, 17, 20, 24, 27 amended, and Article 28
added and promulgated on 31 July 2001 by the Council of
Agriculture, Executive Yuan under Order No. (90) Nung-yu-tzu
7. Article 26 amended on 1 May 2007 by the Council of Agriculture,
Executive Yuan under Order No. Nung-yu-tzu 0961340452.
8. Article 5 amended on 17 July 2008 by the Council of Agriculture,
Executive Yuan under Order No. Nung-yu-tzu 0971290215.
9. Article 2, 4, 10, 11, 16, 17, 19 and 26 amended, and Article
17-1 and 27-1 added on 9 April 2010 by the Council of
Agriculture, Executive Yuan under Order No. Nun-yu-tzu
10. Article 16 amended on 7 July 2010 by the Council of
Agriculture, Executive Yuan under Order No. Nung-yu-tzu
11. The entire text amended to 25 Articles and promulgated on 26
March 2013 by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
under Order No. Nung-yu-tzu 1021320806.
12. Article 20 amended on 19 December 2013 by the Council of
Agriculture, Executive Yuan under Order No. Nung-yu-tzu
13. Article 1, Article 4, Article 5, Article 7, Article 10,
Article 11, Article 13, Article18, Article19 and Article 24
amended on 8 April 2014 by the Council of Agriculture,
Executive Yuan under the Order No. Nung-yu-tzu 1031328629.
14. Article 2 and 23-1 amended on 20 June 2014 by the Council of
Agriculture, Executive Yuan under Order No. Nung-yu-tzu

Article 1

These Regulations are established pursuant to Article 41, paragraph
5 and Article 43 of the Fisheries Act.

Article 2
The activities of recreational fishery stipulated in these
Regulations mean the following activities that a recreational
fishing vessel carries passengers on board or to islands or reefs to
engage in:
1. Harvesting aquatic animals or plants.
2. Watching fishing operations.
3. Watching natural environment and wildlife.
4. Whale watching.
A recreational fishing vessel authorized by the competent authority
may be offered for use in aquatic (fisheries) resources research,
marine environment research, fisheries management, marine
engineering projects, release of fish fry, and deployment and
maintenance of artificial reefs.
Any recreational fishing vessel which intends to carry passengers to
engage in diving activities as specified in Article 19 of the
Regulations Governing Water Recreation Activities may do so only
after it has obtained approval of the competent authority and shall
conform to the Regulations Governing Water Recreation Activities.
The fishing gear and method used in the activities referred to in
paragraph 1, sub-paragraph 1 shall be restricted to rod lining, pole
and line, and trolling.

Article 3
Passengers referred to in paragraph 1 of the preceding Article shall
not include:
1. Staff with fishing vessel crew identification who work on a
recreational fishing vessel.
2. Persons in distress at sea who were rescued by the captain
under obligation.
3. Persons who embark on a vessel in an illegal manner that can
not be stopped by the captain or owner of that vessel.
4. Persons who cannot leave the vessel due to performance of
official duties for extraordinary incidents.

Article 4
A recreational fishing vessel stipulated in these Regulations means
an existing fishing vessel that engages in part-time recreational
fishery, or is remodeled or to be built as replacement to engage in
the activities of recreational fishery.

Article 5
Fishing vessels engaged in recreational fishery shall be over 1
gross ton.
Sampans and fishing rafts shall not engage in recreational fishery.
However, for public waters of certain depth with natural barriers
such as lagoons, the competent authority of the government of the
municipality or city (county) may establish autonomous regulations
for sampans and fishing rafts to engage in part-time recreational
fishery in designated water areas.

Article 6
A recreational fishing vessel under 10 gross tons may be built
provided that replacement tonnage of three sampans or fishing rafts
has been obtained.

Article 7
The maximum number and tonnage categories of recreational fishing
vessels in every fishing port are set out in Attached Table 1.   

Article 8
Any person who intends to operate recreational fishery shall fill in
and submit an application form along with the following documents
for issuance of a recreational fishery license to the competent
authority in charge.       
1. The professional certificate of fishing vessel officer or
the license of power-driven boat.
2. Crew members’ basic safety training certificates.
3. Copies of telecommunication equipment certificates.
4. Copies of liability insurance and personal injury insurance
5. Copies of the record for ship inspection, ship inspection
certificate or license of small boat.
6. In the case of a newly-built vessel, the letter of ship
building permission.
7. In the case of a fishing vessel engaged in part-time
recreational fishery, a copy of the fishing license for directed
8. If the applicant is a company or store, its registration
certificate and business plan.
9. A document proving that the ALC has been tested to be
capable of automatically transmitting positions by the Overseas
Fisheries Development Council of the Republic of China, and a copy
of a document proving that advance payment of current year cost of
communication has been made. However, these documents may be
exempted in the case of a recreational fishing vessel which is free
from the installation of an ALC pursuant to Article 14, paragraph 1
or 2.

Article 9
The competent authority of the government of the municipality or
city (county) may designate islands or reefs for passengers to
conduct recreational fishery activities, and establish autonomous
regulations for recreational fishery activities on islands or reefs.
Any recreational fishing vessel which intends to carry passengers to
islands or reefs for recreational fishery activities shall do so
only after the competent authority of the government of the
municipality or city (county) administering the islands or reefs has
issued an approval, with a copy to the competent authority
administering the vessel, and annotated the recreational fishery
license for approval.
When the competent authority of the government of the municipality
or city (county) administering the islands or reefs referred to in
the preceding paragraph withdraws, revokes or changes its approval
to a recreational fishing vessel, it shall immediately inform the
competent authority administering the vessel and amend or cancel the
annotations of approval on the recreational fishery license.

Article 10
A recreational fishery license shall contain the following
1. The fishery operator’s name, address and national
identification card number. If the fishery operator is a company or
store, its name, main office or operation site, and its
representative’s name, address and national identification card
2. Items of recreational fishery activities approved for
3. Vessel’s name, registration number, gross tonnage and net
tonnage, length and overall length.
4. Type and horsepower of engine, fuel tank capacity and
navigation speed.
5. Telecommunication equipment.
6. Safety equipment.
7. Number of crew, maximum number of passengers and homeport of
the vessel.
8. Activity area.
9. Additional requirements for approval.
10. Date and order number of approval.
11. Valid period of the license.
12. Islands or reefs approved for carrying passengers to visit.
In the event of any change in the information referred to in the
preceding sub-paragraphs, the fishery operator shall apply for
change registration to the competent authority by submitting
supporting documents.

Article 11

Article 12
For a recreational fishing vessel over 20 gross tons, its officers
shall have fishing vessel officer professional certificates.
For a recreational fishing vessel under 20 gross tons, its captain
shall meet one of the following qualifications:
1. Having a commercial power-driven boat license.
2. Having both a deck officer professional certificate and an
engineer officer professional certificate.  
3. Having a deck officer professional certificate, with a crew
member having an engineer officer professional certificate.   
The captain and chief engineer referred to in the preceding two
paragraphs shall have the certificate of basic safety training. A
senior crew member shall not act for the captain or chief engineer.
Any change of officers or pilot shall be reported to the competent
authority for perusal.

Article 13
From 1 April 2014, the minimum safe manning of a recreational
fishing vessel shall comply with the requirements of the Attached
Table 2.

Article 14
A recreational fishing vessel shall install an automatic location
communicator (ALC), a double side band (DSB) radio telephone and an
emergency position indicating radio beacon (EPIRB) designated by the
competent authority of the central government. Where its
telecommunication range is beyond 24 miles from the fishery radio
station (hereinafter referred to as “radio station”), the
recreational fishing vessel shall install additionally a single side
band (SSB) radio telephone, which shall be operated by a radio
operator with a valid certificate. However, installation of ALC may
be exempted in one of the following cases:
1. Sampans and fishing rafts.
2. Vessels under 5 gross tons.
In one of the following cases, a recreational fishing vessel may be
exempt from installing an ALC after obtaining the approval from the
competent authority of the central government, through the
competent authority of the municipality or city (county).
1. The vessel is over 5 but under 10 gross tons. 
2. Except whale watching, the vessel does not engage in other
recreational fishery activities, or is not offered for any use
referred to in Article 2, paragraph 2.
3. The vessel is over 10 gross tons and engages in marine life
watching in coral reef area with each voyage less than 4 hours.
For recreational fishing vessel exempt from installing the ALCs as
approved by the competent authority of the central government
pursuant to the preceding paragraph, if the vessels meet one of the
following situations, the competent authority of the central
government may revoke their exemption:
1. Vessels in violation of Article 21, paragraph 2 that have
been punished by the competent authority.
2. A recreational fishing vessel referred to in sub-paragraph 3
of the preceding paragraph with each voyage is exceeding 4 hours.

Article 15
Prior to departure of a recreational fishing vessel, its fishery
operator or captain shall comply with the following provisions:
1. Data on weather and marine conditions shall be collected and
explained to passengers. Where local weather forecast shows winds
equal to or greater than force 7 on the Beaufort Scale or adverse
weather or marine conditions, which could cause safety concerns to
passengers, the vessel shall not depart.
2. The vessel may depart only after it has undergone a thorough
check, an orientation for lifesaving equipment has been given to
passengers, and passengers have put on their lifesaving jackets. 
3. Where the recreational fishing vessel carries passengers to
islands or reefs, information on the geography and environment of
the islands or reefs and safety rules shall be explained to
passengers. And passengers shall be required to wear, where
appropriate, safety equipment depending on environmental
4. Embarkation and disembarkation instructions, safety on board
and rules for recreational fishery activities shall be explained to
passengers and marked in a noticeable place on board.
5. Maximum number of passengers and number of crew shall be
marked in a noticeable place above the pilot seat and on both sides
of the hull of the vessel.
6. The ALC shall be switched on and transmit vessel positions
to the local radio station, and telecommunication equipment shall be
maintained functional in accordance with Article 16. 

Article 16
For a recreational fishing vessel that has installed an ALC on
board, the ALC shall be switched on 2 hours prior to departure and
its condition shall be checked with the radio station. The vessel
shall not depart until the relevant authority of Coast Guard has
checked and confirmed with the radio station that the ALC on board
is switched on and functional.
After departure, the ALC on board the recreational fishing vessel
referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be maintained
operational and transmit positions to the radio station hourly. After

return to port, the vessel may switch off the ALC only after
notifying the radio station. 
When the radio station cannot receive positions from the ALC on
board a recreational fishing vessel, it shall immediately report to
the competent authority of the central government, which shall
order the vessel to return to port for repairing. Before entry into
port, the vessel shall report its positions to the radio station by
the telecommunication equipment in every 30 minutes. After entry
into port, the vessel shall not depart until the ALC is repaired.
Cost of communications of the ALC on board a recreational fishing
vessel shall be borne by the fishery operator.

Article 17
Before embarking on a recreational fishing vessel, a passenger shall
provide his or her national identification card, passport or any
other identity-proving document to the fishery operator or the
captain for making a list of people on board.   
A recreational fishing vessel may depart from the port only after
the fishery operator or captain have submitted the information form
on voyage plan and the list of people on board to the relevant
authority of Coast Guard Administration stationed in that port.       


Article 18
The fishery operator shall obtain liability insurance. The scope and
minimum coverage amount shall be as follows:
1. Death and injury: NT$ 2 million per person.
2. Accident: NT$ 2 million multiplied by maximum number of
passengers and number of crew.

Article 19
The fishery operator shall obtain personal injury insurance for all
crew members and passengers on their behalf. The minimum coverage
amount shall be NT$ 2 million per person.
The fishery operator shall post the amount and the contents of the
personal injury insurance referred to in the preceding paragraph in
a noticeable place on board, addressing them in the tickets or
chartering contract.

Article 20
The captain and pilot of a recreational fishing vessel shall comply
with the following requirements:
1. Shall not take passengers to islands or reefs not contained
in the recreational fishery license’s annotations of approval.
2. Copies of the recreational fishery license, liability and
personal injury insurance policies shall be posted in a noticeable
place on board.
3. Shall not engage in any business activities other than
recreational fishery.
4. While passengers left vessel to conduct recreational fishery
activities, the vessel shall be moored waiting nearby, unless
approved otherwise by the competent authority. Unless approved
otherwise by the competent authority for any extraordinary incident,
the vessel shall return to port with all passengers on board.
5. Other compliance requirements pursuant to relevant
When a recreational fishing vessel takes passengers out to sea for
harvesting aquatic animals or plants, the fishery operator or
captain shall fill in and submit the catch logbook or daily logbook
of the current month to the competent authority of the government
of the municipality or county (city) for perusal by the end of the
following month.

Article 21
Each voyage of a recreational fishing vessel shall not exceed 48
hours. The area of recreational fishery activities shall be
restricted to the areas within 30 miles of the coast of Taiwan’s
main island and Penghu, within 12 miles of the coast of Pengjia
Islet, Green Island and Lanyu, and the islands between the offshore
For operation of recreational fishery in Kinmen and Matsu area, the
fishery operator shall use locally-registered recreational fishing
vessels. The autonomous regulations relating to the time and area of

operation for the recreational fishery is stipulated by the competent

authority of the local government in consultation with relevant


Article 22
Recreational fishing vessels shall only enter into or departing from

its homeport. However, for those approved by the competent authority

to use another port for operation, entry or departure, they shall be
allowed to enter or depart from that port during the approval
With regard to the port approved by the competent authority for
operation, entry and departure of the recreational fishing vessel
referred to in the preceding paragraph, in the case that the port is
beyond the jurisdiction of the competent authority, prior approval
shall be obtained from the competent authority administering the
port through coordination.
During a necessary voyage between its homeport and port approved by
the competent authority, a recreational fishing vessel shall not
engage in any recreational fishery activity.

Article 23
The competent authority of the government of the municipality or
county (city) may establish whale watching rules or guide the
fishery operators to establish a convention on self-regulation.
The fishery operator or captain of a recreational fishing vessel
carrying passengers for whale watching shall place whale watching
rules or the convention on self-regulation in a noticeable or easily
accessible spot on board for passengers.

Article 23-1
Discount fares for recreational fishing vessels shall be offered to
child passengers and be charged in accordance with the following:
1. For children under one year of age, no fare shall be
2. For children older than one year of age but under three
years of age, the maximum fare shall not exceed 30% of the adult fare.
3. For children older than three years of age but under twelve
years of age, the maximum fare shall not exceed 80% of the adult

Article 24
Before a recreational fishing vessel carries passengers to engage in
activities of recreational fishery, in the event of one of the
following circumstances, the competent authority shall impose
punishment pursuant to relevant regulations and promptly prohibit
the vessel’s departure from port.
1. Application has not been made for inspection, measurement
and registration as required.
2. Number of passengers on board exceeds maximum number of
3. A recreational fishery license has not been obtained.
4. The crew members and pilot do not have the certificate or
license as required by Article 12, paragraph 1 and 2.
5. Failure to install qualified lifesaving, fire fighting and
telecommunication equipments as required.
6. Manning of the vessel does not comply with Article 13.
7. Failure to install an ALC on board in accordance with
Article 14.
8. Failure to transmit vessel positions to local radio station
or maintain telecommunication equipment functional in accordance
with Article 15, sub-paragraph 6.
9. Failure to obtain insurance in accordance with Article 18 or
The competent authority of the central government may commission the
relevant authorities of Coast Guard Administration to enforce
inspections and prompt prohibition referred to in each sub-paragraph
of the preceding paragraph.

Article 25
These Regulations shall enter into force on the date of

Data Source:MONISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Laws and Regulations Retrieving System