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Title: Regulations on Permission for the Export of Fishing Vessels Ch
Date: 2012.12.06
Legislative: 1. A total of 12 Articles of these Regulations promulgated on 29
June 2005 by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan under
the Order No. Nung-Sou-Yu-Tzu 0941331400.
2. Article 2-1, Article 3 and Article 8 of these Regulations
amended on 17 May 2007 by the Council of Agriculture, Executive
Yuan under the Order. No. Nung-Yu-Tzu 0961331258.
3. Article 8 and Article 11 of these Regulations amended on 6
December 2012 by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
under the Order. No. Nung-Yu-Tzu 1011332174.
Content: Article 1
These Regulations are established pursuant to Article 8, paragraph 3 of the
Fisheries Act.

Article 2
Any person who intends to export a fishing vessel flying the flag of the
Republic of China (thereinafter referred to as “ROC fishing vessel”) shall
fill in an application form (format as shown in Appendix 1) and submit along
with the following documents, through the government of the municipality or
county (city) where the fishing vessel is registered, to the central competent
authority for permission and the export certificate, and such export shall
take place only after the issuance of the export certificate.
1. The original and a copy of the fishing license of the fishing vessel, and
  the original of the fuel allocation handbook.
2. Two copies of the certificate of the nationality of the fishing vessel or
  the fishing license of small craft.
3. Two copies of the contract for the sale and purchase of the vessel.
4. The original and a copy of a document proving the registration of the
  fishing vessel has been accepted by the new flag State, which shall be
  certified or attested by a relevant embassy, consulate, or representative
  office of the Republic of China, or any other institution authorized by the
   Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the ROC (thereinafter referred to as ROC
  diplomatic missions).
5. The original and a copy of a document issued by the competent fisheries
  authority of the new flag State stating its consent to take over
  responsibility for managing the fishing vessel and to comply with the
  management measures adopted by relevant regional fisheries management
  organizations, which shall be certified or attested by the relevant ROC
  diplomatic mission.
6. For the application for the export of a tuna purse seiner, the original of
  a document certified by the relevant regional fisheries management
  organization or the new flag State proving that another tuna purse seiner
  has been replaced in advance. Such document shall contain the information
  on the nationality, gross tonnage, regional registration number and other
  required information.
In the event that a fish carrier vessel is exported to be used as a cargo
ship, the documents referred to in Sub-paragraph 5 of the preceding Paragraph
shall be exempted.

Article 2-1
Any shipyard which intends to take an order for building fishing vessel(s) to
be exported shall submit the following documents to the central competent
authority for permission, and the central competent authority will consult
with the competent fisheries authority of the country where the fishing vessel
is planned to be exported.
1. A document proving that the country where the fishing vessel(s) planned to
  be exported has approved the ship building, which contains the following
(1) Number of fishing vessel(s) to be built, the gross tonnage and the length
    of each vessel.
(2) Fishery type of the fishing vessel(s).
(3) Intended operating area of the fishing vessel(s).
2. A document describing the fisheries management system of the country where
the fishing vessel(s) planned to be exported, including the information on its institutional framework, staff allocation, budget, fisheries regulations,
allocation of fishing quota and control over fishing capacity.
3. Composition of investment from the fishery operator and relevant investors.

Article 3
Before building a fishing vessel intended for export, the shipyard shall fill 
in an application form (format as shown in Appendix 2) and submit along with
the following documents to the central competent authority for permission.
1. Two copies of the technical drawings (including the specification of hull,
  general layout, cross-sectional drawing and line chart) and the building
  manual of the fishing vessel.
2. A relevant document proving that a purchase order has been placed by the
  buyer for building the fishing vessel.
A fishing vessel obtained building permit pursuant to the preceding Paragraph
shall be built as completion and its export certificate shall be applied
within two years after the permission granted. In case of failing such
completion within the prescribed time limit, a re-application shall be made,
enclosed with the original building permit and the documents as stipulated in
the preceding Paragraph.

Article 4
Prior to the export of the fishing vessel built in accordance with the
provisions of the preceding Article, the shipyard shall fill in an application
form (format as shown in Appendix 3) and submit along with the following
documents to the central competent authority for the export certificate. And
such export may take place only after the issuance of the export certificate.
1. Two photos of the fishing vessel from both starboard and portside, and two
  photos of the fishing gear in part, in the size of five (5) inches multiply
  seven (7) inches, together with their digital files.
2. The original and a copy of the document proving the registration of the
  fishing vessel has been accepted by the flag State or the certificate of
  nationality of the fishing vessel, which shall be certified or attested by
  the relevant ROC diplomatic mission.
3. The original and a copy of the fishing license issued by the flag State,
  which shall be certified or attested by the relevant ROC diplomatic mission.
4. A copy of the vessel building permit issued by the central competent

Article 5
Where any of the documents required to be submitted as referred to in Article 2
to Article 4 is not written in Chinese or English, a Chinese translation
certified by a competent court or notary public shall also be submitted with
such documents.

Article 6
For the purpose of verifying the authenticity of the documents submitted by the
applicant, the competent authority may request the relevant ROC diplomatic
missions, countries or regional fisheries management organizations for
assistance in verification.

Article 7
In the examination of any application referred to as in Article 4, the central
competent authority may send or commission the government of the municipality
or county (city) to send personnel to board and inspect the fishing vessel.

Article 8
In the event of any of the following situations, the vessel building permit
shall be denied:
1. Applying with any false document.
2. The country where the fishing vessel is planned to be exported refuses to
  consult with the ROC.    
3. After consultation, the information provided by the country where the
  fishing vessel is planned to be exported is inconsistent with the
  information submitted by the shipyard.
4. The fishing vessel to be built for export may be in contravention of the
  resolutions adopted by the relevant regional fisheries management
5. The country where the fishing vessel is planned to be exported fails to
  exercise control over fishing operations of its fishing vessels, or does
  not have robust fisheries regulations or management system in place.
6. In the case that the operator of the fishing vessel to be built for export
  is a ROC national, the country where the fishing vessel is planned to be
  exported refuses to commit to providing the operational data of the vessel
  in the future.
7. The country where the fishing vessel is planned to be exported has been
  prohibited or restricted from importing fishing vessels by resolutions
  adopted by the regional fisheries management organizations.
8. The country where the fishing vessel is planned to be exported has violated
  the applicable international trade agreements or the principles of fairness
  and reciprocity.
9. The country where the fishing vessel is planned to be exported is not a
  member or cooperating non-member of a regional fisheries management
10. The tuna purse seiner or longline vessel to be built for export has not
  replaced one of equivalent fishing capacity, except that it is listed in
  the fleet development plan approved by the relevant regional fisheries 
  management organization.
11. The tuna purse seiner or longline vessel to be built for export is to
   replace one that has been lost for more than five years.

Article 9
In the event of any of the following situations, the export certificate shall
be denied:
1. Applying with any false document.
2. Construction of the fishing vessel intended for export has not conformed to
  the conditions as approved.
3. The fishing vessel was built without permission after the promulgation of
  these Regulations, or any incident that has not followed the provisions as
  set forth in Article 11, paragraph 1.
4. The export of the ROC fishing vessel is in contravention of relevant
  resolutions for conservation and management adopted by a regional fisheries
  management organization.
5. The country that the ROC fishing vessel to be exported is under sanctions
  imposed by a regional fisheries management organization.
6. The ROC fishing vessel to be exported, which has engaged in full-time or
  part-time driftnet fishing, has not been dismantled of its equipments for
  driftnet fishing.
After the issuance of the export certificate, in case that any of the events
as referred to in Sub-paragraph 1, 2 or 6 of the preceding Paragraph is found,
the central competent authority may revoke or abolish the export certificate.

Article 10
The export certificate issued pursuant to these Regulations is valid for
thirty (30) days from the date of its issuance. In case of failure to export
the fishing vessel within the validity period, re-application shall be made
enclosed with the original export certificate.
In the event that the export certificate is lost or damaged prior to customs
clearance, the application for voidance and reissuance shall be made.

Article 11 (deleted)

Article 12
These Regulations shall enter into force on the date of promulgation.
Data Source:MONISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Laws and Regulations Retrieving System